Los Angeles Herald, Volume XLV, Number 256, 26 August 1920 — noteis of the: theiateirs [ARTICLE]

noteis of the: theiateirs

The flavor of the old South, with all Its romance, beauty and love, charnclerizos the presentaiion of (leorg’ia Campbell, by the Misses Campbell at the Orpheum. befrlnniuK Monday matinee. Aup. 30. 1 Raymond ' Wylie comes with an oddity, "The Futuristic .Jailbird;” W. Horlick and the Sarampa sisters present a series of Tzigrane dances; Misses Shaw and Campbell Jire two dainty girl musicianh who will 1 e heard in solo anti duet numbers; "Sassy” Lillian Oonne, with Hert Albert, are back "On Their Way to School;” Willa and Harold Hrowne have a novelty in their pictures made of rags; George Austin Moore remains over with his songs anti stories, and h'rank Dobson and his 13 sirens again are a feature of the bill for another week. • • • "Hiram.” a comedy of the cows and chickens, will he the next show at the Broadway Vantages. The Follies company has been rehearsing this agricultural specialty for the pjist 1W(» weeks, and as soon as .Jessica Dixon learns to milk goats the show will bo ready. • • « .Juanita Hansen’s adventure serial. "The l.ost City.” will be added to the vaudeville show at the New Tantag(‘s next week. This serial has been lield in reserve locally for the Pantages program, but has J)een slmwn elsewhere to tremendous houses. For variety, thrills and excellence in entertainment, it is douiuful if this week’s program at Grauman’s has ever been exceedeil in the history of the big cinema temple. The rofiture picture is "Tlte White (hrele,” a Maurice Tourneur production. As an added attraction >Jr. Grauman prest'Uts "A Trip Thru the luce Studios.” From the attendance that is being registered at Grauman's KiaJto it looks as if Sid Grauman put it too mildly when be stated that "Humor-

ofjque*' would be screened at that petite shrine of the silent art for an Indefinite run--such enoi mous rec-ord-breaking throngs have lined up to see this cinema, that it would have perhaps been more appropriate had he said permanent run. “Camille of the Yukon," one of the greatest Alaskan stories ever fdined, comes to the Hippodrome toda.v. Johnson Bros, and Johnson in a few moments of minstrelsy will prove a riot of fun while Stone and the Moyer Sisters present an artistic dance. Keating and Ross present the younger generation in song and dance, while Lahone and Dupreoce present "Getting Acquainted. ’ Monte and Parti are exponents of the accordions and Jewel and Raytnond present “At the Kiddie Clul).” « « • Bubbling over with laughter is the re(*eption every nudieme is giving to the prc-seniation by the Wilkes Stock Co. of the refreshing **'riie Marriage of Kitty." at the Majestic. Miss Kvelyn Varden and John Davidson in the leading iH>les are delightfully cast. • • • Norma Talmadge in what many eoneede was her greatest picture is coming to Miller’s Sunday in a revival of this classic which is none other than "Panthea" re-edited, reiitle<l and refurbisiied thronglniut. Directed by Allan T>wan. *"Tlie Great Redeemer," 11. H. \'an Doan’s tale of the west, is attracting the attention of hundred.s at Miller’s this week. Max Roth, former general manager of the Sol enterprises. has been engaged as eastern district manager for the Special IMctures eor]>oration with general supervision over the New York, P>uffalo. Roston, Philadelphia and D. C., exchanges. Roth was formerly Sol Lesser’s chief aide on the coast and then went East to lake charge of the New York office. While 11. .1. Rob-

prts Rpncral manager of Special, was j in the East, lie secured Roth's siftnature to a contract. • • * Harry Oribbon, prominent Sennett ami Kox-Sunshine cftmedian. is the latest inirthrnaker to join the Special I’ictnres fold. He is supportinn: Ches- . ter Conklin in his first two-reel com- ! edy, “Ills Wife’s Uelations.” now in | tlie niakinp for release Oct. 17. ( IVtails coneernimr the Milbounie I Mornnti c(»me<lie.s to be niatle for Special Pictures corj>orati(ui release , wore driven out this week. Klva Tay- i inr will be Moranti’s feminine lead, and him will he seen Alfred llewston, Clifton Hodder, Joe Ponner. Harry P.elmore and Kay Hampton, (diaries Diltz, former Keystone and Kolin director, will handle tlie TncLTaphono for the Moranti comedies. The first of a series of LMJ will ho releasojl on Sei>t, K litis just hern completed at the lltilhoa studio.s at Lonj; Beach.^ Ora ('arew plays the part of a near “vamp” in “The in which she takes the p.irt of the rich prirl foiled in'love for the liero impersontited by Kup:f‘ne O’Brien. Bee Tinynl, scenario writer for the Reneo Film Co., is authority for the' stjilemcnt th;it IJoyd Inffniliam luis ; ' a genuine till-sltir ctist for ; “Lavender tmd Old Ltiee.” for which ; Royal wrote the scontirio. Seenti : Owen, Kinf? B:ijjp:ot. Vic Potcl, .Mar- j Ktiret Snow, James Cnrrij;‘an, Lillian lOlliott tmd many other favurite.s are ] names to conjure with, says the ex1.0.s Anseles newspaper man. “Biir* Desmond, sttir of “A Broad-1 wa>- ('owhoy” at (dune’s Hrotixlwayj this week, has just houpht .Mrs. De.siiKUid ii beautiful new home in Hollywood. with ;i large sttiff of .servants. • Mrs. Desmond, who wtis tlie pretty I Mary Melvor of the pictures, refusesj to trust her baby to hired hands. I