Daily Alta California, Volume 16, Number 5200, 29 May 1864 — Page 2

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We extract from a private letter received on Saturday morning, "by a gentleman of thUcity, from Lynx Creek, Walters Digginirs. Arizona Territory, the following: " ily prospects, with all that are here, are expended for the present. IYe are in a deplorable tUte, I ksictsj you. The Isdiani have declared and opened hostilities, making it dangerous even in our settlement! causing men to carry their arau, not know, ing what moment they may be attacked. Tfc.y have already killed eight men— three Americans and five .Mexicans — mangling their bodies ia m. horrid way. One of the Ajnericans lired for a long time at Long Bar, Yuba county, and 1 believe was from Krie, Pennsylvania, or its vicinity. I wa* interested with him in several claims. How or what will be done with them, 1 cannot cay at present. Provl'ionc here are very high— flour, $40 per 100 pounds; coffee, $1 '£>; bacon. TOc. to SI 60, and other things in proportion. Theavcrage wages (boarding yourself) to be made in the placers are $2 bJ per day— frequently falling thort of that — making it from hand to month all of the time. Provisions will not be even reasonable, until the Indians are conquered. " The Governor and all of tb* civil officers of the Territory are here, and 1 hope, will make an effort to establish peace with the Indians. 1 have but little faith in their suoceas for at laast a year. I do not want to leave tbe country for good, a* I believe money can be mad* in it— but not at prewat. iL D. D."

The ti-jriTAST Fu>rs Sack.— The Sanitary Flour Sack commenced it* career is thii city last ereninr, and obtained a con tribntioß of $2,800 for the Sanitary Ftud, Would it not be well to hare a ssJe H Unior. Hall after a promenade concert, and a gpeeel from the President of the Com mission; There are many people ia Saa Fraacuoc who wiah to boy that pack of floor.

This is the machinery by which our statesmen are now-a-days manufactured. It is worked by men whose primary idea is. that thp Onvst»t*«**«T,t »•• ♦***LU«I.»^ ftrV *° I** preyed upon. Wretched, shiftless schemers, — one time professing one kind of politics, Another time another diametrically opposite, but all the time vociferating on the aide which they expect to win. They ran sbufile off the opinions of a lifetime with a celerity bewildering in theextreme. The Know Nothing politician of yesterday comes out a full blown Liberal to-daj. Opinions are with them only a matter of merchandise. They take sides always with as eye to the "main chance." To get office, and get rich oat of it, is the purpose of their lives. To reach the goal which they have marked out for themselves, they will trade away the dearest rights of the people. They are everywhere— bawling from the stump, ventilating their crudities through the previ F«zlinj in the grog-shops and often wallowing in the gutter. It it wonderful that the country should have been brought to the present pass, when euch has been the agency by which our statesmen Lave heretofore been turned out? In this county, thanks to the intelligence and patriotism of our people, thic vicious class has been forced into iv proper pomtion. It is do longer allowed to have anything to do with the selection of our local officers or members of the Legislature. There is now a chance to compel them to keep their unclean hands from meddling with the nomination of our Member of Congress. They are struggling, of course, to retain their power. The dodge by which they expect to succeed, is to have the State Convention ratify the nomination* for Congress of the District Conventions. A slight effort on the part of the masses is all that is required to (hake the vampires off. To this end the people of this county are ready to unite with their fellowcitizens in the other connties composing the district for the purpose of selecting some person who will truly represent their interest? in the next Congress. Agriculture and Commerce ralk hand in hand. They are among the chief interests of California, yet they have never had a representative in the National councils but one — lion. T. G. 1 'hi ! ph. Let us try to find the agent to whom we are entitled, and srad him to Congress, nn contaminated by the filthy practices of the politicians, to attend to our interests there. It is only for the masses to say the word, and the thing ii done.

Under each an arrangement, the old method of nomination by general ticket would be as much in force as though the I^egUlature had never passed a law dividing the State into Congressional Districts. Brown, from the Northern District, with a strength of thirty or forty votes entirely at . his disposal, would then have a chance to trade off with Smith, from the Middle District, and Jones, from the Southern, vote for vote, or two lor one, or one for two according to the exigencies of the case; for nomination by the Coneressional Conventions would amount to nothing without a guaranty of confirmation from the State Convention. If things should not work smoothly, or if none of the candidates had sufficient strength to secure a nomination even by trading, then comes the chance for the Senator to obtain possession of the whole concern. By promising little offices to the delegates, votes are easily procured for his favorites, and if they are nominated, the Senator proceeds to Washington followed at a respectful distance by men who'are representative* of the people only is name. To him they owed their nomination and to him they would look up for the privilege of continuing in public life.

conventions if their nominations had to be ruh rained to the State Convention? The delegates from the district of which San Francisco is a part, might select a candidate, bat that candidate, under this mode of proceeding, could be «et aside by the State Convention, or in other words, by the votes of the other two districts. To meet in separate Congressional Conventions, with the shadow of the State Convention enveloping them, would be a mere farce. The law of the last session of the Legislature would be carried out to the letter bnt violated in iv spirit. It wonld be competent for the First and Third Districts to say to the Second, " if you norai- " nate 'anybody but A., we will rejec* him '* when he comes up for confirmation before " us all in State Convention assembled :" or for the Second and Third to dictate to the First, or the First and Second to coerce the Third.

They thought they had it all fixed. The delegates elected to the State Convention were to divide themselves into three bodies, nominate each a Member of Congress and then " present them in full convention and " have them confirmed as Members of Con- '" press for the State of California:'' or in other words, the choice of each district was to be reviewed by the other two, though in this ciutter of Congressmen the districts are all independent, one of the other. . What advantage would it be for the delegates from each district to meet in separate

The Game Spoiled.

We have to-day a very acurate description of the position of the contending hosts north of Richmond. The fighting at the passage of the Xonh Anna was very deaperate, bnt nothing could withstand the charges of our troops. The indications now are that the rebels will make a stand north of the South Anna, There will be fought, ia all probability, the most decisive battle of the war. Grant, at last dates, was but one day's inarch from the rebel Capital.

News of the Day.


|ailg pa California {SIX PAGES.}

P_i__n__rin_. April fflta. UGi. Editors Alt*.:— "We might as well live at the foot of Vesuvius, for the sake of being free from explosions, as in this quiet city. The fearful crash and boom of Merrick A Son's deadly disaster has hardly subsided wnen the like occurs in Cornelius & Baker's Foundry, and women are widowed, and children orphaned, in a moment without warning, and without the shallow consolation that lie* in the necessity of war. Those vho were within ear-shot of the accident of Tuesday, describe it as being something actually appalling. The boiler broke into large pieces, two of which flew in contrary directions, and darkening tbe air like gloomy messengers of death as they were, terrified the startled beings that saw them beyond the power of reasonable conjecture, and a momentary terror that the end of all things was at hand prevailed. The larger portion, twelve feet in height, was carried over two blocks, and descended on a stable belonging to a hotel, passing through a ton of hay in one story and killing a horse beside which the owner was standing and escaped with only a slight bruise. The other sis fret or thereabouts in extent, went nearly four blocks before falling, and then passed through tbe roof of a beer factory and killed a man who was just about starting out with his wagon full of bottles. This mn was married, and it would' be a difficult thing to make his poor wife understand the risk and danger that ended in his death, so far from and entirely disconnected with the scene of the explosion. Five men were instantly killed, and one died toon after being admitted into the hospital. Two more swell the lists of death in the Ledger to-day, and so it will go on for a week or two; the injured, under the head of "seriously hurt," will prove their claim to the title by dropping off. one by one, until before the Coroner's inquest agrees a'oout the cause of the accident it will have become doubly fatal. As in the cast- of Merrick & Son, the boilers as it has transpired, were the very best and strongest in use; the engineers the must capable; the fires best attended; and to, as they lu^d td render a verdict in apoplexy, these poor men have died by " visitation from God." Arrival of Wounded. Yesterday the ambulances rushed down Thirteenth street to meet the Washington cars, in such a number that we felt sure a skirmish bad taken place, and that the wounded were in process 01 removal. They presently came back crowded with soldier* not freshly wounded, but generally bandaged and disabled, who were, as we afterwards learned, the emptyings of the hospitals round about Washington, who were thus removed to Chestnut Ilill to make way for the fruits of the coming struggle. As the weak men are brought up, the strong men are sent down in legions; all night long the streets seem astir with their regular tramp and hilarious songs. Waking, one notes, mournfully, the echo of their voice*, knowing well that they shall never all be heard here again. But why should they be nielancholly whose business it U to dief

Sanitary Fair Hitters. Yesterday they raised, in the centre of Logan Square, the great Sanitary Flagstaff; and in digging up to make a foundation for it, they came upon a woman's skull, and part of a t JrJin and skeleton. These relics of the PotU-r's Field, that used to be here in years pone by, see the light under odd circumstances. Buildings border every walk, the whole equare is alive with workmen, and bustle and hammering resound on all sides. Passing, the other day, I saw a large deer stalking gravely about, peeping critically in at the carpenters, and evidently thinking it a very foolish thing to make such a disturbance. What is to be done with these antlered dwellers in the park I do not know; it will be impossible for them to remain there while the fair is in progress. I believe the Philadelphia Committee intend to have their Fair Gazette exceed any of the others published, which will certainly not require a stretch of genius to achieve. Charles G. Leland, formereditor of Graham's Magazine, is the Chairman of the Committee on Literature, and a very pleasant, smooth-spoken gentleman he is ; so very conciliating to all the ladies that know other young ladies who writ* " such sweet verses,'' that the fair Gazrtte bids fair to be very sentimental and tender in its character, and rather small beer in its chronicles; kut there are some very famous names pledged for articles, so that it must have redeeming features, too.

One* Greenwood Delivered a lecture the other evening at the Academy, called the "Sights of the War Cloud." It read charmingly, and is far superior to Kiss Dickinson's discourse on " Keconstruction," which followed immnicdiately afterwards. Miss Dickinson either speaks too often or does not know how to be versatile. It is really charming to hear her once, but for the sake of retaining a irood impression it is necessary to stop there. She reiterates painfully, and having found a good idea, repeat* it in every lecture. Marcus Curtius dashed headlong into the gulf in Home, every time 1 have heard her, until I have sighed to think he ever took such v rash course. So it is with John Brown's body and the citizenship of "colored per(miie " I mm t— _— t*rlx a£lHcheri t/> tL« swarthy race in the abstract, but somehow I prefer that the noble current of their blood should flow in its own channel, and that mine should Jl»e poverty struck rather than enriched by theirs, iliss Dickinson and Grace Greenwood are practically true to the creed they profess. I remember years ago to have heard of the spirit with which the latter re>entcd Frederick Douglass not being allowed to come to the dinner table on a steamboat in her society. Frederick himself is a cheerfully "sassy" negro, and was the " brother Bones'' of the Abolition Convention this year— cut jokes about his former slavery, and evidently being rather tickled than otherwise at the fuss the whites are making on the subject.

