California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 47, Number 21, 14 March 1878 — The Averill Paint Co. [ARTICLE]

The Averill Paint Co.

We take pleasure in calling attention to the valuable paints ami preparations of the Averill Paint Co., in our columns, we know their value from practical tests, and we can add that the very large sales made by this Company at home and abroad is the b;st proof that the public value and appreciate these manufactures, we advise all who need such goods to call at their warehouse :;_".i Market Street, an I examine for themselves.

Cool) Boy wants ,\ Home. —A Boy, 14 year. of age has a desire to farm, he can be well rei - mended and will prove Voidable to a good, kindhearted Fanner, who will do right by him. Adcross Farmer Ofl ICE, 320 Clay st., for particulars.

Carlysle's Counsel. Wm hoar many sad complaints at tlie long continuance of the rainy weather; low, all pray now for tunthiw— Carlyle counsels all who complain to say, "Cease my aoul, t ease thy complaining, Behind the clouds the sun is shining."