Mariposa Gazette, Volume XL, Number 33, 26 January 1895 — Page 2

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Governor has aircady grown tired of plwco hunters. It seems that there are sumo things even worse than Stockton malaria. To bridge or not to bridge, to prosper or Dot to prosper, tint is the question—and tho supervisors must settle it. as the people already have. There may bo something in a name otter all—a Califoraian named Cheek has sued Siam for 84,<K)0,000, and this government is pressing the claim. C. A. Holland, ass.'inblyman from this district, has been mnde a member of the omuiitteos on agriculture, roads and highways, education, forestry aud state p irks. Tho Presidont says he had a warship sent to Hawaii from "motives of extreme ■caution." Not that h:> loves Hawaii mora, but that lie fears the indignation of Congress and the people. " There aro signs of promise from tho south. Several members of a lynching party in Kentucky have been „ arrested and will bo tried for their crime. If ibis course of action Incomes general the wanton disregard of 1 iw will cease. Tho Bakorifleld Calijurnian has entered upon its thirtieth volume, having been established in 1860. Under the management. of that able and versatile journalist, Oeo. F. Week 3 , the paper is probably the best country weekly ou the Pacific const. Tho State Board of Horticulture is still wrangling, its spleen being now directed agaiust Prof. C. N. Riley, the well known entomologist. This Hoard has done little but quarrel fir the past fewyears anil probably tho best tiling for the State would be its abolishment. Snn l'rancisco has been making another effort to insure the construction of the Sun Joaquin Valley railroad. The road would cost about four and a half million dollars, of which amount not more than a half million lias been subscribed. The rood will bo'built to Los Angeles.

Queer, isn't it? This Han Francisco preaohers want tho divorce laws of the Stato amended to make thorn more stringent. Tho preacher who can get two marring* fees' instead of one should be in favor of oasy div.trc.i laws, and tho cloth likos eoin as well as tho common people do. Among the seuatori d candidates W W. Bowera, congroasm in from the seventh district, is the most prominent dark horse. N > other man montioucd would bo so acceptable to the people of the State, and no other wonld make a better Senator. It wonld please tho GAZETTE to see him elects*!*—» Franco and other European countries are taking action to prevent the importation of diseased cattle from tins country. Evory animal exported from the United .States is examined; and hits a government tag guaranteeing perfect soundness. The Old World antagonism is not based on JweiAei} Juttlo or meats, but is meant to recriminate against this oountry for unfavorable^ provisions ia the Wilson bill. Wo are glad to note that "Our .Stove'' has recovered some of his California principles. Ho ia booked for a vigorous ■peoch in tho senate, iu favor of the Nicaragua canal. If lie can convince his east em party confreres that this country is America instead of EnglauU, and ltidycce them to look at '(matters from a Some point of view, we Ai the Pacific Coast w'll forgive him past oflfcnsos and be pleased, too, to see him out of luadiug strings again. San Jose has a small army oT tramps at work on the streets. The principle of forcing vagrants to work is right and if officers were infallible in distinguishing tramps from deserving men out of 0111ploymeut no fault could be found with BUCII a law. liut honest men, anxious to work, will improv* the streets of San Jose and tramps will escape. One who has never been broke and " oil the road " cannot appreciate the position in which an industrious man may be placed by misfortune. Such a law should be tempered with charily. We like tho spirit evinced by Senator Seymour of San Bernardino, lie is one of the hold over Senator* and was elected ns a known friend of M. H. do Young, lben Mr. do Young helped liitn in his fight against ttie division of Bernardino county. Ni.w Mr. Seymour says he will stay by his frittml-de Young. The furore against do Young is due largely to the jealousy of the h'tumi ier, which has lost no chalice to vilify him. The iutereits real interests) of California would not be neglected if Mr. d'.' Young were in tho Seuato. A decision of United States Supreme Court is to the rttft'Ct that the gov -eminent lias 110 power to suppress the augar trust, but that tho matter must he loft to tho separate states. This is probably g>od" law "as the law of the present div is understood. Such a thing as common sense has no place iu the miinl of the jurist iu general, who has more concern for technicalities than for the welfare of the country, and who would scorn t > base all opinion on any precedent that is not lit least as imtiqnabsl as Blackatoue. It is little wotuler that justice so often miscarries, when the manner of it.-) application is considered.


A revolt in Honolulu, for the purpose of restoring Lilinokalnni to the throne, occurred on January OLii, but w»« sup pressed by the government. Charles L. Ciirter was killed aiul Lieutenant Holise verely wounded. The Royalists bad been furnished arms by a vessel «hicli recently nailed from this country. The British minuter had agreed with the Royalists that if they could hold the palace at Honolulu fur three hours lie would recognize their government. The severe coudemnution in which the pc'jplc of the country have held the adl'linintialion for the attempt to restore the Queen, and not keeping a war vessel at the islands, was shown as soon as the news of the uprising reached this country. In both the Sonnto and House of Representatives, on (Saturday, the matter was taken up and strong speeches ogainstthe course of the President and Secretary of State were made by Republicans and Democrats alike. The censure was so severe that the admiiunistr.iliou reversed its policy and nt once sent orders for the cruiser Philadelphia to proceed to Hawaii and protect Americans and American interest-". This action shows that the force of unite.! public opinion is more polenl than the theories of any person or party, and ive may rest assured that whenever a government official assumes or attempts to dictate a course of action against the wishes of the whole people lie will soon be compelled to correct his dereliction There was no reason why the admiuisiic.ii should take the position it did on this question and to the encouragement giveu the Royalists by President Clove, land is largely duo the uprising and the resultant loss of life. It was fortunate that thy Hawaiian Republic was able so thoroughly to protect ilself. This incident will tend to increase in this country the neniimcnt in fr.vr-r ( f annexation.


