Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume XVII, Number 28, 10 July 1929 — Mr. and Mrs. Lindgren Home From Long Tour [ARTICLE]

Mr. and Mrs. Lindgren Home From Long Tour

Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. Lindgren of 902 F avenue, have Just returned from ‘ a very interesting motor tour of Pacific Coast cities and British Columbia, Canada, covering in all over 6000 miles. They especially enjoyed riding through British Columbia and seeing the grandeur and beauty of that district. The many waterfalls, lakes and woods, were beautiful at this season, and the snow in the higher regions was a source of great delight to them. They drove to Kootenay Lake, a lovely spot, where they took the boat to Kushonook, going leisurely west to Cranbrook, and then north to Lake Louise, Banff and Calgary. Roads in Canada do not compare very favorably with the wpnderful highways of the United States but regardless of that drawback they enjoyed every minute of the 1400 miles of travel in that Province. On the return trip they spent several days in Portland with friends and greatly enjoyed a side trip to Crater Lake where there was snow in abundance. Mr. and Mrs. Lindgren and children left Tuesday night by automobile for an indefinite vacation .at Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear Lake.