AmoEf the Worker! for the Fair, However, Abolitionists and Copperheads work amicably together, and lmriy spirit does not exist apparently. "We like a little excitement occasionally, you know — our gentle sex, I mean — and the Sanitary is a fashionable one now, so is very popular. To come from the women who are working for pleasure to those who are working to keep body and soul to<reth»-r, is but a little transition, considering the impassable gulf socially existing between them. They are being brought before the people here, and their -nd oases are taken into consideration, so that help or amelioration may be sometime looked for. Several meeting* have been held wherein the inadequate prices for work have been shown fide by side with the fearful expense of living in the most meagre way. Communications, insisting on these ill-paid women going as servants in households, or waitresses in ladies' eating saloons, rather than trying to exi.-t as rowing girU. To-day, a gentleman called Braidwood, announces a prize of fifty dollars to any one of them who will write the beet essay on the subject of lessening their hardships, or developing new plans for their employment. This will bring it still more before the people, and in these days of munificent gifts, a little may go in their humble channel. Them is comedy enough in the army to make one think fighting an amusement. This develops itself in one very funny feature, to wit, tbe personal advertisements in the papers. The other day a young man of the f'orty-s<"cond broke out with, " Well, girls, here I aui, just appointed Orderly Sergeant, with a good character, correct morals and large bounty ; intentions matrimonial. Address Hurry }'." etc., etc Perhaps Harry was addressed, which gave George courage to speak for himself, which he does in the Ledger, in this touching way : " A young man, whose early education was of the purest moral description, and whose manners are untainted by rough associates, wUhes to address a young lady who would not object to be a sotdierU wife." Then follows Charles Challange, in a bolder style. "A son of ll_ssaehusetts — who is brave, good-looking, and stands high for promotion — wishes to correspond with a lady, ambitions as himself." No wonder, with such floating poetic elements as these, the war should Lave made as many bards as it has, and that every young lady who Las a piano, and plays on the name, devotts herself to the perpetuation of those tuneful inquiries, " Who will be a soldier, mother?' or " Do you mourn your blue-eyed ■oldierV eta. etc 1L H.


fTi— . tt - Inltal ORn^ntal .C U— . ait* aurMiu.]



Bsjm. Birer Diitriet -a-Sotlc*.- Stock owners ia th* Dacota EUver j-iniag C*_ip*ny ar* hereby no-ced that th* new Bteek Ccrttfieata* are bow raady for iasaaaca. Tho*. parti** -he bay* cot «aii«-«i*d their old eerti-eau* an naja-ttod to d* to at once, and rteaive la place thereof tbe new oarUfiaato* for the -imia-dl*- shares U which they but *rvera!ly be •DtiUed. Th« B-eecury Rerenu* 6__tp» will be a£ led at theexrens* of th* Company, _.«»«•>< By order. EDW. QUAOCEKBCSH. Stc'y. C-.rraneisoo.Msrlu.UH U : j:j :> 9 _»- B «dt :j

Daeott Sllrer Mining Companj-.

A ix KiifD* aucmnn made to order on the most reasonable torms. ehinary for Wining purposes; Agrieultur-l fmpl*- ?*"!_ * t *'. < lf* of •" deserlpUons mad* SJ.k i"; fi* 0 - Win ». «*« •«<> Tobaeoo Pr«*** •f _ihe latest improved pattorn*. - nt*amßnrines constantly on hand. I ■ ■'; ' ■■■ .' , Brodla's" Improved Patent Wiad-Blastßepa-r *_ JJ E < _ rr S l 'r«Wi^ u * hin * 1 «n*n-faetur*d her*. . K KPAIKINU promptly attended to. - ' • »-y« DKVOK. DINBMOR- k 00. PURE BSFDXED^ MAC n I HE, ELRPHAST, POLAB, Lard,Cofioa_ut. ad Kerosrae OILB, ~T^ For l*by c. 11. UARRISOS. _;■ ■••';■ '_'_' ' Ph-BdxOiOJ'orka,'-"' —SB * .: ,- ■ PlsTT«at*tr-*ri**^*i-«i--i : Or DirrKBCNT acAunn va di. ms-uaooi. VwnUbr.,

«•" TJalt«d Bute* Oold and BllTer Mlnlo. Company. Reese River.-NoUoe v h«rehy given, that .meeting of the Stockholders nf the abov. fcVENING. tb* 28th day of Jun* next, at V-i 0 clock, at the Company '• office, for th* purpose ot i. c i^i r|rth# C**-"* 1 Stock from 5.100 .hire, to U.«O shares, rauu make on* soar* to each foot belonging to the Company. By order of the Board of Trust***. f.L. ftIBBINS. See'y. Office, SU2 Montgomery street. San Francisco. May 28. 1864. myO--iu *-» Monitor Oold and Bilver agtTin) g cnin. pany. Reeae River *inlng District. Landereounty. t fi' r _i* TT _ mW _Lr Th *_ > ta delinquent upon the folio wine dwerib-d •toek.oa account of a-w*smeat No, 4, levied on the 17th diy of April. IW4. tha several amoants set oppoiite the names of tb* re*i>ec tiv* shanholders a* follows : Name*. No. Certificate. Shares. Amount Co_.AP 7| 15 jiooo Cox. A P...«_-.__.__..__.. 75 4 4 01 Francis. L 8......_............. ( <i% o fi Undtr.PC _S 7 7 a Luder. P C...._________ 72 T to Whillatch.JW tt U 11 a And in anoordance with law, and an order of th* Board of Trutoe*. mad* this day. May 2Hh, 1864. r 0 many share, of each panel of aald atock a* may b. nacnaary. wUI ba .old. at th* offie* of tha Company. No. 228 Front etrwet. Saa Francisco. California, hv Jooa* k Bendizen, Auctioneers, on the IKSTH (UXh) DAY Of jbNE. IsSIIJ-"^-f- «-t* Pjy **id delinquent atMMmrat th*no B . together with eo*t* of advertising and expense* 0 th* sal*. J. A. URIN KIIOOBK. SeTyT mn«-I0 No. -a Fronts-, Baa Fr-ncisco: Cal. ■ -ar-__aojan_Uo JUnt-sj Company, oopij^ pinalca.Meiico.-The Mmi-aannal meeting ol stockholders of tbe Mamanllln Mining Comnanr gouery «lre»t A full attendance is requ'fted. a* bunnejijfluiportaaoe will h* prtsmted. Byordar " mya-td THO& BROWKKJOHN. See'y. , -VBroea Conaolidated Copper Mlnlne Company, Del Nort* County, Cal.- Notic* is hereby given, that at a meeting of the Trust*** of said Company, held oa th* :Bth day of May, UBL aa *ss**sm*-t of Twtnty-fiv* Cants per shar* was levied upon tbe assemble Capital Bteek of said Company, ,P*yabl* Imwodtatoly to the Secretary, a IT. S. gold coin, at th* office of th* Company iv this city. Any stock apon which said asse*»«ae*t •ball remain unpaid on th* SKCOND DAY Of JU-Y.1a64.wUl b**-r*rtU*d on that day asd. - litiqnent and unless payment be mad* before, will •aM at ane o'clock, p.m. on tha Sixteenth Day of Julr. vn 1 to pay the delinquent aasassment. to«u«r »lih toiu cf advenising aad expenses of tsala. Sy order of the Board of Tra'tMS. B'<C_l* V BDW'DBABEY.SK'y.

4-r £1 V Ya " Dieaings Oold aad Uilver Quarts ta «-ing Uompaay. Tuoluain* County.— Notice is h "eby given, that at a meeting af the Board of Tn '.toe* »f nud company. held oa tha 26th day of M.V. -«M. an »•< eminent of oa* dollar and tttv cent 4n t4 p V shar* wa* levied apoa th* capital (lock of said foi "'Pinr. pajabl* inß*diat*ly. ia I'nited State* gol.. rain, to th* S*or*tary, at the office of th* company -, Any atock ur«n which said asMsa-ient shall rema. • unpaid ea T(jESDAY. the 2»th day of June. U64. » '», b" adnrtisad on that day a* delinquent, and unlas. payment ahall be made before, will be solu on UTadnwday. th* 1. ::h day of July. 1864. to pay th* ,<eliaq»ent a*M**m*_t, -tonther with co»ti af advert. •to**-* expanse* * —I*. By order of the Board «f Tru»t««i. A l«. KLNA-'T. OOce. 510 Washington street, a «> Fraociseo. A dUcount of 4 ocr cent, will be flowed on all sum* paid before Jun* 10th. *ay-Maw>tw3 •"*_- Prld- of ITtrada MlaJnit Company, (Reese River DUtrict. Neva.U T.rntory>-Sotic. Is hereby given, that at a meeting of the 80-rd • Trustee* of said Company, h.ld oa tha St- day o April. 1864. an A***s*maat of Tw.n ty-n v. C.nu par -shara was levied upon th* Capital Stock of *aCompuy. payable ea the 30th day ef April. IS6I. ia Uait*d St at m Sold Coin, to th* S*eretary*r to A. t SOANNON. B«P&t«d™tjr^__-,'&l! vada Territory. Any Stock upon which aaid 1 mis ...nt .hall remain unoaid on MONDAY. th?SSd_y ef May. l*v». will ba advenised on that day a* wlinque-t, and a a lor. pumeat ibill b< mad. a— > fora, will b* Mid on tpi_DAY. th. 11-TSy rf j9 \* 1^V t \ v * r **• *•»"«■••» Ass««_i*atrtonthtr with th* costs *f advertising aad *zp«-sw •C-Msal*. By*rd*rofth« Board of TrugtoiT. 1L jJrCONQDON. B..^^ >r_*: «i-o*_»Was_i_gtoastiw*t. mr2-4w Room-.aanfr--ci.e-. -*B~ Tha advertising of tha delinquent Tint on tha iib-ov* assaanaant ia POSi'IMXED UU Ji:>K «th. I«l. and the sale ef stoe- d-lin<ia.»t tharaea ia |M*tp.->nadtUlJua*l7th t laM. BTord.roftheßo.nl oflraw-a*. tiyM-l) H-B.COMQDOM.Saa. NOR TH AMERICAN STOCK . Lost or Stolen. *-» JOHN .-J-NNri.' o - Km - for twenty *h_r***f •took. *sh*«ii i«nt paid. _uJ *o aadorsad on back •; Carti-eat*. W.°J < Sr_rh-rObJ'g}»*s_that w **U Cert not. haa Va-t. mialmid or jtolen from th* aad.rngned. who wit 1 m_ke appUoatioa to the Company <br th* inuane* of a naw C.rtl -« t». ia Meordance with law. Aay penoa la iiuasaaslon of th* abov* named stock. wi U confer a favor ky returning th* same, and ree.ii • a suitable r»warj. J. PERvRT. JR_ Cora«r Mont jomary aad Aterch-nt strMtg. mj2s-2p30 ttaa I'raaciwo. Jra>i !--T ..... Sportsman', JBmporinni. >»_• #_«»>♦*■ «'OJ»«TAMTI.T Olf lIAXES One or the nxtvr couuKcno-n of BCJIASER'S eelehratoFHOTOGRAFBS. C**i«a of Barapean Oalleri**. ia Uit. sisas aad Cart** da Visit*. snyl9._plni ■ -UM-MDHPH ACO.«a day A ,