Every week brings new cvidenco to show that this year is to be a lively oue for tho mining industry throughout the county. Much outside capital has been invosted in mines in the past few months and the task of getting mines and mills ready for extensive work goes rapidly forward. On tho Coultervillu side of tho river a score of mines will be operated and from presont indications thoro will bo from l. r >0() to 291K) men, perhaps more, employed in that district, mid all this in a section where for yours there lias becu only a desultory effort at mining. On the .Mariposa side affairs are equally promising and probably quite as many men will bo employed. It would be diflicultto give oven an approximate estimate of the work tlu«t will bo done. Many of tho old minos are being worked, or are having propararery work dono on them, a id many new properties, especially such a i have been prospected sufficiently to sho v their valuo, will be operated. All this portends a great degree of prosperity for Miriposn county. The investment of capital will increase the value of all kinds of realty, afford continuous employment for all who wish it, add to llio volntb ) of trade of all our merchants, givo a ready cash market for farm produots, create a' demand for wood and timber, iucito the starting of new business entorprisok, attract still oMier capitalists to the toiAty, turn yellow coin' into every inau's pocket and in nil nays advance the general Then is no other industry which brings such universal benefit to the peoplo of a community as mining and this aonnty is entering upon tho full tide of a uew era in this industry.


Representative Linton of Michigan has presented to Congress a joint resolution for a sixteenth amendment to the Federal Constitution, which provide* tuut neither Congress nor any State shall pass any law respecting sin establishment of religion or prohibiting the use thereof, or use the property or credit of the United States or any money raised by fixation, or authorize either to be used for the purpose of founding, maintaining or aiding by appropriation, payment for services, expo.ises or otherwise, any church, religious denomination or religious society, or any soc'ety, institution or undertaking which is wholly or in part under sectarian or ecclesiastical c introl. The first amendment t > the constitution adopted in 17'Jl proliibits Congress from making any laws respecting an establishment of religion or tlio free exercise thereof, but does not prohibit States from taking such notion. The proposed amendment should commend itself to the people as it is just to all, and would remove the soiree of much discoid in re„'ird to religious institutions and practices.


l'ho Intent news from Sacramento brings tin) intelligence that Senator (liorue Perkins received a majority of tiio vote* oast in bytli (tranches of tlie house and will consctpiently m the joint session receive the election to till out the unexpired term of the late Senator Stan ford. The result wan secured by the aid of the vote ot l)r. Nolile Martin, a Democratic) Senator, without which Mr. Perkins could not have heeu electod. So fir as appears now the contest was conducted in an honest and straightforward manner l>y hoth Mr. l'orkius and Mr. do Young. "If Christ came to San Francisco," was (he Hiihjeet upon which a hay city divine discoursed Sunday. That preacher must hive slight respect for his master if lie expects that lie would on his second coming place himself in the power of the Philistines. It's begging the question t liri.'.t won't co'ne t\> San Francisco.

DRAWBACKS OF A BLACK EYE. £llnxjilrr* Humor ami Ilrlng* Varied Mterrj Upon It* Owner.

Unfortunate Indeed is tho lot of the young mail with a black eyo. In addition to tho fact that it is blaok and will prevent his appearance in respectablo society for a tirno aro tho many explanations which ho has to invent for tho curious wiio Want to know how ho got it. Thon lie has to stand no end of bantering, insinuating smiles, hypocritical lympathy and the stares of men, women and children wherever ho goo 3. Tho young man in this caso got his black eyo i:i the manner in which tho Reneral public believes 009 out of 1,000 black eyes are received—that is, from tho fist of another young man delivered straight out from tho shoulder. At tho tirno ho received it there was no means of relief at hand, and ho was in no condition to seek it after receiving the blow that began a new courso in astronomy fcr him. So l:o wont homo and contented himself with applying heated cloths to it for tho rest of tho night. 110 lived in a boarding house, and when ho went down to breakfast In tho morning ho worn a handkerchief bound tightly around his head, so ns to concoal tho black eye. This did not prevent tho boarders from inquiring in unison: "Whcro did you get tho black eyo?" Ti:o young man Hushed crimson, and as ho looked nround tho grinning crowd ho saw that ho would have to tell a prctiy straight shjry. "I don't know whether it's black or not," ho stammered, "although it feels at if it was. You seo, I got in lato last night and in tho darkness stuniblod against tho Tiatrack. I didn't liko to wako anybody up and just put somohot water ou it." "Why didn't you hit tho liatrack first?'' asked ono of tho skeptics. "I tried to, but"— "Tho scoundrel got tho drop on you," put in another boarder. "Well, ho did, but"— "I suppose ho'agofcn pair of em, eh?" "Well, there's no rise denying it, fellows," whispered tho young man. "I did have a run in with a Rang, but they wcro fivo to ono, and aftor I had knocked threo of them down tho other two not nt mo, and that ended it. Kay, what's good to tako it right away?" "Let's seo it," demanded tho boarders, and tho young man was forced to undo tho bandage. Ho disclosed a swollen mass of flesh on tho right side of tho face, which rivaled a Thanksgiving football flold for coloring. In tho contor a guilty littlo pupil of an eyo flashed, surrounded by tho crimson of Harvard. Shading off on tho cheek was tho orange, surmountod by black, embloinatio of Princeton, whilo tho bluo of Yalo was predominant. "A symposium of collcgo colors," cried ono of tho boarders. Suggestions for rolief wero thon in order. "Try a pioco of raw beef," was ono. "Or a raw oyster," was another. "Hot wator and extract of witch hatch " "Epsom salts and hot water will tako tho bloodshot out of tho eyo." "Huvo it painted." "No, have it cut with a razor and let It bleed.'' "Got a leoch." Tho young man carofully noted all tho suggestions, and as n discussion aroso about the most efficacious remedy decided to visit a black eyo doctor. Aftor all tho boarders had gono ho bandaged up his eyo and went in search of ono. "Now, If you had only como to me as soon as you gut it I could have removed it In an hour and a half," said tho black eyo spuoialist, "or if you had como within 2-1 hours afterward I might liavo had u better chance of removing it As it is, it "Will tako n week." The young knan had his eyo washed and huthed foria couple of hours with hot water and oihor lotions and declared that ho felt better. Tho swelling was reduced somewhat, and ho thought that with tho help of a littlo flesh paint and Chinese white he could faco his best girl that evening. Surely, ho thought, sho would believo any story ho told about it. Hut site was as skoptical as tho rest, and aftor listening to his plaintivo story about his encounter with tho hatrack said: "Now, really, Charlos, who did it?" —Now York Hun.

