Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume 6, Number 37, 26 January 1918 — NEWS TERSELY TOLD " « Principal Events That Will Interest Our Readers [ARTICLE]

NEWS TERSELY TOLD " « Principal Events That Will Interest Our Readers

The crop of navel oranges in Orange county is short this year. A move is on foot to change the name of Newport) Beach to Port Orange. / George Fulwider, a pioneer resident of East Whittier, died at the family home, aged 81 years. Some needed improvements have been added to the Soldiers’ Home, in Southern California. The total tax charge against the city and county of Los Angeles for 1917, was $21,586,739.54. The Craig Company proposes to build a new shipbuilding plant, costing $1,000,000, at San Diego. The annual convention of the Los yAngeips county Y. M. C. A. will be held this year in Monrovia. The East Hollywood Bed Cross Auxiliary netted $1,650 from their carnival held New Year’s Eve. George Houghton, rancher of Arroyo Grande Valley, has reported that he lost twenty head of hogs by poisoning. A branch chapter of the National Council of Defense was organized at Burbank with fifty-six charter members. Venice will put for sale to the highest bidder the franchise operating the electric tram cars on the ocean, front. Two new Y. M. C. A. buildings with the attendant amount of athletic equipment will sbon be put in at Camp Kearny. Official figures made public showed that Los Angeles is leading the Pacific Coast in the campaign of Thrift Stamps. The Directors of the Imperial irrigation district have taken a new contract for securing water from Laguna dam. Financial institutions of El Centro have gained in deposits more than a half million dollars, or 30 per cent, in one year. An ordinance prohibiting thq leading of unsecured objects on upper floor window sills is considered by the Los Angeles City Council. The response of twelve national banks in Los Angeles to call from Washington showed that conditions were never so prosperous. At a mass meeting of 200 tax-pay-ing citizens a unaniqious vote was cast for the immediate elimination of German in the schools at Burbank. Business is brisk about the packinghouse of the Sierra Madre-Lamanda Association at Pasadena, and shipments are being forwarded constantly. Southern California railroad representatives responded readily to the government’s plea for assistance ,in unloading and loading cars promptly. Examinations by physicians of class 5 ' men in Los Angeles revealed the fact that few asked exemption for physicial unfitness who were not disabled. District Attorney Woolwine has returned from Washington, where he has been conferring with Herbert Hoover in an effort to solve the sugar beet crisis here. A plan to raise $2OO annually as a scholarship fund to send one graduate a year fronf Santa Monica High School to any college of their selection in the State, is under consideration. City water now going to waste in the Santa Clara River is to be sold to the beet growers in San Fernando Valley at a rate of $3 or $3.50 an acre for a period of thirty days. One thoiuymd five hundred and eighty-seven automobiles, representing an approximate total valuation of $l,109,900, were stolen in and about Los Angeles during the last twelve months. The feature of a recent meeting of Pasadena Lodge, F. and A. M., was the presentation of a beautiful service flag with its twelve well-earned stars to the lodge by one of the Past Masters. Preparation for the new submarine base at San Pedro is fiven by the United States Civil Service Commission as one of the reasons for a call for more men t 6 work in the navy yard service. ‘ Checks have been sent out to the beet growers of Oxnard section, by the American Beet Sugar Company, paying an additional 50 cents a ton on the sugar beets delivered to the fac- ° / tory during the past season. Plans for a closer cooperation of the apiary men of Tulare county in the sale of their honey to the best advantage, was the chief topic of discussion at the annual business meeting of the Tulare County BeO Keepers’ Association, held at Tulare. The proposed trans continental airway from New York ahd Washington to Los Angeles, following the historic Santa Fe trail, will cut into Los Angeles over El Monte boulevard and peach* the city, proper at Lincoln (formerly. Eastlflkel Park.