Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume XI, Number 5, 10 June 1922 — Claims Championship For Corvina Catching [ARTICLE]

Claims Championship For Corvina Catching

Andy Sandstrom claims that he is the champion corvina catcher in this end of the state. Last Sunday Andy and Charley Chew went down the strand on a fishing excursion, and after they had fished for a couple of hours without tangible results, Andy got sleepy and took a nap on the sand, while Charley kept on fishing. Andy woke up about 8 o’clock, had a snack of lunch and started fishin’ again, and caught eight nice fat corvina in a short time, while Charley caught one. Then they both fished for a couple of hours more without getting a bite, and came back home. Andy brought his fish with him. He says the trouble with most guys who fail to get corvina is that they don’t cast out far enough. He says you have to get your hooks ’way out and drag ’em in slowly across the channel that the fish are swimming in. Andy wades out waist deep in the water, and then throws his line the rest of the way. P. S.—Andy caught eight more corvina on Thursday. S. Lieut, and Mrs. Luckel, who have been living in the Walker home on Adella avenue, have moved to 923 J avenue. Lieut, and Mrs. Tobin, former occupants of 923 J (the Carney house), have left Coronado, as Lieut. Tobin was transferred.