Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume XIII, Number 29, 18 November 1924 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

WRIGLEYS afterjevery meal Cleanses month and teeth and aids digestion. Relieves that overeaten feeling and acid month. Its l-a-s-t-i-n-g flavor satisfies the craving lor sweets. Wrlgley’s Is doable value In the benefit pleasure' It provides. StmUd in if Parity Pmckagn. •r CM • • She flavor lasts ■ I Bend model or drawl rorexPATENTS Booklet FBHH. ritalU»|tr,«Ufl ORXUMPHREYS REMEDY BEST FOR ami nation. lUgtaeoi Best reanlte. Fromptneee as•u«L W.Uon K^^mja, COLDS’GRIP The Limit „ He—l will love you forever! She —Midnight’s as late as I can alt up I—Judge. DEMAND “BAYER" ASPIRIN Aspirin Marked With "Bayer Croat" Has Been Proved Safe by Million*. Warning I Unless you see the name “Bayer” on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer 'Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 23 years. Say “Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv. Occasionally a man manages to beat a woman in an argument by keeping hla mouth shut. For overnight relief to Inflamed eyes and ■ties use Roman Bye Balsam. Once tried, always preferred. 872 Poarl St.. N. T. Adr. No matter how long a ballet girl remains on the stage she never grows gray In the service. Chapped Heads ft Cracked K—rltUi Rub "Vaseline** Petroleum Jelly oa your hands before working in the cold or wet and you’ll avoid knuckles. For cats, burns, bumps, braises and sores or skin troubles, apply “Vaseline” Jelly liberally. Always safe, soothing and healing. Look far the trade-mark * * Vaulina” am ovary package. It it year prefect ion. Chcscbroagh Mfg. Company Stale Street UW* New York Vaseline RSO. U. S. PAT. OFF. PETROLEUM JELLY r <g>. UNYON’S RAW PAW PILLS For Constipation Aid dilution and promot* activity of liver by helping them to work naturally. “Tim Im Mw—’■ P*wT«ik wbi /for." y— nk Imm Sqdl/ocriw or monry rrfunA*4 Tubs** ror tiopa ‘oWSSa Dickey’s OLD REUABLE Eye Water relieves sun and wind-burned eyes. Doesn't hurt. Genuine in Red Folding; Box. 25c at all druggists or by malL DICKEY DRUG CO., Bristol. Va.-Tenn. Cuticura Talcum Unadulterated Exquisitely Scented mffron^raroojy w.H.HiULCO.,ocrworr. umnM W. N. U., San Francisco, No. 46-1924.