California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 48, Number 7, 4 July 1878 — Page 50 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MM I HUE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MUSIC DEALERS, COIINER KEARNY AND SUTTER STS., Stan Francisco. ffEEEBFUIIOS ARE .... THE IBIEST. What the Great Musicians and Singers say of them. NEILLSON. I shall take even- opportunity to recommend and praise yonr instruments. KELLOGG. For the last six years your Piaims have l>een my choice (or the Concert Koom, and my own house. PATTI. I have used the Pianos of even* celehrated maker, but give yours the preference over all. STRAUSS. Yi>ur Pianos astonish me; I assure you I have never yet seen any Pianos which equal yours.. WEHLI. Madairie Parspa called your Pianos the finest in tho United States. I " fully endorse," that opinion. They have no " rival anywhere." MILLS. Amongst the many excellent Pianos made in the city, the Weber ranks foremost. LUCCA. Your Uprights are extraordinary instruments and deserve great success. MURSKA. Your instruments surpass my expectations, aud 1 rank you justly as the Foremost Manufacturer of the day. GODDARD. Your Instruments have M "superior" anywhere. I certainly have not seen any Pianos in America which approach them even. Is 7 Octave. Serpentine Mouldings, Carved Legs, and is the BEST PIANO in the market for the price. $350.00. Has a Beautiful Case, full, rich tune, and for durabihtj Excels all Others I FOR Sheet Music, Music Books, OR ANY ARTICLE IN THE MUSIC TRADE, CALL UN, OR ADDRESS, shieielim: & hydb, CORNiSR KEARNY AND SUTTER STS., 44:21 SAN FRANCISCO. 9 9 ORANGE AND LEMON TREES! The opening season is very propitious now for planting ell kinds of Semi-Tropical Fruits. LARGE AND FINE TREES OF ORANGE, POMEGRANATE, LEMON, OLIVE, LIME, DATE PLUM, And ill other choice aud valuable trees can be had at the Farmer Office, 320 CLAY STREET. 4Sii9 f/'fr WH. SASTUSa. HKSRT simball. Bartling & Kimball, BOOK-BINDERS, PAPER RULERS AND MANUFACTRUERS —or— BLANK BOOKS. 505 Olav Street, S. W, corner Sansome, Hun Frnnelsoo. 45 15 If fed with W.inn's HOUSE PLANTS 11: i.' p k Enough for • m« hundred plants WILL BLOSSOM 2,\:trS Send for Circulars. MAN IT ACt l< RED AMD FOR SALE BY WARD'S FERTILIZING CO., OFFICE, M SOUTH MARKET BT,. p. o. Box mm. Iloaton, Bloats. 47: *S tt New >1 «;i<»ii Seeds! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN INVOICE OF CHOICE Melon Seeds, vis: WATER MELON, .... Glpsey. "... " .... Phinueys. MUSK MELON, .... Caeaba. " ... Prolific Nutmeg. HATHAWAY s EXCKLBIOB MB TROPHY TO M A TOES. CALIFORNIA FARMER OFFICE.