California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 49, Number 4, 6 March 1879 — A Speculative Era. [ARTICLE]

A Speculative Era.

Tho preaent ia emphatically au era of speculation. Profeaaiouala, merchants and mechanica are all alike drawn into the vortex of wild speculation; for the wilder it is and the more rapid its changes, the greater its allurrmeuts. Even some Reverends cannot escpe the coutagiou, hut take their chances, with the commou herd, to make a fortune or be ruined in a day.

The Stat* of California is 700 miles long with an average width of 220 milea, making an aggregate area of 98,634,240 acres. Of this amount, 65,000,---000 are adapted to agriculture, 15,000,000 to grazing, 4,000,000 are swamp aud overflowed land, and 14,034,240 are lakes, bays and precipitous mountains. The Federal < iovernmcnt has granted to the State 10,782,160 acres of public lauds.

Excuae yotiraelf for not liaving called since laat New Year'a day; any well-framed, graceful lie will do.

Iv complimenting the young ladiea on their rosy cheeks, don't ask where they bought it.

A Florida negro haa discovered that tigs, melons, and oranges fed to a pig make no better pork than potato-peeling and wrinkled ears of corn.

Mr. Simma aaya if it wasn't for the hole iv the hoop you oouldn't put it ou the barrel, and the barrel would burst.

A correspondent (unmarried) auggests that Solomon'a wisdom was due to the fact that he had 700 wives, whom he consulted on all occasions.