A Itail ftp,<ll.

A certain congressman, 110 matter who ho is, except tlnit ho is not a western man, was making up a list of towns in tho neighborhood of Philadelphia, where ho was to innko somo campaign speeches. After ho had it mado out to his satisfaction lio handed tha list to his secretary to copy. Tho secretary, who is a pretty shrewd politician himself, ran bis eyo down tho column. "What's tho matter with Trenton?" ho asked in somo astonishment. "Nothing," replied tho member,somewhat astonished himself. "Why?" "You'vo got it marked N. G." "I guess not," protested tho member iu doubt. "Well, look at it for yoursolf," and tho secretary handed tho lint to him. Ho looked at it, and thoro in plain letters ho found, "Trenton, N. G." Then he laughed confidently, almost derisively. "That's all right, my boy," ho said, with commiserating consideration. "Tho N. G. you aro thinking about is not tho N. G. I've got there." "Is that so?" said thodazi d secretary. "(If course not," laughed tho cou gressinan. "Mine's Trenton, New (Jersey, "and tho secretary said, "Oh!" „and lot tho congrepsmnjl go ou thinking it was all right.—l>etr£it Freo Press.

Thw Ituttlo of ltl llllHM-.

The battle of Bcluhoe id famous In Irish history a. a spoiling of the spoilers. Two chieftains, O'Neill and O'Donncll, had made a thieving excursion iuto a neighboring territory and were returning with their plunder when they met an English force, uud after a brief and f> eblu resistance ran away, leaving their booty in the hands of the English. On Dec. 1 last, tlie Princess of Wales celebrated her fiftieth birthday. Ilalf a century seems a formidable nuiubur of years for a beautiful woman to have to acknowledge to, ami in the case of the princess the fact seems incredible. She is really a wonder, for she has had many illnesses and passed through many terrible troubles, all of which are supposed to tell upon uood looks. 1,1 1 ——^ Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Aw*.uvJ OoU Mt-iul Midwintrr K«»ir. San FrarKUKO.


A postolliee lias been established rit Collis, Fresno county. The vote on tho Nicaragua canal l>ill in the Seuate was to be taken yesterday. Ten lives were lost by the sinking of a steamer on the Ohio river a tew days ngo. Eugene V. Debs nnd his associates have been admitted to bail and are again out of jail. The gold reserve is again down to $70,000,000 and another issue of bonds rany be expected soon. Man Joso is shipping beans to Boston. There must be a surplus of "culchah" in our neighboring city. 'Die Republicans of Kansas have elected Lucien linker to the United States .Senate to succeed John Martin. So far the killed and those dead from injuries in the dynamite explosion at Butte city last week number fifty-nine. Tho rupture between Mexico and Guatemala continues to widen anil a declaration of war by Mexico is pro'onble. A suowslnle on the Shasta division < t the Southern Pacific, on Monday, covered the track sixty feet deep with snow rabbit-Li and bowlders. Guatemala now has a revolution in progress, which in addition to the trouble with Mexico gives a lively as.iect to affairs in that cou'ltry. A fight in rates on tho steamship lines has resulted in a reduction of Tare from Seattlo to Juneau as follows: Cabin fare 3'S'i, steerage S'-'O and $lO. Tho town of Kuchaii in Persia was do htroyed by uu earthquake on Thursday of last week, ono hundred being killed. Tho town was destroyed m the same way fourteen months ago, but had been rebuilt. Tlie miners of Idaho Springs, Cole r ado, have ordered a number of (Jhincse recently employed to leave that section. Trouble is anticipated as the mine owners have applied to tho United States authorities for aid. There is great uneasiness in Guatemala on account of tho news of war preparations in Mexico. It is reported that President Barrios is considering the advisability of resigning and allowing his successor to make peace. The board of freeholders c f San FrancifCJ is busy framing n new charter for that city, and expects to have the instrument to present to the legislature before that body adjourns. Important reforms in the laws of the city will be mnile. Felix Fanro has been elected president of the French republic. He has not been a leader in French polities, although he has held n number of aflices. He is not considered the best man who could have been selected for the presidency. Thomas J. Keyes of Stockton died in that city a few days ago. He was an argonaut and for n time was alcalde nt Fiue Gold. Ho represented this district in the Stnte Senate for three terms, being first elected in 1572. He was 72 jears of age. San Diego and vicinity snlTerod severely from Hoods last week. The little valley of the San Diego river was devested, buildings being washed ont to sen, crops destroyed and cattle drowned. Along the Sweetwater and Tia Jtiann.much damage was also done. \V. S. Byrne, a veteran newspaper man and formerly one of the proprietors of tho Grass Valley Ctiion died at the county hospital nt Fresno, Mondny. Deceased was connected with several of tho most prominent newspapers of the Stale in California's early days. Little news of importance comes from the war in Asia. The weather in North China is extremely cold aud in some instances soldiers have frozen to death. The water is frozen in the bays und makes naval operations difficult. The English warships are said to be keeping close watch of the Japanese and nro alleged to be doing what they can to favor China. Tho Brooklyn street ear strike has assumed giant proportions. Seven thousand state militia and 1500 policemen failed to keep the cars running. The strikers wero given a liayonet charge by the soldiers on Monday, but no one was killed and no results accomplished. Such events as tho Chicago strike and this Brooklyn strike should convince our national legislators of the importance of laws to regulate tnmbleß between corporatious and their employes. Both capital aud lalwr must be respected and there are better wajs to regulate such matters than calling out tho militia.

