California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 48, Number 6, 27 June 1878 — THE PARIS EXPOSITION. [ARTICLE]


Like all great bodies this Exposition it seems by the reports from Paris is not yet all iv complete order.

The Paris Exposition, like our State and County Pairs, was not ready or in ordei at the opening day, and even now it is not fully in order, additions are constantly made.

Among the notable exhibits there, California comes in for the Great Mineral Kxiiiiut, now under the direction of H. (!. Hanks, Esq., of our City, the display of California's great mines attracts much notice aud great praise—this exhibit is one of the great features of the Exposition.

The niagniliccnt Silver Sett of J. \V. Mackie, Esq., the cost of this magnificent service is reported to be $l' 2. r >,ooo, is another grand display—to these the Agricultural Implements, theHe are grand.

It is gratifying to Americans to know that the exhibition of Agricultural Machinery at the Exposition is so truly splendid.

We are glad tn see the compliments so universal)'paid to these implements, among those most conspicuous are the Reapers, Mowers, Hay Rakes, Plows, etc., of those prominent are thisie from D. M. Osborn & Co., of Auburn, N. V., with their Self Binder—many others highly spoken of; of the Plows, the John Ileere Molihe Plow leads oft'; the Threshers of Messrs. Case & Co., of Racine, Wisconsin ; the exhibits of Warden, Mitchell & Co., of Chicago, is one of high merit, and the Reapers of Walter A. Wood tt Coo. are attaining fame—but we shall soon have a special report from our Paris correspondent, w hcu we .'an do more justice to the Exposition.