Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume I, Number 4, 28 June 1912 — Polo Tournament [ARTICLE]

Polo Tournament

An attractive feature of the many amusements that are planned for thh summer season here is a water polo tournament. Plans are already under way for the event which will occur the tfirst part of July with four teams participating. The Coronado Country Club has donated a handsome $lOO cup for the winning team. It must be won, however, by the same team four successive times, meaning four seasons of play, before it becomes the permanent property of the winner. Four smaller cups are also given by the country club, to go to the winners of the season’s tourney. The principal trophy, surrounded by the four smaller cups, is at present on exhibition in the lobby of the Hotel del Coronado. Manager H. W. Wills of that hostelry, and Major Colon G. Ross, of the country club, are the enthusiasts instrumental in the endeavor to enterest the public in the pastime here. A course on the bay will probably be staked out in from of the pavilion, the plan to have the games take place in the swimming pool of the Hotel del Coronado having practically been abandoned. In the event the bay is too rough, however, some of the games may take place there. All candidates for water polo team of Tent City, for the season of 1912, should apply at once for places on the team to Eugene Estoppey at swimming pool of Tent City. Games will be arranged for the season with outside teams such as Venice, Long Beach, Redondo, Santa Monica and other towns. The sport is becoming very popular in Southern California at the present moment and ought to prove a streneous as well as an interesting pastime during the season.