Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume XIII, Number 28, 11 November 1924 — War Memorial Viewed. By S. D. Social Leaders [ARTICLE]

War Memorial Viewed. By S. D. Social Leaders

Gnu vi tire' greatest gathering of notables ever seen' cn the Pacif ( . t, were present yesterday at the final inspection of the California Palace cf The Legion or’ Honor, which was opened to the public today- Tin.magnificent memorial, which cost ?2,('C0,000 is the gift of the late Adolph Spreekeh and his widow, Alva do Lietteville Spreckels. Ancr.g the ot! vr notable things obtained In thi magnificent rnemori l_h i.g. t complete p ; pe orgari width ha (-'■ - I. n’t. TIPs great • rgau is ti. ; I'd <-f Jchn D. Spreckels of this city. In the re - fd; ", lire at the evenis , ,1. ■ e; Mrs. Alma dc liii-tu-.iil'd Spreckels and her three cu.' tU-.Mksef Alma and Dorothy and' Ad"lph; her cousins from Mr; . io .Marquis and Marquise d> I;:yut. .le. John I). Spreckels'unci .. . 1! .'O-car de Bretteville.