California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 49, Number 5, 20 March 1879 — WHERE'S THE MONEY IN IT? [ARTICLE]


The words we quote above can often be heard used whenever anything is said about startiug MM Enterprise!) of any kind, or lifting a helping hand for the MANrFAt rnKiNo Interests or any plan whereby the true industrial interests of our State could be awakened to a more prosperous condition and made to occupy the true place that such interests should occupy in the minds of our capitalists ami business men, in a State of such wonderful resources iv soil, climate aud great vat* ural capacities.

If our bankers and capitalists would go over our City, anil count the thousands of stores and dwellings marked "To Let" they would certainly see that there are more houses and stores than the population needs, and if asked to erect more buildings they Would ask Where's thr moiieu in it!

The fact is self-evident, there are more buildings now than we have people to occupy them, and tiie only remedy now is, the people must go from the City !■> tlo country; a change is needed.

Thousands and we might say, tens of thousands of people living in this City -(no ! staytny, not living,) should go into the country and instead of being AMMMMer* only or living upon their wits -go into the country and become producers, and thus raise or manufacture something that would support them and their families, and thus help build up a genuine prosperity for all.

We need more Produces and to m ike a change we must empty our cities iuto the country, there are utilliiois of acres of laud that needs to be cultivated, aud produce will always sell, ilrain. Fruit, Vegetables, Poultry, Eggs, Jl utter and Cheese, these all pay when the business is wisely managed, no one need ask, Where's the monry in it !

Industry and economy, close application; these will give a health uot enjoyed in the City, especially in doing nothing, as thousands iv our City are ao hard at work at now —for such a life of idleness as is seen on Pine and Montgomery streets every day we often ask, Where's the money in it?