THE MWPaSA GAZETTE. it RmjOUIS, - - Killtor anil i'utilUhur ritAJIK KA3HON, Asi.irlatc Kditur. ai»T. J - r ■ ■ To ierurc innrrllnii, Advertisements Must be llitiidt el t ii hy Tiiarsilu). SATURDAY, - JANUARY 20, 1895

MISCELLANEOUS. ii. l\ O. lioke and Uaujhler He Can't Live BMtl my friends and neighbor*. I had •'?» p<-(>aiit 111 yearn; physician* ami change ol climate Uul cut help nie. Uut Hood's Bar*ap» 1H ood's Bar,a - H parilla rllla ill.l me morn $ *od than nit lh(* doctoring. M I CMI now eat, sleep anj and work. My daughter i also bail distress M.d rheumatism. Hood's Sar I laporlll* made her stout, noli aud healthy. B. IF. O. Huhit. V'alrvlew, Kansa*. 1 Hoort'o PHI ire iweljvet»Ubl«, and do I uot purgu, (minor gripe. Sold l>)r all diugjjuts.

MINING PATENTS. Ko< 575. NOTICE Application - for - Patent UNITED STATES I.ANII OFEICK, I STOCKTOK, G'AI,., January 18, 1>95. f NOTICE IH lIF.ItKMY OIVEN THAT MANUFJI MAItIA, whose postotfice address is Hear Val.oy, Maiipopa county, California, lias tiled an app iou'ion fur pattnt for thu J.oili.' Mining Claim called the Jubilee Quartz Mine, situated in Coultervillo mining district, Maripoaa county, California, and designated by the field notes nnd official pint on file in thin office as Lot No. • 10, in township a south, range It! east, Mt. Diablo base and mend an, said lot No. 00 being described as follows: Commencing at a post in rock mound marked '"J. N. W. L. P." being the i ortliwest lodo post of the Jubilee Quartz Mine nnd also being the southeast lode post of the Crown Peak Quartz Mino, (lot 4!> a) Raid post being also marked " C. I*. Q. M." Thence magnetic variation IS 8 5' east N. 42" I.l' east along the northwest boundary of the claim, also tho southeast boundary of the Cro*n Peak Q .arlz Mine at 149.8 feet, the northeast corner of the said Crown Peak Quartz Mine a post in rock mound marked '• I'. Q. M. No. 2" MO feet to tho northwest corner of the Jubilee Quartz Mine to a tost «ct in mound of rook marked ''J. N, VV. Cor.'* Tlionce detlocting 10G a 17' to tho right south 31° 31/ east along the northeast boundary of tho claim 1:142.4 feet to the northeast corner identical with tho northwest corner of tho Stovcson Quartz Mine where; is pet a post in rock mouud marked " J. 2'. K. Cor." and " S. N. W. Cor." Thence d. Heeling 73° 43' to tho r'glit south 42" 13' west along thu southeast boundary of the e aim, also tho northwest boundary of liio ,Steves ui Quartz Mine at 300 feet intersect (lie Southeast Lode l'ost marked " J. S. E. 1.. I*.'' wh:ch is also tho Northwest Lodo Pout of the Sttveson Quartz Mino and is also marked '• S. N. \V. IJ. I'.'' (100 feet to the southeast corner identical with the southwest corner of tho Stevoson Quartz Mino, wli re is set a post in rock mound marked "J. S. E. Cor.'' and S. S. \V. Cor." from whi'-h a nut pine 4 inches in diameter boars N. 72" 45' west 23 links distant and the % section corner on tho south boundary of Section 30, township 3 south, ihngo 10 east, bears south HO" 54' west 18.11 chains distant (calculated) variation decreased to 17" 43' east by local attraction. Thence deflecting 100" 17* to tho right, north 31° ,'iO 1 west along the southwest boun darv of tho claim at 1234.2 icet a post in rock mound marked "D. Q. M. A." of the Daisy Quartz Mine, 1342.4 feet to tho southwest corner of ihe claim identical with post marked " 1). Q. M. M." of said Daisy Quartz Mine, where is also set a post in rock mound marked "J. S. \V. Cor." from which a live oak 8 inches in diameter boars sou h 58" 30' east 1014 links distant. Thence deflecting 73" 43' to the right north 42 j 13' east along the northwest boundary of tho claim at 119.8 feet to the south east corner of thu Crown Peak Quartz Mine a uost in