Los Angeles Herald, Volume XLI, Number 272, 14 September 1915 — Suffragists in S. F. Plan New Campaign [ARTICLE]

Suffragists in S. F. Plan New Campaign

By Pacific New* Service SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 14—The opening gun of a vigorous three day’s convention of the Congressional Union for Woman’s Suffrage was fired *at noon today, when several hundred delegates assembled at a luncheon at the Inside Inn at the exposition. with O. M. P. Belmont, general chairman of the national organization, presiding. The address of welcome was delivered by Miss Charlotte Inlta Whitney of the California branch of the Congressional union. Leaders in the woman suffrage movement from all over the United States and from foreign countries will address the convention on the progress that has been made during the last year in the universal light for political recognition. Prominent among the speakers were Madame Maria Montessori, the noted Italian educator; Dr. Yami Kirn, one of the* few Chinese women doctors, and Madame Ali Kali Khan of Persia, who has been the leader in woman’s suffrage in the Orient. After luncheon the delegates will he guests of Representative and Mrs. William Kent at their home in Kentheld. where they will be addressed this evening by Congressmen John I. Nolan. Julius Kahn and A. Hayes .and other speakers.