4 Attention, BUto Oroaid Company A. A First Kenmant lnfaatry. C. 8. JL— Vom ar* fT hereby ordered to a_s*mbl« at your Armory, «n A Market nreet^prompUy. at7H o'clock, on MOJfI>A> msi.NBj.it May -Uth. for the el.ct.un of First and heeoad Lieutenants, pursuant to Oeneral Oraers, N*. K. Israed from ile-dqaarterr Second Brigade. California Militia. By command of T. B. LUDLI'M, mv 29-£* n»p».'T. and Presiding Ufficer, 4-rB-tiee to the Public— l oommand to the commercial public tKKDERICK SMITH, Liquor I>*-ler. at Ko. 411 Front atreet, ia thi* city, a* a **fe aad responsible so— a. ha haviag thi* day paid a* tha ram ef Five Hundred aod Kin*ty-*ix Dollar* in tfreenb-eka, in *-U*faetion of hi* note to me. given for gold eein. which I loaned him. and tb* payment ef which note was guaranteed by FRANCIS CTTTINH. Manufacturer of Pickles. No*. I tb and U* Commtrsiai t tr*« t. mya-lpiw« ti. McCULLODQH. Arm hi-itr or ihost roo»* : also. Single Rooms for gntUmcn. within half a block of all the triseip-l hotels, llouse newly ■ad hntd*o-Mly fitted ap. No. IB Butter ttreet, betwaea Mo.tg»*»«ry and ba-joaa. »tre.u ( my»-; «lp rri OKJttTIOJt WAVTED-or ARTHUR OAWSON MAOEK: last heard of at Salmon River. Apply to B.DAVIDfcoK A DKKRI. San Francisco. my 296 WOOD ASD COAL TABD FOR S ALDA first class stand, an old established place, doing a Urge cash b-tinets: sold on account ol sickness. Psrtie* cao secure a ran bargain by applyms to 6, P. WHITMAN, SU Mo-tgomery street. my 2» MOSET TO I>OAjr, IK ■ LAI«( OB -mall amount*, on real **Uto *eeurity. Partie, denrinr to loan aad mak* tnt elaas ni* investments, c-a ba aoeo-ÜB-daud at all tim«. ia tb* mt Hmt of Mcaritia*. by applying to 8. P. WDTTMAH. *-BMo»tgoi-*ry street. myZ. FOB RAI.E-CBEAP FOB CARH-A Butcher store and S'arket: a ranch in Placer era-tr: a first class large lodgiag hou**. JJ.SVJ; a hotol aod bmrdiag bou.e. ttWW; a half inUrest in a msnalMt— risg b-siaexa, cleaner J W* per month, SUOP. AMy to 8. P. WiIITMAN. JUMoDtKom»ry«tra*- myl» WTOI.IN OKWTHATr.n. r_QM »J_H2i_ th. pr.mi>M of A. J. Plat*. 411 San»ooie *TV*T**"r«t. a liiht GRAY HOJtfcK with WA- ■ — ' ,"tiy ttoch*-. Th. body of th* wacon is »*intod dark cr**_. with y.Uow running gear. ■ran* «u ---*,■. JiJUt.mJ^S ■*"•* *E«T.-A UKSIRJ. BQU. and eo.v*ai*nt new house. Jnrt tnish.d, J-AecßUiniD* «yen r<K.n>s «"U, VY * rl * *••»* •trvat. a-OBt aerwaty fact south of day street, with a large yard. Thar* i* a good view or the lower part of the city and bay from the r«*r of tie hou». * arbaßu-a street U between Mason and Taylor streets, ruoningifrom Clay to Swrimento street. _n<,air*nf KCKKUT - CARKUrUEkS. my-»-t* . Baau-sr street, abov* Montgomery. ESO« MILEM. OP MT. «II__AB,»! Ohio, wubw to te* Dr. GELLEK at tb* Ooci- 4 dental HoteL /I tUf^UU. mrO-V i ..■..■•! r.' >!;i l.r- ,-J. .--• t.- ••

*_r KoUce.— Offleo Paeiflo In»ui*_ee Com P_2 7 ' f 8 C * li l<>r« l - I «'«H? M tnatveo. April 1, p-i7V * ■•*•■•; at th*Bo_rd of Dirwtors of th* Parifl* Insurance Com? wy. h*M WaU-wdav. Itd last- it wa* rwolvej that aa winmuiSui, per Cen-. to complete tae sab*crih«- ea»i_U. h. _^-?V "i 1 t i- > ,'»* r " .•' the e_»itai «tocC of thi. eempany. to b* J_* aad payahl* at th* *fie* ef t_. **mpa»y, via. : Thirty p.r Caait. on th. Ut Jva* «*«t. Thirty pa* Cast, an th. Ist Jnly -ax-. **A Slight Col-U" OnebH. S* '•**_•*»*»• *f th. Unportaao* of eheckins a Cough *r "slight cold- ia 5 im itact" thS »!"«h in th* b*gr_niac would yield to » salui " Brawn's Branchial J.ryeh-i ■ give , ur . aad ahstoit «»ni*dUto r^i*f. Military Oacw* aad Tsol_i«r» shauld have thaoua* U*yeaa -• *_rn«d ia S pocket and token a* occ-rioa nquiraa. *-y^l»*" U *--b-SaTftS*A COl. Saa i^-a-Uae, •*T-Bok»r-* Minor*.— Tb* -_w_*r*_m*_: •*■ 9-» ..Asetit in California for th* aal* of t_«Tv- a i--i<a.ixc>-tr-3! ** B oh2eVl T " >l oMlUc » i «^ Wtbkv.dtr, SS3J *" B C-SSrj" Wkw "».«r--d«l -• B. iS SciS } Job ™ Ra#>itj " (i B"«*. ,J_ New York M*leir» Wiae. Ale and gortor. Ei Ktrteh, Iroui lontfon. 366 KK*;_s«j: ™» '"« .* t to_r«l-_|£Sfis-N ~~» **"--T-a_-_. Law aad CoUecUoa Office. ATxoitisr__r-r at x_A_^r HO. «»• M03T90-IXRT SIKSTt J^ime Pork. ' CORRUGATED IRON. RrEtFurWarelioTise *-WAja_a mja>ogTa , >Aclyicc>AaT adoxjph muijleu, ' L >»> Moa-wi-Ty str—t.

Virginia Manufactured TOBACCO! THE F01.1.0 WI *« BBAHDS OF HAUT POUITDSi " Mary's Own." "Harvey Birch." "Invineibla," " Knickerbocker." "Apricot," ■ Queen of Hearts." "Bun." "Pomona," Qr.araer'i " Gold L-at" NATfJR*!. LEAP t>OI'MIPi. Klood* May. "Extra," Ayres k Son's ■ Tea L*at» Brewer's "Gold Leaf." Oreaner's " Oold Leaf." Murrill k Burk's "Jewtang." "LolaMontec" "Uncle Bam," "VaUeyQuWALSO, Royitor** "Invincible Twist." Koyster's " Perfect Lot*." FIBK rJVT AND MTSVWT. Andenon'iSolaco; Lorrillard's Snuff Rappe* and Maeaboy. Th* above TOBACCOS ar* all guaranteed to be Of Virginia growth, ar* in sriginal package*, and true to the brands. For sale by nhS-tf-p JAMKS PAT-UC3K «- CO. SAUCE, THEKESK, BANTA I.OCISA. -IIAIITI-W, CIIKTNOPOI.IB, .AH «A*CISCO. AID MAMMOTH Mining companies, Lower Caurorala. ' W. H. BXiOMOH, President, ' '.. ' Office, corner Jackson and Front str*et, up stsln. apU-2ptf SAN FRANCISCO FOUNDRY MACHINE WORKS, Corner of Fremont and Mission Streets.

THE OCEAN HOUSE M 18 SOW PBtPABIB TO BBCKITK and entertain guasts. who eaa reach th* sain* New Macadamized Road Making th* ) aan t on* of th* most plaagaat eharas OCCIDENTAL HOTEL Corner BewUromrry »ml Bush atrrrta, Saa Fruelsj«o. raiBIM lIOISC POHHEN.HES AU, THE M. requirement* of a fint-elacs hotel. Its spacious Reading Room, with large Mineral Cabinet and extensive Collection of -penmen* from tho different mining regions of the Pacifio Coat. Branch Telegraph Office connecting with lines throughout the country, and News Stand-all oonfjjfih ■»*«? mik V"j h * headquarters and Uome for the Ual fornian business man and tourist. The Table of this hous* shall not bo excelled by any. Board Three Italian* per Daw. Weber tlousc, Stookton, O*xl. M| THIS OLD ESTABLISBTED AND well known house has been leased by the undersurned. The Weber House is a three fteryflre proof brick building, having ens hundred feet front on Centre street, bi ; seventy-five on Main, and eighty fine, hard-finished rooms, supplied with Spring Bcda and Mattresses throughout. The TABLE will always 1 be sui.olied with the b«t the market can afford. The undersigned ha* th* ■ 7?P ta A? of •Jlhl* Predecenors. in having a ranch within three milts of Stockton, where he has all his *gfs, butter, milk. *c, sentia twice every day, In order to satisfy all his gue»U and those whs may favor him with a call. . Tos house i, kept open at all hours of th* day and night for th* recaption of (nests. f.!7-if „; L.KBLLY. Proprietor.

Hay for Sale. 1 i ft/fl TO.VS CHOICE OLD HAT FOR ■- vf \9 sale, inlotstosuit. Apply tn __, ALBERT MACY. -ri9 Third street wharf. S -ttX JET" ____S . FAR NAI.E-A TILTOH* -fc MrFAB- ., LAND Fireand Burglir-proof B*FE. with Combination Lock. Weight. 7.400 prunds. ■nra-frr So..U7 M dll9°C-lifo r,i'-gr ,i'-gr C !St. PKOPOSALS FOR MOVING HEAVY CUNS Quartermaster's Offlee, Sao Francisco, May 28, 1881. pBOPONAU WILL HE RECEIVED AT *• my Office, Room No. SO, Headquarters Department of the Pacific. No. 7_! Washington street, until WEDNESDAY. June first, at twelve o'clock _.. for receiving, on board ship " Nesut-n." at North Point Dock. 6IX HEAVY GUNS, four of them 15inch (weighing 25 ions each) with their carriage*, delivering a portion of them on Alcatras Island, and the remainder on board such transport vessel as may be designated. For details, enquire at my office. R.W. KIRKUAM. mylO-U Maj. and Qr. Mr. U. S. Army. SAX FWCISCO AND SAX JOSE R._i_.lJ__l-,0-t\.l_>. r ' J|^y^jp«-*!*Ji^j? nfjr^ejf 7^^ f^ •Jte'r^ar^aJ *vfc I \ a—l FREIGHT TRAIN. f~|W AND AFTER TUUBSDAT, JCXE * ' 2. Mm. th* Sin Francisco and Ban Joe* Railroad Company will run a regular Freight Train, Daily, (Sundays exscptodj leaving San Franeisoo at 6 r. «.; leaving Saa Jos« at 5 a. v. A Baggage Gar will be attached to the above train for the accommodation of business men wishing to arrive in tbe city early. Fare the same a* by regular Paasecrer Train. AU f:eight (except Express) will be sent by thi* traia. A. H. lIOUSTON. nyS-tf General Superintendent. OssipceG'old and Silver Mining! oinpany. Location, El Dorado County, California, BPECIAL~NOTICE. **T* Th* public ar* hereby cautioned not to purchase any of tha undo: mentioned Certificate* for Shares in the above company, or any portion of them, the whole having been told on Wednesday, the eighteenth day of May, 1864. for delinquent assaaament*. .^"""ino CerUSeafes. Share.. Afhaea-i.OS „ ft ]g Bizler, T>tvid ...._.___„..„__ „ 57 lfifl Kixler. David M as B'ller. navid __...„_ !„' !,» 2i Killer. David , * «si| j-, Bixler, "avid — (H %\ filler. David , ___ r,2 jk B.xler. David , „____ 6* 25 ISixler. D.vid _~~ 64 £ Bixler. Ttavid "" 65 « Bixler. Daniel ZZZZZZZ - 3-0 Bailer. Ii F, Sr___ 4g *jt Boiler. B F, Br . i» ( g Sutler, II F. Fr» Ml k Bui ler. B F. Sr i" 5 Bntler'. B f! Sr__l___l__!___ZZ!!_isi! 5 Dyer. R C . jg JS tiolden. W T „___ ______ 41 £, Galden. XT T ________ZZ__T^__ -t & No_g_».Jo* M 100 gouges, Jo« S2 M Ragaator. David la) 100 lUinMr, T>.vi< 121 im Ragestor. David U2 f/) Regestor. David ... „ _IJ3 _n Regertcr, D*Tid......_..._..._ M...._.__..1JjM ...._.__..lJj 10 Regester. David_.___...___. _1?6 in -tory.CBP 8 25 W. B. M AUHICE. Secretary. Office. 70S Montgomery street. San Francisco. Ban Francisco. May g. 1864. my 297

