California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 41, Number 17, 19 November 1874 — Page 138 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Agents Wanted FOR THIS Farmers' Account Book. The most valuab'e book that t Farmer nan have and ace. No builnew man, no matter what tin cJiaraoter o' hli business may be, or how much or how little he may do, oae axnjdu hia affaire properly or control them witnout keeping a eyatemmlc ana correct account of everything coaneolei with them. Thla book contains a complete system of atl necessary «a counts and mamorandama, in tntbaok, which are required by Farmers, and .or any one who doei not keep strict accounts thla beck will be Worth Twenty ira Cost every year It Is used.~Ona hundred dollars per month can be made selling this book} Farmers, School Teachers and energetic young man and and Women wanted as Agents. WANTED AGENTS For our great pictorial work, just Issued, nailed A LA CALIFORNIA, —OB— SKETCHES OF LIFE IN THE GOLDEN tjTATB. Br thb Lath Col. Albibt B. Evans. A beautiful Octavo, Splendid y Illustrated, Vivid Pen Paintings ol life in California, etc., etc, AGENTS ALSO WANTED FOR THK "MANUAL OF AMERICAN IDEAS." A most valuable work for every Amerioan Citistn, Ootavo, 358 pagos. Send for terms upon these rapid selling books. A.. L<. Bancroft «V Co., SAN FRANCISCO, UAL. Samples of the FARMERS' ACCOUNT BOOK can he seen, examined and purchased at the OALiroesrlA FAaatsa < >«.-■>. 41.1S WALTAR BROWN & SON. WOOL Commission Mercnant, 86 and »® farlc Place, 31 and 33 Barcay street, NEW YORK Oortsignsaents Solicited, and advaneaa made if re ff** «*lv THE OCCIDENTAL O-raiii Warehouse, ALSO THE CALIFORNIA AND THE RAILROAD WAREHOUSES. FIRST AND TOWNSBND STRBKTS. (P. M. S. S. Cot Dock,) SAN FPtATSJ-OISCJO. CHAS, CLAYTON & CO.. Proprietors. GRAIN AND MERCHANDISE STORED AT CURRENT RATKS, INSURANCE AND ADVANCES NBOCTI ATED. Having Track eonneetion with the Railroads, and deep wster Vharf asoomodatlon, Ship and Car are thus brought together. Orain received from Cars of C. P. and 8. P. R. R. and also from Ooodall, Nelson A Perk in-' line of Steamers, free of extra expense. Application for Storage or advances oan bs made at the office, N. E. corner Front and Clay Sis., or at tha Warehouse. 41.8 H. B. HOBSON, Manager. ;or .A. ngo r a O- oats. Havrng been eniraged many ye*ra m tha IsIFOaTATtoB and Basaoiaa ol thit claee or anitnais we are always prepared to offer Id Purchaeere the eery nrst-class ol O ma, with a (Soabantkb of their lining Thorotignbrede, and from the very h'uhoit type of these be eutiful enlmele. It Is now evident tbat the Raielo < aid Breading ol Caahanare Ooats will baa profitable enterpriee, a. the fleioe now lands a ready market In Maw York and Europe at a good paying prioe. Our experience ehowe ue we can rales Qoate at kieexpeaee than Sheep, while they are more proline, and their fleece brtnge a higher price Purchasers of theee animali will find we have tbe largest and beat bead of Cashmeres oo this Coast, and we eau euppiv orders on tha beat ter ne at the lowest rates muoh leee thai they can be Imported for. Address ua at Hollteter. BUTTERFIELD & SON. (L B. Purchaeere can learn all parllealare of our Ooats, quality, price, Ac., at FaasSßa Oface where Orders will be received. 550,000. FtrtT Thodsabd Dollabs ready to be ad» vanoed on Oam, Wool and Wiss, in tbe Safest and Bast Warehouses iv Rate of I terest 1 per cent. Apply to Editob Fabhib.