Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume XI, Number 37, 20 January 1923 — Mass Meeting Favors Bond Issue [ARTICLE]

Mass Meeting Favors Bond Issue

A mass meeting was held on Thursday night last in the High School Theatre called by Mr. H. A- Taylor, President of the Civic League for the purpose of discussing the question of the proposed $600,000 road bond issue. The League had invited Mr. E. A. Hornbeck, County Supervisor, to speak on the subject, and a fairly large number of citizens were on hand to listen to him. W. E. Harper, chairman of the board of City Trustees said they were there to get a promise from Mr. Hornbeck that if the bond issue went through the Strand road would be included in the work and head the list of those roads to be paved out of the monies received. In his reply Mr. Hornbeck said he could make no suck promise but that he had the support of three other members of the boarr that the road would be paved on *h present right of way or a new road built. It was their intention to commence on the inland route to the Riverside County line but that did not mean that the Strand road would have to wait until that was completed- He hoped they would be able to get several sections under way at the same timeAfter short speeches by several oi those present Mr. Harper proposed that a vote be taken which with one exception was unanimous in favor of the issue.