California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 45, Number 16, 7 September 1876 — AN INVALID. [ARTICLE]


She earac from Detroit, Michigan, aud lier great pride was being au invalid. Slio lost no opportunity in stating that she came to Minnesota to recuperate. She did not hesitate to enter into a conversation with any person she came in contact with, giving advice, climatologieal or physiological, to invalids, and seeking the same from those of robust constitution. Her conversation was always prefaced with the introductory inquiry, so common to visitors, "Did you come here for your health ?" She thus addrcssc 1 a stalwart, ruddy-visaged youuginan at the dinner-table of the "Mctroimlitan"! few days since, and the following dialogue ensued : "Yes, madam, I came here probably the weakest person you ever saw. I had no use of my limbo—in fact, my bones were but little tougher than cartilages. I had no intelligent control of a single muscle, nor the use of a single faculty." "Great heavens !" exclaimed the astonished auditor, "And you lived!" "I did, madam, although I was devoid of sight, was absolutely toothless, unable to articulate a single won!, and dependent upon others for every thing,, being completely deprived of all power to help myself. I commenced to gain immediately upon my arrival, and have scarcely experienced a sick day since; hence I can conscientiously recomuiond the climate."

"A wonderful caae I" said the lady. "But do you thiuk your lungs were affected ?" "They were probably sound but possessed of so little vitality that but for the most careful nursing they must have ceased their functions." "I hope you found kind friends, sir 1" "Indeed I did, mandam; it ll to them and tho pure air of Minnesota that I owe my life. My father's family were with me, but unfortunately my mother was prostrated with a severe illness during the time of my greatest prostration." "How sad I Pray, what was your diet and treatment?"

"My diet was the simplest possible, consisting only of milk, that being the only food my system would bear. As for treatment, I depended entirely on the life-giving properties of Minnesota air, and took no medicine except an occasiual light narcotio when very restless. My improvement dated from my arrival. My limbs soon became strong, My tight and voice came to mo slowly, and a full set of leeth, regular and firm, appeared." "Remarkable ! Miraculous! Surely, sir, yon tnuat have been greatly reduced itt'nVsh f "Madam, I. weighed but nine pounds. I was torn in Minnesota, flood day."