California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 45, Number 4, 20 April 1876 — The Rains—The Rains. [ARTICLE]

The Rains—The Rains.

Could our Farmers ask for anything better in the |plans Nature has adopted in her system of Irrigation the present year*

We have met many of our Farmers of late who have said to us earnestly when speaking of tho abundant ami repeated rains all through the season : " Why, we could not ask anything better if we had planned it ourself."

We are glad to find so many of our Farmers that bsgin to realize,that they have this year lieen particularly blessed, and are now ready to acknowledge it, we feel sure, as we have said before, we shall have more rain still —some nice April showers.

The late rains have been of a peculiar character, coming at almost regular stated times so as to soften the earth as it hardens; never before have wt bad such rains, and if a few early haymakers meet with a trilling loss, the greater amount of good done to our grain, fruit and farm crops will make up a thousand fold.

We may also look for heavy April showers MTV* | oral times in the present month, for all the signs in the animal and vegetable kingdom goes to show I more rain this month.