JONES' NEW SAMPLE ROOMS, S. K. comer of Montgomery and California streets. San Francisco. Family Wine and Liquor Store. Simple*)......,. ......_..._.... 1-tW NOW FOR THE GEYSERS I Tla I'efalaina and Sealdsbane* TO INVALIDS AXD FLIIBCBI PiBTIKS. HATIITQ TAKEN CUABOE OF THE Hotel at these wonderful and popalar f pnngs, it is now open for th* reception of visitors. Th* Hotel at the Station is also open and oommodiously fitted up by mjself. In connection with the Spring*. The stages leave Prtalum- daily, and arrive at Healdsburg at 12 M.; and immediately on their arrival a stage will leave for the Ueysera. and return in season for the downward trip, daily. Traveller* who derire it. will alway* find gentle Saddle llorse* at the Station. _ „. „ , CLARK FO3S. Proprietor. llealdsburg. May 1, 1364. 873-3 in BELMONT HOTEL. a THE TRAVEUXB PUBLIC ABE respectfully informed that the above-named Hotel ia now open for tha reception of guests. The house is well arrange!, aod fitted with all the modern improvements, having elegant nitos of rooms billiard table, etc.. while the bur i* s-pi>lied with the choicest of liquors and cigar*. *nd tha table all that can ba deaired. Situated on the line of the San Franeueo and San Joti Railroad. (25 miles from Ban Francisco.) a Tew s.e;'sfrum ths lt'i.ot, with train* passing each way twice a day. it afford* facilities tor families that few hotels possess. The proprietors, being old and experienced hands at the business, feel con-dent they can satisfy all that give them a cull. CLARK k WALTKRMIRB. Belmout. Ca!.. April 15, 1804. apl6-tf BELMONT PARK! BTttK pum.ir, who wish to spend a few hour* pleasantly, are invited to ra visit BELMONT PARK, loowte.l in a, BEAUTIFUL UROVK at the entranpe of Canon Diablo, about aS inilM from San Francisco, one hour's ride on the Han Francisco and .Snn Jo*£ Railroad, and about SO yards from the Depot at lielmont. The Proprietor. MR. C.JANKK. is a German, also proprietor of Turn- Verein Hall. San Franrisvo, having had many years experience in beautifying places of amusement, feels confident that this PA Kk is more attractive than any other place in California, and will be completed on the Ist day of His hotel is built around a very large OAK TREE, near a fine stream of water, surrounded by large oak* and shrubbery, with winding stairs up and platforms in many of the trees. The ground is properly laid put in order, with table*, seat*, etc., and contains about 30 acres ; the danr« hall is large and well arranged ; the bar well supplied with choice liquors : suite* of rooms and meal* at all hours. Musid for dancing will be at this place at all time* when the San Francisco and San Juao Railroad Company run excursion trains. Belmont. April 15. 186- ap!6-tf

THB VMDERSIUNEn HATIMI REcently purchased th* well known II ot Sprines in San Luis Obispo county, is now prepared to reoeive and accommodate patient*. The virtue* of these Springs are so universally aoknowleJged by the Medical Faculty of this Coast, a* well as by the great number of patient* who have visited them, that further recommendation is unneoauary. Suffice it to say. however, that they are a certain and infallible cure for all forms of scrofula, rheumatism, and diseases of the skin; also, for disease* oi th* Widn.vs, liver, and stomach: dyspepsia, indigestion, etc. Xoe proprietor having been a regular practitioner of medicine and surgery for over twenty-live years— many of which were spent in hospital practice—will take pleasure in giving advioe a* to the proper use of the water, gratis. Persons wishing to visit the Springs, should give timely notice to tbe Superintendent, who will make all neeeesaiT preparations for their comfort. Address, flot Spring. S*^ J^gbl^county. myT-lm2p Proprietor. COMMERCIAL BANK UF INDIA -Efetabliahed 1815. *B'u."b*Bo:r > -.'fc>o<-L Oapltnl, OS! MILLION POUNDS BTKBLIKfi. __*_*__3C— C 3 i— «XTJ E* *— 7— b— — — EE 9 — CX*—^— JT— ty - Fir* Hundred Thousand Founds Starling. HEAD OFFICB-BOKBAT, I_»nd<m Bunker*. The London Joint Stock Bank. COMMERCIAL BANK OF INDIA. S*us Franei-eo, Doeonbor 7, 180 X. qpilK BANK IS ROW PBEPABED TO JL draw for such sums and at such sight as mv .•required, on it* omees In BOMBAY, CALCUTTA. UONC3KONU. FOOCUOW, siIANGaAK »nd HANKOW, and oa th* L-NUON JOINT BTOCK BANK, LONDON. * Also, to negotiate or collect bills payable in England, China. Yokohama or Australia. Its Branches In India and China will also be prepared to purchase bills drawn on Ban Francinco. Deposit Aoooant* can b* open«d with the Bank, on which no commission will be charged or interest allow*—, Th* Bank is prepared to discount Bill* or mak* Loans to iv constituents on approved Banking SeThe Bank will undertake the sale and purohase of Bullion, eto.. and the safe custody of Bonds. Bhar.C«tl«oatos..ta.. and draw Interest orDivt dendi on the iwne, a« they fall dno. i < .... RICHAKD NKWBY. Agent. mhT-2ptf «_ CalifornJish-wt ANNUAL. ELECTION. ~~ Inrlustrlal School Department. THE ANNUAL KI.ES.TIOW FOB OFFI- , , _**^ of tbe Department will be held on MONDAY. June B(h. l»w «t the Rooms nf the Board of Managers. No. -icifty Hall, third floor Tneofflcers to bo voted for are a President, a Vice President and a Treasurer, each to nerve for on* year. and six Managers to serve for two years. Such persons as shall have become Life Membars by subscribing and paying the sum of Sluu at any one time, and such as shall have become Annual Members by paying the sum of $10 within one year »«t preceding the election, will be entitled toa vote, i Polls open from » o'clock .. it. to S o'clock '• «• ' J. P. BUCKLEY myg-10 Pre«'t Industrial School Department. BAJMITT'H-C-lEAIH TARTAR- _p*n J In lli bo-**. la X. H aad I-» ■ «| nftfyHi 1 a T.m n TTH ' ';-'•-:■ Inl-B>pap*n.U-_'boMi. -■ ■ABBiTrS StTPJB . CARB. SODA . lal-»pai> U-libox**. »llilll'l'l''» COKCKtTTBA TKO POTASH Barrels and half barralji. s-S%g^S£ l |V " bwt tBodl "• no * ni vmaJMitr ■ '. *iwWI-T, KXTTXX a- CWK, ' •>«-■» ' - ■■ -■ - IMQIBT *•■■:! ■ ."&IkX3c& m ,:J:: OysUUU ml».«»m l».«» aorro Gunni**. Also, and - sewed extra Wool Sacks and Urain Sacks— ith.r band or machine sewed, of every deanrlption. Fer sal* tn lot* to suit by a MEYBK * CO.. myli-tf ■ . Ho. -U Davis street. ' ■'..•.■■ ! ■■-■■ i I Byasß* Ale and Porter. JOTT AJ-BIVCD, SX KEKTCH, FBO-I London- :', pi^.r^fj' - IjVus : . 75 casks India Pal* Al*. each 6 doien quarts. "•;• ISO casks India Pal* Al*. mob S doun pints. ,,'/; 100 casks London Porter, each 6 doien quarts. , ,'■ ITS cask* London Porter, each S doun pints. -«0 - 60 casks Double Brown Stout, each* doien pints. For sale, in bond or duty paid, by „„ j -•,; ' - CKOBS* CO.. Aunts. - iayH-30,;,,; A pi y^^tUßattrygtreet.' TUT KafHErrSOYNTEMS-100 CARES NOW 18. landing *_U»t. Morton, for sal. by ~ S,3Sw*-9MIq W * WE*-* * CO.

" T -E-C O IR, -PS. " Ei THAT CIIOICE PROPEBTT KNOWN Jtiaj the SAN BRUNO HOUSE, with Thirty E Acres of Harden and Farming Lands, d Mr Th* above property is sitn-to Fourteen Miles Ij from San Francisco, on the line of the San Fran>f eweo and San Jose Rsilroad. and possmm* adrand t-ge* not known to an.» eth*r property in that Val- * ley. Upon the premise* will be fouad a Warden d not surpassed in this SJtate. The title is unquua tionable, being a Spanish dranL lt For further partieul_rs apply to JEROUE RICE * COi II m v2)-2i> 327 Montgomery (treat -IWIMINC STOCKS BOrOHTASD SOJLD OBT tTOHXISMIO-T by o OATIB HKIXKIttTEM, - M «?heTof ~Ban Fr_nei*oofl*Oßoard of Brokers." No. 6a Merchant! street, Montgomary c and Kearny streeti. my3-3ptf ;. MONEY JO LOAW * TWrowrrToioAsi nn crrr propih. o •»-»-■■ ty aad First Cl.w Stocks, in sum* to suit. >f DAVID HKMJUQ'IKS. »«,... JJ 1 *- 1 Kstato and Stock Kroktr. I AS-^?Sw3--- itw ' tt utwow> "^ffgg 7 I C-> -A- _^ I__i .A. 3>iT JO : Heal Estate. *^Sll.i pp * IV *'»'R BEKIDKVCZA. LAND M 2KS>l)ytho Block or Acre, Farm*, etc.. in FS ■yps-and near Oakland, for sale by Jt-l -"* u - WILLARD LEONARD. Agent. mylB-2plm Corner Front and Clay streets. : ' 3F*O-t=l. gt.flLl-._e-i- ■ Hagnlflcent Homestead Property S. B. CORNKB OP , Bush and Taylor Streets. ofßash and Taylor (treat: having 40 fact front on Buih street, hy 75 teet in depth ' JEROME KICK A CO. 327 Montgomery tt : Or to W. a HINCKLEY. No. I Milton PUc*. Splendid Residence for Sale a we aas iwrßicrrn to orrcs at nrivate sale a fin* Residence en half at 0- . Tara lot. In a central and eligible pirt of «■_ B .^ T^b! For Sale, at Santa Clara. nfIUR SPI.FSDIn BLOCK nana -n Choice Burjjnndy Wines. | XX BHIP KKRTCH. "CUAMBITRTIN" -» ni. ( For^afc, "CUABLIS,- t myP-2p7 JAMB 3 PATRICK-: CO. « SEWING THREAD, j J. 4 P. Coau, Ptuiej, -ÜBuftctajer-. . f-ns nxor,mn«rn hatk sfix Co-rt'CiEiv. 60118 Aal^3/« ". tSS COTTOH* , BPOOI. THBEJLD^ ao-M-ty D.vHITP. KITTUI it OO.^ , Quicksilver for Sale, FRO* TOE NEW AIMADKN MINES. '' By DARRO.-V & CO» { , »30-t> ' :>, C*r" MontgomW ', [■■ AH QUING, ■-,:■■,■ < ,- J , | No. 1» WASniNQTOS Atlir. -Utw**a Dopont and Ketray streeu, la Jackson ' ' «» U'i | -I* wiaiw -.■*-*•■• -^ mtina I