rock mound marked " C. P. Q. M. No, 3'' anil "D. N. K. Cor.'' being the northeast corner of the Daisy Quart/. Mine, 300 feet to tho place of beginning Containing 17 78-110 acres. The presumed course of tho Lode is northwest and southeast. Tho number of feet claimed is 1342.4 extending from tho northwest Lode Post to tho Southeast Lode Post of paid claim as described in tho foregoing field notes. Tho suifaeu ground claimed is 300 icet on each side of tliu tenter of tho lodo. The notice of location of said Jubilee Quartz Mine is recorded in the office of the County Itecorder of county at Mariposa iu lio >k G of Quartz liecords at page 253. Adjoining claims: >n tho northwest the frown Peak (lot 19 AI and the Daisy Quartz Mine; on the south, ast tho Ktevesou Quartz Mine. (Mi all other aides vacant land. Said Jubilee Quartz Mine is designated upon tho official pint as lot No. 00, towuship 3 south, range 10 east, M. 1). M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the mining ground, vein, lode, premise* or any portion thereof so described, surveyed, plotted and applied for, arc hereby notified that ntilcps thoir adverse claims are duly filed as according to law, and the regulations thereunder, within the time prescribed by law, with the ltegister of the U. S. Land Otlicc at Stockton, in tho State of California, they will bo barred, in virtue of tho piovisious of the law in such ca o es inado and provided. J. WALTEB SMITH, lit gistcr. It is hereby ordered that the foregoing Notice of Application for Patent l>e published for tho period of sixty days (ten consecutive weeks) in the MAUIPOMA (>ASKTTK, a weekly ucwspnpor published at Maiiposa, Mariposa county, California. J. WALTER SMITH, ltegister. jan 2(1-10w N<». 370. NOTICE Application - fur - Patent. UNITED STATES LAMP OFFICE, ) STOCKTON, OAL., January 18, 1895. J VjOTICE IS lIEKKIIY GIVEN THAT X JAMES N. CATHEY, whose postotHce address i. Bear Valley, Mariposa Couty, California, in behalf of himself and his co»owiiers, \ndrew McC, Cathey and William King, has filed an application for Patent for thu Lodo Mining Claim callod the Daisy Quartz Mine, situated ill Coultorvillo Mining District, Mariposa County, California, and designated by the field notes and official plat on file in this offics as Lot No. 01 in Township 3 South, Range 1(5 East, Mt. Diablo llase and Meridian, said Lot No. 01 being describe! as follows (miguotio variation being 18' East): Commencing at a post in rock mound marked •'!). Q.M.A." standing on tho southwest boundary of the Julul. c Quart/. Mine, from which the southwest corner of the said Jubilee Quartz Mino bears North 3P 30' West I.til chains distant. Thence South 47 J 30' West along tlu> southeast boundary of the claim 01.3 feet to a post marked 'D. S. E. 1.. P.,' being the southeast end of the Lode line. From this post marked "I). 8. E. L. P." a nut-piiio tree (i inches in diameter bears South 42' 30' Kast two links, and the Section corner on tho south boundary of Section 80, Township 3 South, llauge 10 East, bears South 33' Weft 24.72 chains distant. Thence continuing along the southeast boundary of the claim South 47 1 30' \\ lit 300 feet to a post in ruck mound at tho southeast comer of the claim marked "D. s. K." Thence deflecting 90 5 to tho right North 42' 30' West along the southwest boundary 590 feet to pust inaiked "D. Q. M. 1 ' location Corner. Thence deflecting 1 1 30' to the right North 41' West along said soutnwost boundary 780.8 feet to the southwest corner to a post in rock mound marked "D. S. WTheuos dellecting K8 J 30 to tin right North 47 30' East along the northwest boundary at 300 feet intersect the northwest lode posf marked "D. N. W. L. ) •" At 359 feet intersect the southwest boun-

