California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 40, Number 24, 23 April 1874 — Page 191 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

thi: CALIFOKIV lA. F" A. 11 M X R . 0«r Fohtikth Volubi of the Fsb.ib commeoce with tbis issue and we incite out friends to send us tbeir names and Foou Doilabs and we will send them tbe FiKttsa for tbe balance of thxe year snd the following tear also thus giving them over fifteen months for ooe year, making it tbe Bes and Coeapest Journal on tbi- Coast. mil we iball have a liberal addition to oar label I Iptioo Li.-t, for our Kubtiitb Volumi as a cheering llliiiatai ia our long continued labors for Agriculture, now Twenty Yeetn. The Pioneer Herald OF A(i KIO U JLT UHE, THB Only Aizricultural Paper lIV CALIFORtViA, Devoted Kiriuxit*!) TO THIS ORBAT IMTKRBST UF .Mi, tOB TUB "California Farmera** FUR VOLUME FORTY, Over |i> Month,, r .»r F.. J: :>, le TERMS FOR 187 3 & Tue follow Int? are our Tc wJ n»j« lor tbe FAKMKR : Single C0pie1..„..,. Jt.Ot) S ' l Co r"« Z 2o!oO Ten Copies „ M-0C Twenty Copies ga.aj feu/ m .OC r JL lie Oalltorx&ia Jfc-'aivner HAS ULLH KSIAKLiaHED TWENTY YEARS, Ci.-ouiates orer the wnoie ooast, tv every par of the United States acd largely tl Europe, Mexico and South America. ASSMTS WANTED. LIBERAL RATES FOR GOOD RELIABLE KDCCATKI) MEN AS TRAVELING AOESTS: THE CALIFUFWIA FARMEfI, A GRAND advertising medicm. CITY SUBSCRIBERS FIVE BOLL AM* FEE XEAE DELIVERED AT THEIR RESIDENCES BY CITY CARRIERS. Subaorlbe Now a WARREN & CO.. atslittw. aud I'ubliihera. 3IU Clay 8t San Fraoostfe.'. ITAiVDiVLIj'S Gil EAT SHEEP BOOK RANDALL'.i .SK A EDITION 0F "The Practical Shepherd" v.l ree-iiveilla'.quantities. Every i-hte -raiser ia ihe ttate thoilj havt|a|tjory Price at lb Faroaeljiiflae, HA I ty Mall or Bi p ess, charf*■ i>aad, M e**bJ. ftuu,..raera io .be larraar n A AKk,:s .A> •.