WIGH TMAH & HAEB£EBCCCXSSOR3 TO FJEli_-_VK: BAKER, 416 and 418 Clay ■tree*. IMPOBI'EBS _*JTD OUALUJW IK FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, HATTINGB, Upholstery Goods ASD PAPER HANGINGS. *QB--Ptf '2 fc MILITARY.^ vTj3f rrnT Diso-imov o» t-___l MILITARY GOODS, BEQAUAN, Fla.srs« Banners, SeCm 9 AT LCW PRICKS. D. K«m ROMS. r*lg--p Masonla T«mpl«. No. t, Port «tr*-t. EDWABD «OS«in * CO., 517 Clay street. San Francisco. Book Binders, Paper Balers, and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. Blanks of all kinds Printed and Ruled to sny desired Pattern. my2S-tf PASO DE ROBLES HOT SPRINOB, San Lni« Obtepo County.

<**- YarbroQgn BilT*r Mlnln*; Company. Offie- 3U3 Montgomery strMt, faa Fr-aeuM.M*y 25. 1* M— NotieaU hereby given, that is aee-r--anea w ith tha law* af tha Stato of California, there will be solj at public anetion. at th* saleroom at Hobb A Sinton, No. 4U> Montgomary stra-t. Saa Krancuco, on Tl'E.-DA V, th* X»t- day of Jaar. ». D. 1554. at nn* o'd*ek r. ».. »f that day, to tho highest bidder for cash, in United &*'<* eoia. so many shares ofths Capital Stock of th* YarbnogSilv.r Miring Company, standing in th* no- ef the foUowieg shanhelden. as will b* n.n-mrj fer the payment of th* aasaas-wnu da* Uaraoa, tott th er with th. expenses of a4rerti<en»«n t aad sal*. •ic.pt said *«<-*m*nt* wit- aecruisg ch-rgw at* prsviously paid, to wit: Name*. IT*. Share*. Am't da*. T L Bibbin. W tei, Jso W Tuekar 31 18 (leo II Hn.i«.ll m w N S French 9.~S pW Fred Ha.. S? JjttJ A Bibhin* 7* J7J< L*ri P*rfo_s___ 80 S Oeo B McAneny__— . ______ SU 3J N U.yneo II \l% 1 C Browa___ 10 5 M J Burke I. i «', • ie<» Ston- „ „. „ 1 I S Henderson SI IM< R Barney ...______..___... _ 30 is CA Wort ii 3 IJ4 Br order ef th. Board <• f Tni»«. my-5-SJ Kr>W. BARKT. SacTt-ry. **• Wotlee.— The Josepnlna U me*. ail ver Mining Company (a corporation lawfully onraaiiad and incorporated for mining purpose*, within and under the laws of the Stato of California, havisg it* principal place of businaa* in the county of San Luis Obispo. in said Mate ef California.) her.by give* notice that, pursuant to an Act of the Legi* I.Ureof the State of California, entitled "An Act in authorise mining companies, or corporation*, to eht-nge their principal place af busings:" approved th. tfteenth day of February. A. D. en* thowaad eiiht hut-red aod usty-fo-r. th* •<>.) Conpuny intend* to ehang* it. oflee. or »rinei|>_l p l_e*-f businni*. from th* said county of S_a Lui*Obi.poto th* city and county of Saa Fnaeueo, Stato af California. and that th« said Company have obtained theransent in writing *f thcatockholder*. r*pr»srnting two-third* ot all th* capital stock of th* sakl Company, to such change. . ; J. D. TUOMPSOJI. Pr_rid**t. (Countersigned.) WiiTwa )lmu. Secretary. Dated San Lni* ObUpo. May luth. 1*64. I aiy 14-ta «*- To tna Btoekaoldan of Moon* Hop* Silver Mining Company.- A II stockholder* of Mount Hope Silver Mining Company whaar* desirous of transferring their i-toraet from that e-m-pany to th* Cotopaxi Sily.r Miaing Company, will pl«Me giv* notice in writin* to J. V. Stirling. S«~ retary of Cotopaxi Silver -lining Company. No. 543 Sacramento «reet. on or beiore the THfKTYi IRST OF MAY inst. Th* arrangement i* to sarreatlw th* stock in Mount Hop* Silver Miaiag Company and rerciv* an *qual number of shares in t>e Cotopaxi Silver Mining Company, so soea a* the stock is raady for J«U very. San Fr-nei»e».sthMay.»6- °' W>IASTO^

F. F. Insurance Company. -«r Sh-res or Stock ia thia Company: for sal*. Apply at No. 4C2 .Montgomery street. Room S. betw»*n the hours of U aad 1 r. ». myll-lm*^ *W jTlnt Oorman Eranaslioal Lutheran Congregation.— Notice i* hereby given, that thers will be a genar-l meeting of th« First Herm«a iTangelie-l Lather*— Coagrecs-i*- on m.NU.W, the 2Mb day of May. A. D- I V4. at the Church ea Greenwich street, at two o'clock r. «.. for th* election of new Trust M*. aad for th. (joxpoM of t :ikin j the necessary stei-i to effect the iaeorporstioa ot ■aid r.ligiou* adsoei-tinn. JACOB KRAMEK, Prt-iJ.nt. 11. BCETTMEK. Secretary. San Franci*— . May 7th. ljoi. myStd ~~ db. a. b, saiin-s ' " CRYSTAL GALVANIC BATTEST in DIRECT TO-AND-TRO CCBRSNT ELECTROMAGSETIC M ACIIINE. THK GREATEST INVSSTIOS OT THK AQK for th* (peedy cur* of Rheum-tism. Neur-lgia. Spinal Complaint*, and all Kerrou* Diseases, without medicine of any kind. A COMPLETI BOOK 0? DIRECTIONS accompanie* each Machine, wit- testimonia-i from soma •f th* most eminent physicians in tb* Vaitedl State*. Th* public ar* iaviteJ to call and *za— tin* them. *_» Dr. Campbell's aad Dr. Loning'* work* oa Medical Electricity. For sale by LAWRENCE k HOrSEWORTU. sayo-Zplm Sole Agent*. t-T Clay st. Saa Fran. South San Francisco Homestead and Railroad Association. W LOST-Ccrti-catee of Stock No. Id. (on* hundred and one.) bsnad Sot. -GtX lsti and No. 471.- (four hundrad and seven t7-ooe.) isnrad Stay Sth. 1363. South Saa Fraaeiteo HomastoaJ aad Railroad Association. All panoa* are btnbr cautiaoad acai-st purchasing or ne*oti*:ir« said Cer-ti-eat*e ef Stock. transfer ef the cam* having bean forbi J Jea. A. S. GOULD. Soeretarr. 8.3.F.-R.R.A. Saa Frane-wo. May 4-1.1864. myS-lm O ___. _E«. __>. «Br Editor* Altar— la the) -»hn""« or tb* Jfar-w* Cmii ef Sunday morning. ud*r th* «-*>• tioa *t~Br-_d Lareray."_iy n*_B*-g-r**a*oa* of the arrest*. The whole acair wa* a m-liriou* •levic.. aa th. d.nooeuien t will ab*w. ami I will not therefor, sour iato detail*, bat -ill limply, through ta. me-lima af your paper. >Ue* mmii clear af tha charge preferred ac-i-*t me. For Ih* property ia question I hart a bill of sal*, of w.icth* followiag it a copy : " S-S Fia»ci»co. April 3Dt_. U6*. "Ia consideration of th* sun of foar houdrei dortars. to me in hand paid. I hereby sail and convey to Jame* Uoliin* one bay hone. ' Do-gla**.* on. C*_**rd bogxy. hsrn—* »•>■» *ni><irr-q •«>•**. ._ "JOUS FOWLKH. " Wltnaaa: M. B. FiasT." ilUr. Stamp. | Thia property i* eUi_i«l by a third party, aad a* hi* i*st»TW I we* arratta— on Urn c-arg* abov* stata-. FmU-c e-rtain that thai »hoy« wu» plm. -w ia a prour lig-t aator* ->• pn liic. I am. »w_ apg-J JAM-d -Br Faoifla Bariasa and Homestead a*> soeiation. OSe*. WO Montjomery street. San Franei*eo.— Notice is hereby giv*n to the p*rw>iu herein— ftar named, their heir* er assign*, to pay tho -mount* of to. instalment* da* from «-eh oi iham. •nsrally. upon their rabßTiption to tha itock of tha P-eifis Saving* aad Uomesteai Association, th* amount* *f which subaeription. and th* numbar ef tha e*nineataa ot it* share* apoa whirb la* sam* ar* iv., appear eppo.it* to th. name of aaeli af .aid s-bseriban. ia tha followiox t-ble: S-m. No. Car- He.*-'*. Am't. 81.-k. Lot TVuTmhII 5 1 ikaJi W in X J C-ri*u___ jij I «v T 12 W«PMtni-m_.rr 1 V* R 4 Wh**i*r M-ria - M 1 «j \v Wheeler Martin. 1* 1 « V ft Wheeler Martin _ M I «0 8 « John Heyt 70 1 30 X 7 JohnUoii Tl I a» X « W C S-Ui»an « I W W « PRByrn* lt» 1 a» o a B<JL_;im.r 121 1 :■> v 1 ; w\aac_=_i-? i vP ? 5 B Doaghany ■«* i tv v t Mr.CV*MiTas*al_lM 1 Vetii V 13 Hwrjr WoU-^-M 1 *T X 7 gt«^w}}_rtui-tii» I *» X 1_ OJflrifing-___fcH I «n H • JCFord. 3U> 1 I_;U I I Payment to b« Bad* fanmcllataiy to tha .<«». tanr. at the office of th* Association aboTe nun^l »aJ'"l!>*d»^-ltth*i*)fs*U «h-ra* wUI b* ji_*Y*_i_T* ? **** " J nU * eeordia - M ■»*• *>»*•& By orier of th* Board ofTr-rtean: _ _ S. P. -lIDDLKTOS. IBT:aJ0 Seor.ury.