MIKING PATENTS. c l .. y of the Ciown Lead Quartz Mine (Lot 4 .■) at a point North 47 J 4 .V Wert 1.61 chains from the southeast corner of sttae. A i tliirt point if set u post in rock mound in iiked "D. N. W. C«r.," from which a :n;t pine 12 inches in diameter liearj South H.; 45' West 33% link* distant* _ • deflecting 84" 45' to the rightSonth 41 45' Kast along tho southwest boundary of th« said C.own Lend Quartz Mine 106.3 feet to the southeast corner of said Crown Lead Quartz Mine, which in also the southwest corner of the Crown Peak Quartz Mine. At this corner there is a post set in mmtnd of rocks marked "C. 1,. Q M. No. 8.," "C. P. Q. M. No. 4," and "D. Q. M. C." I'henco deflecting 1° 62' to the l:*ft Sjuth 40"(37' East along the of said Crown Peak Quartz Mine 1153 feet to the southeast corner of said Crown lVak Quartz Mine to % suike marked "C. I'. Q M. No. .1." and a post in mound rock marked k 'lJ. N. E. Cor." Th nee deflecting 91° 50' to the right South 42° 13' West along the n irthw-st boundary of the Jubilee Quartz Mine 149.8 feet to post at southwest Corner of -aid Jubilee Quartz Mine marked 'J. ,S. W. Cor.," whete is also set a post in rock mound niarktil "D. Q. M. 13.," front which a livcoak tree 8 inches in diameter bear* South 08° 30' East lti.'i links distant. Thence deflecting 73' 43' to the left South 31" 80' East along the southwest boundary of the Jubih e Quartz Mine 108. i feel to the place of beginning. Containing 13.111 acres. The piesumcd course of the Lode is northwest and southeast. Tlie number of feet claimed on the I,odc is 1370.8, extending from the northwest lode post to the southeast lodo post ut' said claim as described in the foregoing field notes. Tlie surface ground claimed is 300 feet in width on the;. side of the center of tho lodo and on the northeast sido varying from 59 :oi*t to 215 leet or thereabouts to conform to the lines of adjoining claim'. The notice of location of said Daisy Quartz Mine is of record in the office of the County Kccordei of Mariposa County at Mariposa, in Hook G of Quartz llecord* at page _()Lt. Adjoining claims: —On the northeast the Crown Lend Quartz Mine (Lot No. 4<A). tie Crown Peak Quartz Mine (Lot No. 49A) and the Jubilee Quartz .Mine (Lot No. 60), On all other sides the claim is surrounded by unoccupied public land. Any nud all persons claiming adversely tho mining ground, v in, lode, premises or any portion thereof so described, surveyed, platted and applied for, are hereby untitle I that unless tin ir adverse claims are duly tiled according to law, and the regulations thereund-r, within tho limu prescribed by law, with tho liegisler of the United States Land Office at Stockton, in tho State . f California, they will bo barred by the prov - sions of the law iu such cases made and provided. J, WALTEIt SMI'I If. Kegistcr. It is hereby ordered that the foregoing notice of Application for Patent be published for tho period of sixty days (ten consecutive weeks} in tlie Mariposa MAZKTTK, a weekly newspaper publi-hed at Miuiposa, Mariposa County, Calilontia, J. WALTER SMITH, Hegiiter. jin 26 lt)t lt«. 977. NOTICE -OF Application • fot - Patent UNITED STVTKS L%*D OKru B. [ STOCKTON CAL. , January 18, lMifi, ) N'IITICE IS HKKBDY (IIVKN THAT ANDUEW McC. CAT 11KY, whose postofficit address is Hear Valley, Mariposa county, California. in heh'tlf of himself and his co-nwiii-r, William King, litis flicd an appli atioii fur Patent lor the Lud i Mining claim called the Stcveson Qusriz Mine situated in Coulterville mining district,Mari-o n county, Cal., anil designated bv the Held notes and official plat on tile in this as lot No i>9 in township 3 south, Hi east. Mt. Diablo liase nieridi'in. said lot No 6" being described «s MHtws, i Magnetic variation being 18' east); Commencing at the Northwest Ludo Posi which is identical with the South 11a t Lode Port of '.he Jubilee Qunr z Mine being a post in rock mound marked "S. N. W. L. P." and •'J. S. E. L. P." standing mi the dump of an old incline shaft from which n nut pine s incites in diameter bears north 60" 15' west til links distant and the center of an old iucliue shaft bears north 12 V J west 10 links d stunt Magin tic vaiintion IS' 14' east. Then -e north 42" I,l' east alo.ig the northwest iMiundary of the clam: and the south east boundary of the Jubitou Quartz Mine 300 feet to the northwest corner, identical with to northeast corner of the Jubilee Q ia iz Miuo to a post in reck mound marked •H. N. W. Cor " aud '• J. N. E. Cor " Tbencodeflecting 02' 56' to the right soutl. 44° 51' east along the northca-t bou'idnrv of the claim 1072.5 fee t to the northeast corner of the claim where is set a post in rock mound marked "S. N.E. t'-ir," front which tho southeast corner of section :H>, township 3 south, range lOeitst, M. I>. M , (tears s aith 04' 8' east 7.33 chains di-tant. Thence deflecting 87' 4' to the right »■ utli 42° 18' west a'ong the south ens* ljonml:iry of the claim nt 300 feet in'csse-, t the Smitheast Lode Post marked "S. S. E. I». I'." on the south boundary of m I tion 36, township 3 south, range 16 easf, M. |>. M., niul at Ano feet is set a post at the north edge of the water in the Merced Hi v. r. Thence deflecting 92" 56' to the right north 44' 51' west alot g the southw ( st boun lary of the claim at 300 3 feet intersect tho township lino on the south boundary of section 36, towi ship 3 south, rai.go Hi cast, M. 1). M.. where is set a post in rock molted marked "B.H. E. Cor." A nut pino 8 inches in diameter bars south (J2" 20' west 42}$ links distmt and the southeast coiner of C.ithcy's cabin boars north 77° 30' west 171 links distant, variati m inert ased 'o 18' 28' east by local attraction. At 1072.5 feet the southwest corner identical with tho southeast corner of the Jubilee Quartz Mine, where is set a p st in rock mound nia'ked "S. 8. W. Cor.' 1 and '■ J. 8. E. Cur." from which the Yi section corner on the smith boundary of section 30, township 3 south, range lfiea-t, M. H. M., bears soti:h lil' 51' west 18.11 chains distant (calculated) Yariatioi decreased to 17° 43° east by local a traction. Thence detli cting 87' 4' to the right north 42" 13' cast along tlie Uol'thwest boundary of the claim and the southeast boundary of the Jubilee (Quartz Miuo 300 feet to the placo of beginning. Containing 14 77-100 acres. Saving aud excepting however so much of the above described premises as conflicts with the patented agricultural land of Antonio de Mnlt >s tin Silva in section I, township 4 south, range lOeMt. M. i). M.. which saiii conflict area is described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Lode Po-t of the Stcveson Quartz Mine a post in rock mound tnarlud "S. S. E. L. P.'' Thunoo magnetic variation If" 34 ea-1 south 42' 13' wvst along the southeast boun ilary of the Steves >n Quart* Mine 300 feel t post standing on north edge of water ut Merced River. Thence deflecting 92" 58' to the right north 41 M' west along the southwest boundii \ of the Stcveson Quartz Mine 300.3 feel t post marked "S, s. K.Cor." standing oil tii south boundary of section 3li. township < south range, lit east, M. I). M., and the until boundary of section 1, township 4 south, range Hi east, M. D. M., also the north boundary of tlie agricultural land of An tonio de Mattes da Silva (patented) norths " 53' cast 24.01 chains from the 'i section corner on south boundary ot said section 36. Thence deflecting IS.T 44' to the right north 88 icast along the south boundary of said sectlo i thirty six 413.8 leet to the place of Containing 1.04 acr- s. Tin prosi m \ oouise of t'lo lodo is

