Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume 9, Number 33, 25 December 1920 — STRANDADS BRING RESULTS [ARTICLE]


LOST—Female fox terrier, black ;..ul white spotted with white chest and short tail. Finder please address Jack Nash, 921 Eye Avenue. Reward. 33-1 tp Proving that Strandads bring results, we tender the above adv., which was turned into this office by Mr. Nash on Wednesday, put into type, and on Thursday morning a lady called up The Strand and said she had a dog, which had come to her house two days before and seemed to like the place, and was there an ad in about it ? We said there was, and told Mr. Nash about it, and he was grateful, .and said he appreciates more than ever the power of advertising in a newspaper. Any reasonable person will admit that a paper must have some “pulling power” when an advertisement will find a lost dog without even being printed, hey? -- —m Very l!est Coffee, 40c. at Brody’s.