FOR SALE. pUJTK LOT FOR A DESIRABLE DOME- "- STEAD, on Northwest Corner of Jone* and Pine street*— 53 feat on Jones by »7K on Pine. To be bold at a rare bargain if called for immediately. Apply to OEO. IV. DAM, REAL ESTATE AOENT. my2»-2p7 42a Montgomery street. FOR Tent« and Wagon Covers. JO BOLTS •JIOFXT VERNO2V " WIDE r * v ' DUCK-fxom SS Inch ta 72 inch-assorted numbers. For sal* by WM. P. TAAFFE, 301 and 30S Front street. mylB-Iptf corner Sacramento. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Manila Cordage and Kay Rope OOTTOH AND LINEN TWINES, Shoe inroad, etuia* Threaul at Kawhla* Thread. BRUSHES OF KVKBY DKSCBIPTION -an FISHING TACKLK OF ALL KINDS. Thi ra»Kß»i«sna> KAViwa just oompleted satisfactory and permanent arrangements with th* manufacturers, are receiving constant additions to their larg* and w*U assorted stock of th* above line of goods, and ar* prepared to seU customers at greatly reduced rates, and on the most liberal terms Parties desiring to purchase the above line of good* ax* respectfully invited to ■ire us a call and examine for toemsel yea. Written orders will reoair* our prompt attention, v _^ KLAM «*, IIUWN, ■u*»-totf No*.3loanjSU Claystr**SELLING OFF! TO Close -Business. LADIES (AS HOW HFC IRE BARGAINS! MRS. NORCROSS IS CLOSING OUT UKH ENTIRE STOCK _a_ t oo s>j*t MASONIC TEMPLE, No. » MONTGOMERY ST my24-2ptf 3BES-Dl>l3>sTGr, nEDDIBTtt OF ETEKT DESCBIPTIOIT m - m for sale at reduced price*: CCBLEO HAIR. K. O. MOSS, FDLC. TOW, and EXCELSIAB. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SPRINGS. BED LACE. WKBBINB. TWINE, LIVE GEESE FEATHERS. For .... b, ° P KXTRA " KB « UALI ". l.«- M'll KKIBF.B, mypl4-2p 4O«i Sans.m. «tr*at

Oielikd Real EsTatg at Arcrioic.-Our retders are requeued to examine the Oakland property advertised to be sold at auction on Monday, May «Oth. 18(4. by John MidJleton k Son. at their salesroom, corner Montgomery and California streets. The property alrertised to be sold comprises part of the grounds of J. Ross Browne. Ktq.. are elegantly eortred with trees, and command a fine view of the mountains and Bay. They ar* situated on the line of the railroad, near the city, and are in the vicinity of seme of the handsomest residences in Oakland. The boat*, tu-dar. will make six trips, giring parties desirous of examining the property ample opportunity to do *o. The Goi.riEK Eka, to-day, present* it* patron* with a superb colored Fashion Plate, imported by th* proprietors direct from Paris. Ada Clare's FeuiUeton: "Tessa Ardenne ;" "Oswald Cray;** "Such is Life:" "Lei Modes Parisiennes." and "San Francisco Fashions," in to-day's Golden Era. myi9-l _ Ask any Union man who is the best man to command the Army of the Potomac and he will say Grant: a*k any man where is the largest Clothing Store in California, and your answer will be Qi-imct U--L. aiyZ7-3 STKggoscoric ViETg of all parts of the world, from $1 per doien and upwards, are on exhibition and for sale by Laveixck A Hodsewoeth, Opticians, 637 Clay street. myJ4 tf As Etek. Cheapest asd Best.— At Geo. H. JoHirsos's, 64* Clay street, the price of first-class Card Pietnres Is reduced 33J.J per cent. mylT Bbadlet k RcLOfsox, successors to Vance, are producing the best Card Photographs in the city, and (until further notice) as cheap as the very cheapest. mylS-lm Reduced Pricks roa "Castes de Visite." The moet superior "Cartes de Visite" that can be taken are produced at J. Shew's new Photographic Gallery. Sli Montgomery street, near Pine, for $3 perdoxeiL my6-lm Da. J. Ewalb. Surgeon Chiropodist, removes such excreieneei a* corns, bunions, inverted mils, sad all disease* of the feet. Terms moderate. Office 624 Washington (treat. Washington Baths, two doors above Maguire's Opera llouse. uiyS-lm Da. Kehedt's Ixstitute for disease* of the s kin and limbs pays particular attention to the removal of snch exrresences as corns, bunnions. inverted nails, etc. Dr. Kennedy assures the public of San Franeueo that in the removal of those axeresences ha uses no acids or other poisonous ingredients, but carefully and scientifically removes tha corn or bunnion from the natural flesh. Persons afflicted with disease* of the skin, may rely upon th* most judicious treatm%nt. Dr. Kennedy's success is the result of long practical investigation of the remedies best adapted for the complete eradication of all cutaneous diseases. Office, No. 12 Montgomery street. Office hours from 9a.H.t08 r. v. Sundays from 'J a. k. to 1 r. -. ap27-tf J. V. MAKsriELD. th* celebrated Writing T**t Spiritual Medium, will receive calls at his rooms. So. 329 Bush itroet, previous to his departure for Kurop*. iel-tf

. JfligttUaraoitg. 1: Tourth of July BTJ NT_I jV G! f fin PCS «W>. WHITB AH» SLITS. ,f-Mv *»*-* S»glUh Butting. For saloatt-e Upholstery. Carpet and Paper Warehouse, by Corner of Sansom* ot. opposite th* Tehama House . myl9-tf Green and Black Enamelled Cloth. •-KEEir BAIZK. Fine California made Blankets. L4CE CtJRXAXIVS. siiekt on. c-orm, ali. nixf.s. Paper Uanglngs.Borderand Decorations. j VELVET T*IJI,K COTEES. ,-.LABSK GRASS MATS. ' CBDHB (LOTUS. SILK DAMASK SHADES. For sale at the Upholstery. Oil Cloth. Carpet. Paper ■■ . and Shade Warehouse, opposite the Tehama : I j House. Sansome street, by ' >] JOHN C. 13EILJL.. myl9-tf GIRIM WARTED TO HAHE AKKBICAN FLAGS. ■°y24 Mngnlre at JOHN C. BELL'S. OUR MO1TO: Quick Sales and Light Profits! For Dry Ghoods GOTO LANDERB, ONE PRICE STORE, CORNER 0V Market and Third its., San Francisco VKTHEKE TOD WILL FIND O.VK OV the largest, cheapest, *nd best seleoted stocks of DRY GOODS in the City, consisting of SILKB, SHAWLS, NIIEKTIKUN, NHIKTIHUf), DKESS GOODS, KMBBOIDERIES, HOSIEBT, BLAHKETS. BIBBOHS, REMEMBER TUe One Price Store. mjl-30 ficttlg arib JUtßtanxardß. GAUSTOGA SPEINGS, NAPA VALLEY, ffIHE GBEAT WATERIXO PLACE Or -**■ T UX PACIFIC. not excelled in Europe or America. BATHS OF EVERT DESCRIPTIOV. GRAND HOT MINERAL SWIMMING BATH. HTEAH BATH, From the Natural Springs— Sure Cure for the Rheumatism, Gout, Sore Eye*, and Pulmonary Complaints: being impregnated with Sulphur, Iron, and Magnesia. CELEBBATED HOT HUD BATHS, The same as used by tha Romans in Italy two thousand years ago. An Elegant TROTTING PARK, one milo in length. The best TKOUT FI.SIIINd and SHOOTING within one mile. SEVEN HOURS FROM SAN FRANCISCO, by Steamboat and Stage, lour hours by boat and three hours by stage— starting at nine every morning. Fare by steamer and stage, five dollars. Thirty miles from the Geyser?, stages running OTery day. Telegraph line connecting with all part* of the State. •**- Na finer public accommodation* on the continent. my27-tf F. B. eiLKOBE, Landlord.

jHining Notireg. na- o t 1 o -s . Aar Tha Annual Meeting; ef ths Btocltholden of the Whitman Oold and Silver Minis: Company of Indian Springs District, Lyon county, Nevada Territory, will take place at th* office of th* Corporation. Boom No. 10. (second floor J Brannan's Express Building. San Francisco, on .TUESDAY, th* seventh day of June. 1354. at 3 o'clock p. ». THOS. W. COLBURX my«--ptd Secretary a. k 3. M. Co. Crown Lead Gold, Sllrer and Capper Mining Companj, Mariposa County. California. «-" Kotlo* is hereby given, that ia aceordano* with the By-Laws of th* Crown Lead OolJ. tiilver and Copper Mining Company, th* ANNUAL M BETING OF STOCKHOLDERS will b* bald on TUESDAY EVKNINH. JUNE SEVENTH. ISS4. at EIOUT O'CLOCK, r. -_ at th* offie* of th* Company, 4C6 Montgomery street, for th* election of officers, and other business. JOHN W. GOULD. Seo'y. Ban Francisco. May 27th. 1564. myg-td Caledonia Cold and Silfcr Mlnlns Co* (Oold Bill. N.T.) DEU.\«irtJCT LIST. **- Th* Delinquent List of th* abov* Company will positively be advertised in th* SATURDAY MORNING'S ALTA OF JUNE FOUBTIL IK4. By order of the Board of Trustees. W. B. AQARD. B*er*ury. San Franeueo. May 27. 1364. s*y2Md — 1 — " Hornltc- Sold ud Silver Mining Co. 4V Th* office of this Company I* removal te Ko. 723 Montgemery street, between Jackson aad Washington, op stairs. - myl Cedar 11111 Tnnael and Mining Company »#- Notin* is hereby given, that a Special Meetin* of th* Stockholden of th* Cedar Bill Tuanel and Mining Company will be held at tha office of th* Company. *3-O Washington street. (Room T and 8.) San Francisco. California, ea SATURDAY. Jun* 4. 1*11, at 7 o'clock r. aw for ih* purpose ol Amending the By-Laws. By order of the Board of Tr-st***. C. T. HOBART. Saentary San Francisco. April a. 1884. ap3o-td Ban t'arloi Exploring aad -Hulas Co. 49* Th* annual meeting of the San Carlo* Exploring and Mining Company, for th* election of Trustees, and other business, will be held oa the JSIOHTU DAT OF JUNE, at VA r. *-. at th* Offic* of th* Company. No. 400 Montgomery street. JOHN MIDDLETON. Prwid.nt Vr.W.LAWTON.See'y. my!9-td2p Antelope aad Esmeralda Basin Tunnel Company's Offlee.

