California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 48, Number 6, 27 June 1878 — IMPORTANT ITEMS TO NOTE. [ARTICLE]


(iooi> Paint.—Tlit; present season ami the ap proachiug hut weather will test t. the satisfaction of all the purchasers uf that excellent l'aint uf the "Avcrill l'aint Co. " that it is the best and most durable l'aint that can lie used, especially upon all buildings exposed to the weather.

Swkkt & BOOM, —Thefamed ".Vovato Kanch" in Marin County, the property of Messrs. Sweetzer A lie Long, one of the finest Fruit rahches of our State are furnishing to the trade the liost &W9i t Cider ami the purest and best Yiwsgar of our JState—this linn are the largest manufacturers of

these two articles of Sweet and Sour made on the Pacific Coast.

I'm rr Paikinu and Phkskkvinh. —This is the season of packing aud preserving our Summer fruits, which are now being thus cared for on a large scale, by the thousands of bushels weekly.

The new tirm of C. .1. King of Wm. A Co., are now doing a large business in fruit, their brand of iinits are widely and favorably known the world over, for now "California Preserved Fruits" are fast stopping all importations of foreign manufactures, antl simply because they aro much fresher and better.

At a Su inlay school a teacher asked a little boy if he knew what the expression "sowing tares" meant. " Courth I do," said he, pulling a part of his trousers around in front " There's a tear my ma sewed; I teared it when I was sliding down hilL "

A plow manufactory at South Bend, Ind , turns out from 60,000 to 75,000 plows annually. Tbe establishment employs 500 men.