Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume XIII, Number 9, 3 March 1925 — Interesting Doings At Country Club [ARTICLE]

Interesting Doings At Country Club

Over 300 polo ponies are to be quartered in the stables of the clubhouse, during the month of March. Mount* of the San Mateo team arrived on Tuesday last and twenty also arrived on Wednesday from Midwick. A request has also been received asking for stabling accommodations for 84 more from Midwick and other California polo clubs- Usually the Coronado Country Club allots a box stall for each polo pony, but on account of the unusually large number to be here from now until the close of the tournament, nearly all of the 171 box stalls will have to be partitioned off for the accommodation of two ponies each. Games played in the early part or the tournament will be for low-goat players, and from March 11th to 20tn inclusive, the play will be for all high goal players on the Pacific Coast. During the series for the Pacific Coast Circuit Cup Handicap and - for the $4500 Pacific Coast All-American Polo Trophy, sport lovers will have at. opportunity to witness the famous Midwick team which has created such a sensation in the East. The opponents of this team will be Del Monte, Santa Barbara, and San Mateo. Walter Dillingham and H. Castle, two champion polists from the Hawaiian Islands, will apear in the Del Monte line lyj as well as Edgar Baldwin, sob of Capt. F. F. Baldwin of the Hawaiian team which made a clean up m the 1913 tournament at Coronado. Harry Hunt, number 1, will be the fourth man. Another team that has proved its merit in early games of the present polo season is the Santa Barbara, lead by Elmer Boeseke. Boeseke, with Eric Pedley of the Midwiek team, was one of the younger players on trial for the American International polo games. W. (Willie) Tevis, sensational player,- well known and admired for hts excellent horsemanship and all around ability, will have a strong opponent for Midwick and Santa Barbara in his San Mateo outfit. The fields of the Coronado Country Club are at present in excellent condition. The major trophies which will be contested for during the tournament including the Pacific Coast All-Ameri-can polo trophy and the Joseph Jessop Challenge Thophy, will be on exhibition in the window of J. Jessop & Sons, on Fifth Street, San Diego, beginning on Thursday.