Los Angeles Herald, Volume 34, Number 204, 23 April 1907 — BENEDICT GIMBEL DIES AT HOBOKEN [ARTICLE]



Wealthy Philadelphia Merchant, Re. csntly Aeeueed of a Serious Of. feme, Protests Against Medical Aid

X v Associated Press.

NKW YoIIK, April ■.< Benedict. <!lnili-l. the. wealthy Philadelphia mercliiint who cut Ms throat Mid wrists with broken Rlnss In n hotel In ll'>boken soon after he had been nrrested on serious ehargci in ttati city, died nt St. Mary's hospital, llolmkou. N. J., Shortly before :i o'clock this morning.

That the mental strain under Which Olmbel labored brcau.se ol the nrrest was one or the Important contribution". of his (allure lo recove* from ins wounds Is the opinion of Dr. Jurist, the family physician, wlio catii" from Phlladelphla to attend to him. it was only by tho COMtajg use of stimulants that the patient was kept alive Sunday, the doctor said.

Mr. Gimbel's evident desire was to die, even after the arrival of the members of his family, who did their best to encourage him, protesting against the efforts of the doctors who were trying to save his life.

Mrs. Qlmbel had rooms nt the hospital, where she could be called at a moment's notice, and was at his bedside constant iy.

Asylum Awaited Him

Members of the family had a strong hope that if Mr. Gimbel recovered the charges against him could be overcome by the plea of insanity. They had planned to send him to an asylum if they were unsuccessful in court.

It became evident bofore midnight that Mr. Glmbel could not live. Oxygon wns administered to him all day yesterday and later In the night, but he did not respond.

While the physicians could hold ont little hope It was determined to try infusion of blood to strengthen the patient. It Is paid that Glmbel did not revive sufficient Iy, however, to test tho experiment. Early this morning he became unconscious and expired.

The coroner was called to the hospital, but as the eauao of Glmhel'B death was plain a certificate of death. assignIng suicide as the cause, was given. Glmbel's body later was turned over to his family and was sent to Philadelphia.