Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume XIII, Number 32, 9 December 1924 — Lowden Unwilling to Succeed Wallace [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Lowden Unwilling to Succeed Wallace

In the Limelight

Frank O. Lowden, former governor of Illinois and a national figure, Is possibly the leader In the nationwide movement to promote co-oper-ative marketing among the farmers. When Secretary of Agriculture Henry C. Wallace died recently and President Coolldge Intimated that he should be glad to hear from the national farm organizations as to the choice of his successor there was a general sentiment In favor of Lowden. He headed off the movement, however, and said; "I am aware that It is often said that there are too many farm organizations. That may be true but I ora sure that there Is not enough real, practical, effective farm organization to put the business of farming upon an equality with other industries in this highly organized world. Farmers have the power within themselves to effect such organizations. If they can he persuaded of the necessity of organization they can now organize Independently of thb Department of Agriculture. “I am convinced that I can be of more service In helping to bring about the more effective organization of farmers outside the Department of Agriculture than X could In the department. For the head of the department must of necessity devote the largest part of his time to administrative routine."