BEHOVED TO NO. 51 XETBOrOUTAH BCILDIXG. 49- The Delinquent Assessment of TEN CFNTS per share on this Company must be published on th* SEVENTH DAT OF JUNE, (unless previously paid.) as the recent indications justify th* continuation of the mala circular tunneling, and consequently incurs increased outlay. *W- AU th* Scrip i**ued should have th* NEW SEAL of th* Company attached, aad which eaa b* stamped thereon every day after the II rst of J un 0. S. W. ROBERTS. Secretary. Ban Francisco. May 13. 1*4. myl9-2w2p **- Willow Consolidation Qold and BllTsr Mining Company. Summit District. Rees* River.— Notice to Stockholders— A meeting of Stockholders will be held on MONDAY. June 13. HtS4. at TH o'clock p.m.. at the erne* of the Company. MO Montgomery street f or tha election of Five Trust.**. By order of the President. E. C. MrCOMB. myao-td becxetary. *M~ The Wide) West Klnlos Comnany. Esmeralila District. Kimer iKla county. Nevada Territory —Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of said Company, held st of - fice on the 2Sth day of May A I). WA, an assessment of Five (S3) Dollars per share was levied on each and every share of tho capital stock of said Cempany. payable immediately, in V. S. gold coin, to the S*eretary. at his offlee. No. IU Californiitre.t,San Frascuco. Any stock upon which the >aM asMsanmt shall remain unpaid on the TWENTT-FOURTII DAY OF JINK. IH^t. will b« advartised on th. £thday of June, I**), as delinquent, and.unl*s* payment be msde before, will be sold on .atarday, the '.'th day of July, l^L atl- o'eloek. noon, of that day. by John Middleton ii Hon. at their office. No. 4(" Montgomery street. Saa rraaeiseo. to pay the delinquent assessments, together with east* of advertifinjt and expense* of sal*. By order of th* Board ef Trust***. JNO F. POPE. Secretary. Office Ko. IC3 California street. *_W. Ceraer California and Davis, San Francisco. * ir- A discount of i rer r«m_ will be mad* en all ilHiianti paid within 20 day* from thi* date. £y order ef th* Board of Tmatea*. my 36 JNO F. POP-. Secretary. Mr Yellow Jacket Oold aad Silver Mining Company N0. 2. Sold Hill. Nevada Territory.— At a meeting of the Board of Trustee* of said Company, held the 25th day ef May. 1864. it wa* resolved that an assessment of SB cents per share. ler iod upon each aad every share ef the capital stock ef the above Company, en the 14th day ef December. l-*3. be *-v*r_**d payable forthwith ia United State* gold eoia. to th* Secretary, at hi* office. No. 31 California street: and any stock npoa which said muuwl shall remain unpaid on th* FIFTH DAT OF JLNK, 1*64. k. advertised nnthatdaya* delinquent. CHA3. C JACKS. Secretary. May 27th. 1564. saylvtd -or Toaemlt*) Oold aad BUrer Mining! Company, heese River Mining District. N. T_ Oflee No. 404 Front street. San Franeueo.— Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with th* law* of the State of California, and in punuanc* of aa order made by the board of Tnuteee, at a meeting held April -7th. lfttt. a raOcieat number of the •hare* of the capital stock of this company, standing in the name of the stockholder n—mea below, will be sold at public auction to tae Inchest bidder, for e-» h in U*it«l M»!e« cold euio. at the oAe* o th. Company. S»n t'raneisoo, a— th* FUIRTII DAY OF JUNE. IV4. at 12 o'clock K. a* will pay an a.«.*CMment (No. 1) of twenty-five cents per share, levied September 21st, 1363, together with all coat* accruing from advertising, sale, etc. Name. No. Cert*. No. Shim. Ami. W-_P.M_rtin_3l3aS3S4-) 3srss3»v is ran 41 4243f mrt WM. T. R-Tf ITOLDB. Secrtary.

&T & ,O OO In Bonds of the City of San Francisco, will continue to issue Policies ac-but Logs or Damage by Fire, on BDILDIH-eS, HEBCHAXDISE, FER.VIIVRE, Aad every description ef property in California. Oregon and Nevada Territory. ALL LOS3ES PROMPTLY PAID IS I. S. GOLD COIN. J. I.OWENIIEI.M * CO., Agents. my27-2plm 300 and 311 Front st, San Francisco MARIKE INSURANCE. MKR€IfAXTV Mutual Marine Insurance Co. Capital, £500,000. OFFICB: Korthesst corner talirornlaand Front »ts, SAN FKANGISCO. INSURE ASAIBBT TUE PERILS OF TUE SKA TO AND FROM ALL PARIS OF THB WORLD. JAMES P. FLINT. President. J.B. SCOTCH LKR. Secretary. my27-2ptf OFFICIAL REPORT Eastern and Foreign FIBE INSURiNCE COMPANIES AUTUORIZKD To«!oIIu*in«-«i iuCaliforuia I' HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOL- " lowing ii a correct list to d-t* of the Fire Insurance Companies that have made compliance with the Insurance Law of this State, requiring a deposit of 875,0« mi mad* in th* City of S-n j'raneueo. on or before the first day of May, 1854: l'huMiU Insurance to., Uartrord, R. H. MAQILL. General Agent. £tna Insurance Co., Hartford, " EDWARD H. PARKER Agent Liverpool and London Insurance Co., WM. B. JOHNSTON. Ag«nt North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., London, WM. H. TILLINGHAST. Agent. Imperial Insurance Co., London, FALKNKK. BELL k CO.. Agents Hartford Insurance Co., Hartford, BIGKLO VT k BKO.. Agaats. Hamburg Bremen Ins. Co., Hamburg, MORRIS SPEYER. Aient. London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., London, J. LOWENUELM k CO.. Agents. JOS. B. PAXSON. County Treasurer. San Francisco. May 20. XiU. mr2l FIRE INSURANCE, Manbattan Fire Insurance Co., •V MBW TOBK. IHCORTORATXP ISH, Relief Fire Insurance Co., Or HEW TOKK. .Etna Fire Insurance Co., O tt HEW TOBK. INCOXPOIIATKD l!Bt. Th*M Companie* Issar* Bufliings. Merohaiduw, Dwallian. llous*bol<i Furciture. VesMls in Port and their Cargoes, ar 1 other Property tn San Francisco, from Loss or Damao* by Fire, oa th* most Favorable aad Ltberal Terntf. Locaas equitably adjusted, asd Paid la U. E. Oold Coin her*, without delay. B. B. VWin *- CO, AtfVatn fur Nan I'lanfliro anZ-Sptf SDK i rent straat ap stairs.

FURNITURE COVERINGS AND lVew Cartain Goods. 8..L. SOLOiHOIV & MCIT-M. 313 CalLTornia street, HAVE 3VHT IKPOBTED A FINB BTOCK OF BROCATEIXES, HATIXS, I'l.l SIII.S, I.&NTI V«JS, BEPS, DAMASKS, And every variety of COVERINGS and CURTAIN MATERIAL of the Latest Stiles and Newest Designs. ap«-2p PARTICULAR MOTIVE. GOODWIN & CO., SSStd WaisiiiiieftoM Street, mPOKTKRS, Manufacturers and Dealers nt FURNITURE, ' Bedding and Mirrors WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. «B£KaS£_N_ UAVIXQ AN ITBU-cTt Bf-aa-aa-B-cI fail); largo stock of aIiUL. Bg-S----^)2kindrt ot guoiis in our line JV^ in store «nd being anxious ' 1 ' to reduce it to make room for larger «hipmen-i, almost due, we will offer unusual inducements at present to cash purchasers. To the Trade we offer our large assortment of Case Uoods. in part— lttKi cases wood and csne seat Chain. 500 cases Dining Chairs. -«i eaae* wood and cane seat Office Chairs. 200 oases painted Chamber Suits. 150 cases mahogany and walnut Boston Sofas. 125 mahogany aad walnut Boston Rockers. 100 mahogany and walnut Parlor Chain. 150 mahogany, walnut and rosew'd Parlor Suites. 50.^.^fk T e4*f{»i U r! IUIdrOMW ' dChamberBaitel - Also, Mass. Pulu. Tow, Excelsior Spring Mattresses, eto., etc, full assortments. -UUDWIN <- CO., ap!7-2p No. 528 Washington street

jar Notice.- A trpwatal Bsstlag ef tn* *tS-«K«rif tt*Paei-e !;._»-«» Comwae, "Si b* held at th* oflc. of ih. Company, oa WEpNBSDAT. the sth of Jan.. at 3 o *e ock r. * .for DANISH RELIEF FUWDT^ 49- Me«in_ will b* held at Seaadiaanas BaU en TUESDAY. -Ist May. at »r.«. Ta* trst SUv*r Ban will be shown, and an addws-ftom th* eoatribaton ta th* C«-uniti** at Capwihagaii n*L aiy-M g. OTIABA TAATTg. Oalrmam. «■ Offloo ot the Baa Pr*"®^ 0 S*_si|S2 Works. Saa Jra-ciMW. M «?_ B _fc_ l! _l'7 h vi?? ia hwaby givra to the stock holdars al the^aa rnoH*^ tStyWaWr Work*, that • m»nimi of iv iSekhoW*r.^vm b* h.U *Tt_* oOe* *f th«Com■a^T. W5 MnntgomTT street, on t_. TWKSTJ»o dividends wUI be paid on fractional part* *f shlrSrStoekh*ld«. ar* mueswdtob. P?nct«l ia mundane, or gin »"Si^tv^Si&^ J.B. THOMAS. -_»* JOHN BK-SLKT. £&Wia DAVIS-my3S--l Tn-rta**. M U*m fnVl ' "l lerti ve\^ion! e heM dM-yd M-y 21. lS=4. tot following resolution was unaaimoujiy adopted, and th« Secretary ordsrad U publish th* sam*: W-gEKia, Th*uapreeedeiiud high pne*of bran, hay. an- all kind* of fe«i graia. recdorj an advane* int.. ratea.f ssUk ioji»er»t>v.: therefor*, Knotted. That on aad after the Sr.it .ay of Jan.. BM. the followiag raMa. »» the sioiosa-i prie. for Bilk, aa p*r *.uaatitia*. will ba chargad: 10 cent* p*r plat. *r I plat per day p«- sum th $i SO 15 cents per quart, ar Iqt par day par month. 4 SO 3 piau per J*y per month _ «S0 I qu-ru per iUy per month _ » M 3 uaart* per day per m«ut_ - v M 50 Tew-i p« gaa «r 1 gall per d-y p«r mootb 15 UU From 1 galls to s (inelunv.) p.r day, per gall.. *5 From 2 cans. 3 gallon* each, to »(inclosiv*> THST datVT W CaVllOB- . ..-»■--- -■ - ■■ as 1 m. 40 3^J.^-gi:^ T dßTu'^c-y w 49- Offlo*> of th*> Ttxmt Stre-t, Mi-aton anS Ocean Bailro-d Company. 17 and .W «ipvernm*nt Hous^-Moticfc-Th* annual meetiat of the rtoekholderi of th* Iront atr*et. Misnoa aad Oceja Railroad Company will bi h.J,I at the oflee of th« Company on MONDAY. Jun* 13th. at 1. ... for tha ehoic* of officers for th* year enruing. ana for th* trsoiuetion ef *uch other b»«i»«s v may b. brought before th.m. J. P. &ÜBIM-O^.Pra*X A. D. HATCH. t^CT.tary. my-l-U -orßaiins Valler Water Workt Company, southeast corner Montgomery and J-ckJua streeu. Saa Franeisoo. Ma; ;>ih. 1 *>*.— The annual meeting of tha stockholders of the Spring V.iilev Water Works will be held at the office of the Company oa SATURDAY. June 13th proximo, at U n'slnek: noon, for the election of Trustee* for th» e"«uin_ y*-r7andoth«r swine**. EDWAKD MICKLK. mylstd iet-ret-ry.

