Sausalito Marin Scope, Volume 20, Number 26, 16 October 1990 — The last great Zack’s Turtle Race [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

The last great Zack’s Turtle Race

The lasi (.real Zack's Turtle Race »as held on Fridas, October 12, and fan* gathered for one final photo finish. The races bettan in 1961 and were held regularls until 1187 when turtle racing became passe, /ack's will close its doors after 35 sears in business on October 31. Zack's was purchased and is scheduled to reopen as Margaritasille on March I. Above longtime participants posed with their pets. Front row: George tagwin. and Bill Sanborn, race announcer for 25 sears Standing: Jeannie and Ts on Ferris, turtle racing fans for 13 sears: Jack Harmon, a 15 year fan: Russ Nirenstein. a 14 scar fan; hen Blussingame. a 22 year fan; Kimberley Dabner; Kristina Jones: and l.enor Harmon. Pictured below is the race in action. Photos by Prisette.