Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume I, Number 15, 13 September 1912 — A Fine Battery of Teeth. [ARTICLE]

A Fine Battery of Teeth.

The animal having the most teeth is *he great armadillo of south Central and northern South America. It is a fact well known to most people that the normal’or average number of teeth in mammals is thirty-two —sixteen above and the same number below The great armadillo, however, is an ex ceptiou. having from 92 to 100. He has from twenty-four to twenty-six In each side of the upper .law and from twentytwo to twenty-four in each side of the lower jaw. Another peculiarity lies in the fact that they are all molars or grinders. They Increase in size from front to back, instead of from the root and are wholly destitute of enamel.