Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume XIV, Number 43, 26 October 1926 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Keep Eliminative System Active Good Health Requires Good Elimination. ONE can’t feel well when there is a retention of poieonooa waste in the blood. This is called a toxic condition, and is apt to make one tired, dull and languidOther symptoms are sometimes toxic backaches and headaches. That the kidneys are not functioning properly is often shown by scanty or burning passage of secretions. Many people have learned the value of Domn'm Pille, a stimulant diuretic, when the kidneys seem functionally inactive. Everywhere one finds < enthusiastic Doan’ s users. Ask four neighbor! DOAN’S p S-of Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidney* fester Milburn Co.. Mtg. Chemists, Buffalo. N.T. **9SS* FOR BABY’S SKIN "Vaseline” Jelly relieve* chafing, diaper raah, cradle cap, acurf, and other inflammation*. Wonderfully toothing and healing. Indiapcnaable in the nuraery. Cbaaebrough Mfg. Company State St. ‘— l New York Vaseline OSO. U. S. FAT. OFF PEYROLBUM JSU.V 3 Tbo late Bishop Williams was in a box at the opera one night, when after looking around, one of the ladles exclaimed: "My dear Bishop, did you ever see anything like It in your life?” ••Never.” gravely replied the Bishop, “never since I wsa weened.” Any unnsnal exposure may cause a cold, bronchitis or sore throat, and may develop Into serious aliment unless given prompt attention. When nature glveo warning by S or cough lt*is time So Ink# BOSCH EE’S SYRUP j old reliable remedy. »0c and Me bottleo ; all druggists. If you cannot get it. write , O. O. GREEN, INC.. Woodbury. N. J. •oat wait until a cold gets Its grip ea IS out la the first round. MEN WITH AIUNU HEALTH. Lot us send you free, our descriptive booklet telling you why men grow old at forty. PRQB- - SECURITIES DLDO.. SEATTLE. STOP, BREAK IP THAT COLO WITH Beko Cold Tablets. Why suffer? Instant relief. Easy to take. Postpaid for SOo. UEKO SALES COMPANY. CICERO. ILL. BLI'E FOXES—tt Pups from « Psn Bred here. Low prices. Best terms. Photos, booklets. Write Auburn Fox and Fur Farm. Auburn. Washington. AIM ES—We pay *lO a hundred gliding irds. Opportunity for beginners. No selling, ildressed envelope brings particulars. UNIERBAL CARD. 186 William HI.. Now York. Plant a Tree Now Thousands of boys and Kiris are hoy srouts, sin srouta, or campfire glrla. They are all protectors of the forest. They know Its lore. They realize !t» value. In no few cases the boy scouts have fouKht real forest fires. Thousands of them have Joined the American Tree Association of Washington by pluntlne trees. A GRATEFUL MOTHER! Lo* Angeles, Calif. "Dr. Pierce'* Favorite Prescription brought me safely thru a very critical period in ray young motherhood. It also gave me the strength that I needed. It is an that I have never forgotten and 1 feel so grateful to Dr. .Pierce and hit ‘Favorite Prescription' that 1 gladly ?;ive my experience or publication, hoping that it will be of benefit to tha mother of today who needs just such help as only Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can give.”—Mrs. Ida Tusler, 235 N. Rowan Ave. All dealers. Tablets or liquid. Send Dr. Pierce. President Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y„ 10c for trial okg. tablets. ■Tv '■* 1 MfIAMED^ i£.YES disfigure yourJ I Looks/ Don’t raptrlirent on them, me MITCHELL EYE HALTS for speedy relief. Absolutely aaf*. at all druggists KtCKKL, New York City WHAT CAUSES BOILS. Boils and carbuncles are the result of improper diet or infection of the skin. It's soc.etimes hard to determine the exact cause but CARBOLL will give quick relief. No expensive operation is necessary as one application of CARBOIL i promptly stops the pain and continued use draws oat the core. Get a 60c box from your druggist. Your money hack if you are not satisfied. • FURLOCK-NKAL COm NASHVILLE. TENN. IRRITATIONS their immediate relief and healing doctors prescribe 0(1 N 0 r. Resinol RNS W f 1 affrontpainful ■ ader toaa and rf tight ahoaa. DT Scholls Z ino jyads