MINING P.VTKNT3, northwest and Th- numh-r if feet claimed on ti,e „ l0;a 3 Lode Post of ►Bid claim as .!>•», fibe<l in the foregoing field note-. The J of"!!" T " " 1 " 1 • - • ; of the lode except at ti,-- eon « where tooi-lam, ;• Ktereec'ed by i) acri Silva eMm " f AM " uio Vl ™ e , net * r p a *>? **"l Staves-.o QnaH» Mine for which pate?) t m «pj>l, ; d for after il«dactiii(( Raid conflict aria i- 1:1.7t n ft „7, l, "i' ce , of '•'onion of said Sreveson ? u 01 " rB0 " r( ' , <1 »" ltecord. r * Hv. ?/? .*J ar 'P» s » county at Maripoaa in A I- Q" Hr,i! '.ecords at page 377. Adjoining cliiiftim-On the northwest the Jumk-e Quartz Mine on the aonth th-> agri cultti,al claim of Antonio da Mattoi d:» land'' unoccupied public Said Hteveson Quartz Mine betue desi»-> nated upon the official pint as lot Jf j. 5.1 township 3 south, rang.- lt> oust. M. D, M. Any and all persons claiming adv<?r*e!v the mining ground, v in, lode, or any pot tion thereof so d cnbei, su-ieved plaited and applied for, are In-i-ehy notified that unless their adver.-e claims are duly filed as according to la.v, and Itie regulation* thereunder, within the time proscribed bv w 'th the Kegis'er of the U. S. Land Olhce at Stockton, in llio State of California, they will I* barred. J. WALTER SMITH, liegiator. It is hereby ordered that the foregoing Notion of Application for I'aient I>-. iNhcd for the period of hixtv dayg (icu c. nsecutiv? wcok«) in the weekly newspaper pablished at -lanpo-a county, Cili omia. J. WALTER SMITH, Register/ jan-2A-10w LEGAL. - L'_. . . '. "" 1 1 _ ■»v Order to Show Cause Why Order of Sale of Real Estate Should not be MadeJJ N TI/F, scprrnioi: ROPIRR OK TIP; I Co/uHy of of (V)«'o. :i .. Ifi the matter of . , r. ( , j DIMIHCII, deet'OHcdt Wm. Adnnr>, fho »idroinin f iMtor of tb estate ~f Conrad dece-vcl I,#- >- Mad hia patitlof hr. n duly rerifleduravlt - tor an order of s.ile of ill! the rev estat°o - : f sai ! decedent, for the purpo. - er<i'i - t forth,— It is therefore ordorol. bv th- snid C. oirt, that all per-ons inte-estud i:i the .uto jf said deceased, appear before the a-liil'Sll pt °i r Court on Monday, the j;n ->f l-Vhniei-v, l«!ir>, lit ten o'clock i n t! »• for noon of snid day. rt » the Court Room .if . Mil Superior Court m the Court HPDM i" •he Town and Cwm of Mi-riposa, StMt" of ( !if.n-Mist, to show i-\u . v.' L 1 v M:I order should not l>e (rrantol t-i t »• -.-aid admii.istratoi - t,- -;e i nim )i of th ? i*e;il. »i:it-* of the said 1.-rea. 1 r ] Uauu li us shall lie necessary, A d that a copy of t 'iii ordi'f tio t--ibliplied at lea-t f mrMiicuesiive week* in the K»ripo«» UAZKTTK, a iu-Wsptiper J.ri it'-d and published in said M -it ip- - -Count v. Dated .laiviiirv •."> !. i«;i,"i. • ' JOHN M. concoftw. SEAL it-.i.! of the Siip»:ii.r t'oui t. Attest: True Copy. M»unn-K NEWJH-.-, C'erk. I .!6 4t ' Sals of filongagsd Sea! EstateJ. 11. Pidgwav. exec 111 .r of the «ri 11 of K. L. Wulbern. dit-eu«td. pi .inuff, vs. S J. Harris and Win Adams pnulic administrator and administrator ot the es ate of ({. C, Harris, de. ta-c-t, defi mUnts. PITIILIC NOTl' K fs HKI!K«V (?LVnV I that u*. h-r .1 tlo.