California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 47, Number 15, 3 January 1878 — Page 120 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

|1854.| |1878.| o o o o HAS CONTINUED AND COMPLETED Twenty-Four Years It wfl always be our aim to furnish the MM useful data for the practical Agriculturist, and to present to them all tho most important practical result., obtained from authentic sources, iv our own State and abroad. To present the latest and most important facts from our sister States and Europe, touching Agriculture jfi all its branches. To furnish familiar illustrations of various Agricultural Implements, together with remarks explanatory of their character and usefulness. To furnish cmpieU Grain Tables and Market Report*, and other data connected therewith. General and Critical Notice* of tho varion* Agricultural and Horticultural Societies ol our country and of Europe, sufficient to guide our Cultivators, and to keep them advised of the progress ol the Science. A portion of the JuoanaL will be devoted U> SsxacT LutjiiTUes- the aim ol which will be to exhibit the purifying influences which flow from the pursuits of Agriculture, Horticulture, and the pursuit* of rural life That kind of Literature which tends to a morbid excitability of the mind - which superinduces a species of sickly sentimentality, and degrades instead of elevates the character of man as well a> Politics and Sectarianism, asd all improper and impure adtertitemet*, will be rigidly excluded from its pages: our aim lieing to cultivate a love f»r, and an interest, in those useful Sciences which must «ver add to the happiness of mankind. WITH OUR " NEW YEAR" WE TRUST WE SHALL have a liberal addition to our Subscription List from the LIBERAL MINDED to our Journal, a* a cheering stimulus fur our long continued labors for AGRICULTURE, now entering upon our TWENTY-FIFTH Year. THIS PIONEER lIHU'.ALL - or - AGRICULTURE Was Established in 1854, - AND 18 THK— Only Agricultural Paper I>T CALIFORNIA,, DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO THIS GREAT INTEREST OF THE FARMER The California Farmer —It A GRAND Advertising Medium It circulates over the whole Coast, In the leading Cities and business mart* of the United States, and al*o in Europe, Mexico and South America. The California Farmkr as a Journal for the "Farmers Family will always be found FREE from IMPURE ADVERTISEMENTS and Dcbasiko Article* so generally sent forth by the Press. No quack Medicines, Lottery Schemes, or Gambling Stocks or Enterprises, will ever appear in our column*. We aim to st'iLD up and laraovs, not to War down or destroy social life Ivy heralding aught that is not "Good, True, and Uoautifut," in Nature or Art Reduced Terms to Clubs. —roa tu* -roaYEAR OF 1878 "Wltli Sci-d l'i< inluins. Single Copies, ■ - ft 00 Six Copies, ■ - • «0 00 Ten Copies, - - 36 00 Twenty Copies, ... - 66 00 Fißy 'Xipies, - - - 160 00 CITY BUBSCRI3KRB Will have their Papers Delivered at their Resilience or Post Office Box, as they may desire. WARREN & CO., Sole Proprietors. Col. 'Warren Sole aCdltor.