Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume 5, Number 22, 14 October 1916 — SUN SJLENT ON ASSESSMENTS [ARTICLE]


Editor. The Coronado Strand —I see by the papers that the board of supervisors has been cutting down assessments again and I watched the San Diego Sun, the champion of the working man, for many days in vain to learn if the supervisors were right in doing so. Today I have been enlightened on the subject of the Sun’s silence. It seems that the Fanita ranch which Scripps, the owner of the Sun. owns, was one of the pieces of property that b&nefitted by the reduction in the assessments. Consequently, the shoe is on the other foot and the Sun, the champion of the working man, cannot get up its bind legs and howl about the iniquitous reduction, the favoring of the rich at the expense of the poor, the granting of a special privilege which is denied the working man and all the rest of that tommyrot. If I have been rightly informed the Fanita ranch was assessed for $€5,000 and when a protest was made at the instance of Scripps the assessment was cut in half. Pretty good work —for Scripps. He wont have to pay so much in taxes on the ranch now. Some one, of course, will have to pay the difference and we would like the champion of the working man to tell the . working man Just who will pay that difference in taxes. Supposing, for the sake of a little argument, if you will grant me the space, it had been some other fellow who got the reduction in assessment. Do you think the Sun would have kept the working man in profound ignorance of the fact? Not by a jugful. It would have come out with its usual hysterical shriek and proclaimed the action of the supervisors on a par with the original sin and far more blasting. But when the owner of the paper gets it, of course the working man must not be told for then he might be suspicious about the wealth of Scripps and the sincerity of his friendship for the working man. A SAN DIEGAN. I \ Fresno County Highway Commission proposes to bond county for $3,600,000 to build 441 miles of highway.