-r .1 of t -.rt. i >>' j. <1 Sale ma le an:l ei ie;-. dhy »| |( - flup;-: io- Com • of the Count Jt of M.'rip..s.v,Si&(e i.t Caliturni f in the Hl»<ve-entitJ: d e-«usr o?i the ,J#,Deeemlier, Wi. nh<f 01 der of -sir nijdor said decree te-t d the day of Dee.»;<ih««- I Ihltl, issued t-i 111 - ii-. Cohsniis.ionei- uis-V-r sreHon 7-f, '- {'. K., where) v ( o-e nmnded io !■-.» (he » H )>- of thc-l»n<ts»n-l t iietnent.i lH>re|u»f>er d r-.-rit -J Vhli'UOH i'f $1 ISI U i and fli-'i J"i t (--jr..ji> r -wa- eruuig inte est aed neeurinv (.in- liid-ng ill 1-*-penses of notice. il.Uer'.i.simßnt a d r«le. That oil Mondiiv.tho .>«tli day of J»r.,lH<»S r at I p.m.. ni tr ut - f tin-Couri ileiHS dlnor lit the to-.vnof Maiip <a. t.'omiiy of Miiripist nforcs-tid, I .»iii se'i Me- in" hi-nd-i and tene* in. 11 sit 1 • i-i>if I. r »»h-,-i! at pi- til 1-- nuetioo t-. the highest till er f.-r caab |s» ui- a f ot tie I'oitei Sta'es, or so m- cti -if ,*id ianil* and te niiiKiii's as sintli lw neci m irv to aati>fy snid decree, wilt, interest, costs and oiptLao* as afort).-aid. I In- lands to lie uold und r the tail] Uvorce anil this notiee »rn situ-il- d i.i the C- nnly of ll.'irp-sj, Slate of (.'a iforuia. and are Ai» scribed is follows: The ii-irth half'of (lie <M>iithensi aul the aoiith.-ast i]dartcrol the aouilieaai •|iiarler of section eight (8) and the north Wart ipiai ti rof the southwest quarter of section irii-- ilt), all in township tlvo (.1) south, rangtv twenty one (21 > enst. M. I>. M , routaining Kin acres, together with all and singular th» tenement-, hereditaments and appurtenance* thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining. l'rice payable, Jiiti 00 :.t sale if requirid by the Commissioner, the h-tlanee on do'ivorv of the ceriiHrato of purchase. Other ternu at sale Maiiposa, Cal . Jainmry 2, 1 SfiJ. UKUi.UK U . TKMI'LE. Cciiimi»sioner. jan 5 4t Land Notice. I ANOOKKICE ,\T CAI.I--\j fornia, Janu iry tt>, IMt»i N ,tice is hereby gifen that HH- followmg 1 « , I ~t. tier lias filed notice I .in- m«lt« final pro. f ill support . njn. su 1 tl.n' said proof will be luiutc K. n. .! 'm . Corcoran, Superior.«,i>nt.r,. M-iHuo-a C. nnt>; Chl.. Nt M 1 <•'»!., \t. i.^v Mr arv 23th, Wl| i: |R . y , L .. j , rl son I'reatoii. ■ ~»o: n, X.uh-ra. County, Cal., He- . e-» • \;.ofic •."ion No. fsl.'ifi, f,.r th- 1 . ; . •*. ', and R »<of s\V . .. • j South. Itiiugc IS K» 1 V- . if '! lie namc« thefo l- .1 < : »i- - «. • . r . P liis eontiriuous r.'si.i- 01 ,0.l -..; i tion of said laifd, » .■ Charles U I! i.t,-., t t f,i* |! 1,,.. » John Orme. Jr., of Hen Hnr, .•! 11 ii County, ate! J t >hn ( , Sr.. !'. - 1 Mader 1 Count ' J .\V A I I l i< SM ITII. Hi .1-11-1 ■ f: !>«' 1 ' if 111 II 11 1111 r, .to r r i" -I cuiti>* ■ ;tles ftiid y, ;Vl'i| -l^H Wotsec to Contractors. Sr.VU D Put IPS \ I.S Oli mos will Is received at the ntllee ■.f the » 1111 I.ORIT HIM: ■>IU or 1..--for.. 1 v-day, tin !2th day of Keti rnar*, IV'."!. for the ciitm-j; iMiierv of Thre, i'hl-.'.SHII I till' Is, | ; >VOo!i. Th'. < ! 111 .11> ri series 1 1 i%h; to rcji c; 4u vor 1)! lnd». Coil, i.l. ,{ \*-. 11 1 1 - Mill bo funiishid tr. ti HppJi• til.. IM, in . TIIO.v W. TK.NKIXS, SIP' WhiUook Mine,.»»,. 2#, is.-,'-. ~N1» tw.-iw cftiis .n st:i:ni . to i ..r.'-Miin liutMittjc. \Vunt:ir I) t . nod >->n will ii-.vive tour oopiftaol J* LIOT-I'S \YASHINOTOII, tngtiiuiinn mat', r n( s| ( -nil hilt.rtvt. (live nnnn Ht'il il IIIITSH. Ml,a 6UV \.L (dl JC'UUfcW Tl,4# uavertigeuieut.