Ingttrame (gompanicg. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE Fifaand£ifa INSURANCE COMPANY Kro Capital_____.__ $5,000,000 Life Capital. $500,000 London 73 and 7« King William Streat, E. C. Liverpool ..........Brown's BoUdings. Exchange. Chui rkian : V. W. Russel, H. P., (Chairman of th* National Discount Company-) Deputy Chairmen: Fire— Mr. Alderman Dakin, (Messrs. Dakin Brothers.) Lil'e-K, U. Mackeusie. Esq.. Oresham Uaara. Old Bread street. W. P. Clivehugh. E*q_ (i.nenl Manager. I.NNI KA\« X AOAI-VST I^>!X«o« AM*OK by Fire, on every description of property, at a* low rate* as aay other Arst-ela** Company. Lone* paid immediately la U. S. gold eoia. J. LOWENIIELH * HI., Agent* for California, Oregon and Neva JaTerri tory. my27-2plm Suit and »11 Front street $75 ? OOOl 1m COMPMASCE WITH THE LAW Enacted at the last sessiea of our State Legislature, the LONDON AND LANCASHIRE Fire Insurance Company Having deposited with their Ban— era, Messrs. TALLANT £ CO..

Jitruiturc. f EDWARD S. SPEAR, CSSCaUrornlaHtrfet.brlow Kont«ouiei7 Constantly on Hand, IIV >V_A.IitER.OO»i:S t Over . Sidesroonu,\ri s ALARGE DESIRABLE ASSORTMENT WEW FURNITURE. ': . ]a»--ptf. F U H, IV I T UR E! « J. PEIRCE, 415 +W 410 ■ Calitornia Street. m

3fap *ar Coeett* Bllver and Copper Mining Company— Arisona Territory— office Northeast 00 rner of Montgomery and Jackson streets. Room 16. Saa Franeisoo. May 28th. U64.-Notio* U hereby riven, that, in aceordano* wuh «h* laws of the Itate of California, and an order of th* Board ol Trustee* made this dsy. there will be sold, at pubic auction at th* salesroom of . Jerome Rice k Co. ?o. 327 Montgomery street, at twelve a'aloek ■_ on 7EDNKSDAT. tb* twenty-ninth day of June. 1864, to the highest bidder for (ask. in United States gold coin, so many share* of the capital stock of said company, standing in the name* of the following persons, as will be necessary to pay Aaseasa lent* Xio*. 3 aad 4. (th* former of One Dollar levied November Mghteenth. 18fc3. anil the lutoneof One Dollar levied on tha twenty-fifth day of February, 1 SCO now due thereon, with the expenses of advertising and sal*: * -— Kama*. No. Assessment No. Shares. Amt M C Kevello 4 212 $211 ? Merle 4 -T • H Q Mabe 4 78 ?S Isaac Meyer 4 78 v 78 lene L'Uote — — . 4 78 78 leu Labat 3 196 156 lean Labat — 4 15* 1! 8 Jean Dulae--~__~ ..- 4 .It IS O Marqueri...... — 4 75 71 AMathiea 4 78 7« Tcs Uuirauil....- 4 29 29 Jules Massart 4 -II 231 [<a aar* Levy— ________ 4 81 " 81 (1 Charruau»_M_— .—•_•__• 4 39 39 J Menu.-— ........................ 3 60 SO J M*nu 1 1 1 ....... 4 65 6! JKstrayer 4 78 7S JDeschateaux— 4 103 103 X Laeombe~— —-..—___ 4 78 ' T8 A de Senailhae ....... 4 3» 3» -ng Polin 1 .. 4 7g 7g D Casesux 4 ft 3 M A Ports I~— ~ « _.. 4 78 78 E Caialis 4 39 39 J M Byrne 4 7» 78 J B Chambrarure 4 7* 78 [> Tbomas—__ _______ 4 5' tl Dereins 4 iy k M Crooks 4 300 30( A. Halphen ____________ 4 39 SS C Francois . , 4 39 8i Oeo Fellows .. 3 1W 156 Oeo Ke110w5.......™. 4 156 Ist M Millsson 3 313 31; M MillesoD— -__—__._ 4 313 31' A Li1vy......... _.......„._. 3 14 i A I.ilwy 4 14 |. Wll Sharp _. 4 • 73 78 X Causterauste 4 134 13H L Aureau ____. 4 39 £! A Aabert .___. _________ 4 49 4S A Couroelle 4 89 89 L I L.troadee — 4 Stf S9 X F Lorquin 4 S9 S9 Jules Meroier ... 4 15 11 J i'e1i0jtt. ......................... 4 b5 fi J A Slairon... ....._............. 4 39 39 J X Delabigne ...... 4 83 88 V Mondelet 4 100 • ICO J -■■*mifijn. ' * 4 19 1^ M Gelardin*-- .____-_ __». 4 10 IU J Arriveto __. 4 2S 2 UVDon— _ 4 W 1 AVUmi. r • 4 75 15 X If rrochon — 4 5 5 JPLordat 4 S9 59 A B^ooibt 4 2S 25 J J Schmitt. — 4 20 20 X Lsiuory _- 4 511 Ml C MuHSol __. 4 5 5 L L*ine— ........................... 4 10 10 L Pratolongo 4 60 60 L Knr»> 1 ,.,.., , 4 5 AMChapelle 3 39 39 AMChai.elle 4 3» 89 Br order of tha Board of Trustee*. my»-30 L. FRANCONI. Secretary AUSTRALIA.. Briti*.- Clipper Ship Coya, FOR SYDNEY. (NOW LYINO AT CLAY STREET WHARF.) f f»- PASSEKGEK4 BT THB ABOVE wp» Jyve.«elare requested to pay lialanc. of pasffili ir sace money, on or before HONDA V. :«jth insi. a* she proceeds to sea early on TUESDAY. MACONDKAY k CO.. Or UUQUK. k WINTER. Exchange Building, Opposite th* Custom House. my 292 FIRST VEfISEIFor liumboldt Bay. •<*V^ The Clipper Brig «Sj£v Crlcncoe, ;^H_4?'- T - COUSINS Master. ■yPrPW* Will receive freifht on TUESDAY, the 31st mit, and have immediate dispatch. For freight or passage apply to the captain on board at Pier 15, or tn inyS9 DOLBEER - CARSON. 36 Steuart st For Sale, Freight or Charter -rlr^ Th* A 1 Schooner jgfirl^. SC. W. Rng-g-les, Jamj&S' 1:u lon »- two years old. white oak. •_-_-a_*W built at Eiiii, Mass. Korfnrthcr particulars apply to the Captain on board, at Commercial Whsrf, or to .«-.- my29-»* SHED A WRIGHT. SUnartst

KELIUIOIN KOTICKS. First Congracatioaal Church, southwest corner of Dupont and California street* Rev. K. S. Lacy. Paster. The Key. R. Patterson. D. ».. and Rev. Geo. J. Mingias, Agents of the Christian Commission.hay the invitation tendered them. and will supply th* Pulpit of this Church, to-day, at 11 o'clock a. m., asd 7K r. _. Eabbath School and Bible Class** are held at th* close of th* morningsarvie*. AU are invited to attend. Beeond Conrrert tional Chnrch The Rev. J. A. Benton. recently iaitalled Pastor of this Church, wiil frearn a sermon thi* morning appropriate to •" the occasion. ' la th* evening he will deliver the fifth lecture in the course to young men. Howard (treat Presbyterian Church, Of . 6)— Prwchingin Piatt'* llalL Montgomery street, by the Pastor. Rev. Abbott E. Kittredgc, at 11 A. -_ tai'iir.u. Suhject. in the moraine thelajtof a «Aurs» of sermons on "What is the Orthodox Faith V In the evening. " Lesions from th* Holy Land." First Baptist Church. Washington street Tbe Fifteenth Anniversary of the Sabbath Kehool connected with this Church, will be celebrated at 11 A. k. The exercise* consist of nnging by th. children, address, presentation of emblems, and anniversary ofleri.g*. Preaching, at IVtT.u^ by Bey. Dr. Hendncksoa. of Stockton. Tbe Congregation of Disciples of Christ (Christian Church) meet this morning at 11 o'clock, at the honse of Chas. Vincent, near the corner of Fulton and Franklin street*. Hayes* Valley. All are invited. Calvary Prer tiyterian Church. Bush street.— Bey. Dr. Wadsworth will preach at 11 o'clock a. ... uidVAr.u. Sabbath School and Bible class meet at 9* a.m. First Prasbyteriaa Chareb. Stockton street— Preaching at 11 a. H. by Rev. Dr. Anderson.' and at 8 r. M. by Key. Mr. Mingins. of the Christian Commission. Sabbath School and Bible Classes at lr.M. Free seats for aIL St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Fourth street. near Market The Rev. A. Williams. Pastor. Divine service at 11 a. -. Sunday School at 12:46 P. M. Zion'f Church. Stockton street Services will be held to-day at 11 o'clock a. ii. Rev. Dr. Drinkhouse will preacn at 3 o'clock. and Key. o. B. Smith at VAAU are invited to attend. Key. A. B. Smith. Pastor. Reformed Protestant Dutch Chnrch Service in Dashaway Ball, Port s'reet, near Dupont at ll!i a. m, by Rev. Peter S. Williamson. Seats free. First Unitarian Church, Geary street, between Stockton and Dupont The Rev. Dr. 11. W. Bellows will preach m this church, this day. (Sunday,) at tl a. «. and in the evening at "X o'clock. The Sabbath bebool meet* in the chapel at VIAV l A a. v. All are invited to attend. Howard street Methodist Episcopal Church, between Second and Third streets Rev. J. D. Blaln, Pastor. Preaching to-day at 11 o'clock A. M. and 714 p. -.. by the Pastor. Sunday School at t o'slock p. v.

Auction Sblcb To-morrow. a. K. HEWHALL A CO_ earner ef Bsawm* im B alle.- k streets SeH. at IS a'doek. at Saltsreem. riae and BaaTT Clothimiy Dry Goods. Fancy Goodt. Tobioco, BOOU and Shoe*, etc JOX-5 k EEXDIXES. 237 and 20! C-Hfor-U (tiee> Cefl. at II o'clock, at the fiev Orleans Warehouse. Groceries, etc EDWARD 8. EPEAk. *3S California street, b. lew Ka-tgOßMry— 6*ll*. at 11 o'clock, at Ml Howard *tn*C between Fi.'Ji aad Sizta, the Dease-boUPar-itor*. DTEK.SADGEB. A- ROEOBL. N. E. comer of Mectromery aad Pin* strtets_S«U, at Uifo'doek. at salesroom. Bosieaold Furcitare, etc JOHN _CtDSL-TO5 A SON. K. E. corner Moatromery aad CalUoraia Sell, atl! •'clack. at asiesroom. Real Estate.

Port Wine. r * SONS, Oportot "1 ira*-" 1 " ""** lnpwior Old CrOWB wii ALSO. 100 eases very fine CLARET, from the well known hous* of CunUffe.Dobson_i Co. Bordeaux. fmyii-lw C. ADOLPHE : LOW k CO. v -.;.. j For g»«g.le7" MAGNIFICENT RESIDENCE TATLOB STREET.- ;; ~~~~ * , -»;..-. ,-; ..-"' MTO DE BOLD OH ' ACCOCHT OF partur* of the Owner. For particular* apply to ..... j , JEROME BICB * CO., q.jj j 1 my2i-2p tan Montgomery street .Cionnell'B Hair. Brushes. GKSCINK JOHX OORKILI, A CO.'S London Ualr Briuhei, aborted «itos, for sal* 1» lot* to gait. « KKWMAM BKOi. T" ■""j ,«;««, iklti ;; H*s«ißatt«3frtrt.u *