California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 40, Number 24, 23 April 1874 — OUR FRUIT FOR THE EAST. [ARTICLE]


Our large Fruit Growers are now making their oalculationa to ship large quantities of Fruit to New York, Boston, Phladelphta, aad Baltimore.

We are glad to know that the ratea of freight per Car Load will remain at laat year'a rate. Oar Fruit Kaisers are indebted to the earnest exertion of the Central Pacific Railroad, and Mr. Stubbi, or preventing the Union Pacific Road from raise Ing the ratea $'-'00 per Car as they planned to do.

We know tbat the Uenlral Pacific Managers will do all in their power to make the freight of our own products as low as possible, tt ia tbe Union Road not the Central tbat cauees the high rate, and we hope our ahippers wiil give due credit to Mr. Stnbba and our Road for wbat th* have done in thia matter.