California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 39, Number 20, 31 July 1873 — Page 159 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

FORTIETH VOLUME OF THE F AEMEE. Our Fortieth Voloki of tbe Fabuib win commence in a tew week), and we invite our friendi to tend us tbeir names and Fot'R Dollaus aud we will send tbem tbe Fauucb for tba balance of the pretenl Volume, aod tbe following; year also. We trust we sball bave a liberal addition to our Subscription Lilt, for our Fobtibtb Volcks as a cbeering stimulus in our long continued labors for Agriculture. The Pioneer Herald OF AGRICULTURE JSstablifajlied f — .*5 1. THE Only Mricultural Paper IBf CALIFORNIA, Deftta) I E&ciUßlvelj TO THIS ORE; T INTEREST OF THE STATE 1873& '74. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR OCR TWENTIETH TEAR! Great Reduotiou FOR THE "California farmer." FOR VOLUME FORTY, TERMS FOR 1673 & '74: Tbe follavTlnB: are our Terms for the FARMER: Single Copies.... fa.OO Sil Copies _ JO.OO Ten Copies „ 35.01 Twenty Copies _ 63.00 Fifty Copies „ 150.00 17 lie Oalitornia Farmer HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED TWENTY YEARS, C.-cuiates a r toe wno.e coast, in every par of the Cnitei States acd largely ia Europe, aud South America. AGENTS WANTED. LIBERAL RATES FOR GOOD RELIABLE EDUCATED MEN AS TRAVELING AGENTS' THE CALIFOFNIA FARMER. A GRAND ADVERTISING MEDIUM. CITY SUBSCRIBERS Ftfg DOLLARS PER I'EAR DELIVERED AT THEIR RESIDENCES BY CITY CARRIERS. OVERLAND MONTHLY We bave made arrangements with John H. Carmany A Co , publishers of the Oviblabd Mo»tb> IT, by which we are enabled lo furnish said magasine in connection with this pater, for the sum of $7 par annum tor both publications. Send in your names. Subsoribe >ow. WARREN & CO.! Editors and Publishers. atu Clay ft Baa Fraaoiseo.