Coronado Eagle and Journal, Volume 42, Number 21, 26 May 1955 — Christ Church Funeral Tomorrow For Vice Adm. Waiter Vernou [ARTICLE]

Christ Church Funeral Tomorrow For Vice Adm. Waiter Vernou

Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Friday) at 8:30 a.m. in Christ Episcopal Church for Vice Adm. Walter N. Vernou, USN, ret., 77, who was found dead in his borne at 940 Glorietta Blvd. Monday. The Rev. W. Don Brown will officiate. Interment will be at Fort Rosecrans Memorial Cemetery at 10 a.m. Adm. Vernou, one-iime naval

aide to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, came to Coronado 14 years ago following his retirement from the service in 1942. Born in Ft. Lamed, Kan., in 1878, the admiral graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy in 1901. He commanded the Fifth Division torpedo flotilla with the Atlantic Fleet in World War I and was chief of staff of the Asiatic Fleet in 1925 to 1927. He commanded Battleship Division 2 aboard the USS Tennessee in 1941, and was senior member of the board of inspection and survey, Pacific coast section, at Long Beach, on his retirement in March. 1942. It is requested that no flowers be sent, but donations may be made to the Vernou Memorial Fund of Christ Episcopal Church. Suiviving is a sister, Mrs. James M. Anderson of Rocksbury, Conn.