California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 46, Number 9, 5 April 1877 — Page 69 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

j,bw adv i :k'i ihi;m urMTW. Fertilizer Company!, | 1 ■ «X - ■ ANDREW H. WARD, Treasurer, ,„ OFFICE: 248 Washington Street, Boston. P. 0. BOX, 3,486. —rtiiiiiw n— Agricultural Chemicals and minerals. MANUFACTURERS OF WARD'S SEED PREPARATION. Prevents Smut and Rust and will increase the drain. Corn and Cotton Crops twenty Aye per cent., and is applicable to all other seeds. Sutfleient for one Acre sent by Mail for 50 cents. WARD'S PREPARATION for POTATOES. Incrwse the Yield and Prevents the Rot. Sutti, ient for one bushel Seed sent by Mail for M cents. WARD'S FERTILIZER fok HOUSE PLANTS (Concentrated.) Odorless. Enough for One Hundred Plants sent by Mail far 10 cents. WARD'S INSECTICIDE. (Not Poisonous.) For tbe destruction of Insects and Vermin no Plants Fowls and Animals. Enough to make Four Oalluns seat by Mail Ist 25 cents. ali the above most valuable preparations can now be found Wholesale and Retail at tbe California Farmer Dice, 320 Clay Street, SAN FRANCISCO. Warren *Sc Co., SOLE AGENTS FOR CALIFORNIA. MCE MB MULES! KENTUCKY JACKS A.TV 13 MULES, A LA ROE IMPORTATION OF THE STOCK OF THE very best Pedigree from Kentucky wilt arrive in this State for Exhibition and Sale during the mouth of March. These animals are imported 4 by the owner, W. J. L\le, of Diiiville, Kentucky, and will be MJKBTsOf Is) an\ animals of the kind ever yet Imported. They are all Prbmick Jacks of the State -one of these Jacks has been exhibited at all tbe best Fairs, and has wen .IM tirst Premiums. Every one of these Jacks are nf tbe Item Pkdiukkk and are the finest animals in every way iv all Kentucky, a State that has debited more time, money, and care iv raising Jacks than all the other States of the I'niun. These Jacks have pro\ed themselves the very best of Breeders, as Mules got by them out of ordinary Mares will average Mi hands high, animals that have sold at #6i» and vfciOO each. Theae animals will be wortb> special notice of Breeders from all parts <>f the Pacific Coast. Mr. Lyle v*ill have his Stock in this City M Exhibition aoout the a 2t>th to the -''th uf March, they can Ih- seen a t tbe I ST'M'K YtlUm Ol Messrs, 1.1.-OD \ RouKK*. eorihT 'Hh Street, Junction of Ha.tes Vallc} and Market Street, lb. best itock yard of our City, where purchasers can examine them. Mr. Lyle anticipates bringing on also, a line lot of Shorten Cattle of high pedigree also, ltKßttsiiikk Swlnk and tv.KJ.Tt < cv Mkri.ho Siikkp. all of tbe \ery best stock. It is the plan of Mr. Lyle to bring only the vmv hkmt >rocK of each kind, and only thu bent, such aa eau be Cuar..nteed to be smb. Cataloui is ha\ing Ft ll Pkuiohkm of all the animals w ill W ready for the examination of all alio desire to secure this wlikh the Im|>ortur in confident will be the hxk*t lot >r STOCK of this kind KVKK \ til IUI'OKIED INTO (*ALIr*oKMA. Mr. L>lc will ha\e lv addition to the Pedigrees of this ssMh Ui arastkk Ckrtihi'atks frt»ni the Of in res or tub Utsr Isstiti tions ir Till Staie, giving strong proof of ths reliability of Mr. Lyle as a Stock tlie excellence <>f his stock. After a suitable time In thi Evininriov or tiiisStock, what is not sold at Private .sale, there will be a Pi lii.n Sale at Iht best given place In our state the time and place of 'due liolieewiM be given. All |arsons who wish Ixioku vtion respecting the number sod i n \r\ltbr, or Pku r. of tMts Ammaw, are inviu-il call M or address the Editor of the Fakmkr, who will cheerfully render sj] information promptly, w, j lyle, sioeii Broeder, Dam'ille« Keniiicl.y AKS WBUUB TO DO IT, that crcrr AitvsrtUrr •houM ha*,- herorc makla| eontrt,eU vlthsr with tbo psptrior through Agenu. It contstoi lUtsof i<s[>«ri, I>rlo«a, oireulailoDi, and much olbvr mstu-r of vilus whlfh vlUmmHms aarf moniy to tbois ■M'klog Inr<>rißktloß about, or msktnf cimtr**(s t»r .N>»ip»wr Advortlilnt. Bead ■4«lr«w oa postal ear<l, soa One ■ 1- . - * . * wt 44.7