Marin Journal, Volume 53, Number 22, 3 June 1915 — Latest News Photos of the Panama=Pacific International Exposition [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Latest News Photos of the Panama=Pacific International Exposition

Attendance at Huge World's Fair Breaks All Records

The photographs on this page show latest views of the great Panama-Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco. Since its opening on Feb. 20 the Exposition has met with remarkable success in its attendance. During the first thirty days more than two million persons passed through the gates, establishing a record over all other world's expositions. Every country in the world is represented. The most marvelous collection of exhibits in operation is shown, and the latest scientific and mechanical devices are exhibited. 4.

"The Captain," Trained Horse, and His Giant Model at San Francisco

I ONE OP THE WONDERS OF THE PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITION "ZONE." THIS photograph shows "The Captain," a trained horse, on the (rreat amusement section, "The Zone," at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, and a giant model of the horse used to attract the attention of passersby on the thoroughfare. "The Captain" !• able to add, subtract and multiply up to six figures. He is also able to •pell simple words. The Fountain of Energy at Night

THE heroic Fountain of Energy at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Is shown here spouting its spectacular stream when under illumination at night. This fountain Is one of the greatest sights of interest in South Garden at the Exposition and faces the main entrance to the grounds. It has an allegorical significance, as it symbolizes the force that achieved the Panama canal, the motive for the great International Expojgtfon. Be sure to visit the great Exposition.

"Dixie Land** on the Amusement Zone at the Panama-Pacific Exposition

ONE of the amusement concessions on "The Zone" that attract the attention of all visitors is Dixie Land, a theater where southern darkies ting the songs of old plantation days. This photograph shows the front of Dixie Land at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco. Be sure to visit the Exposition.

Nitfht at the Panama-Pacific Exposition

ILLUSTRATION scene in the Court of Abundance at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco. An Infinite wealth of richly carved detail marks the architecture of this beautiful court The Fountain of Earth, which Is the sculptured attraction In the center of the court, la most beautiful Now la the time to visit the great Exposition at San Francisco.

Novel Manufacturing Exhibit at Marvelous Exposition

ILLUSTRATION shows one of the interesting exhibits in the Palace of Manufactures at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco. This typifies the realism that dominates the whole exbibitiTe tone of the great Exposition. The harvester and model horses are complete In every detail. Be sure to visit San Francisco this summer.

One of the State Buildings at the Great Exposition

THIS picture shows the entrance to the Mew York Bute building at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco. This is a wondeffaOx aanilsnaii slnicUiie of Ureco-Bomaa deatga aad is oaiaaed hi travertlae to aaetca the eetac scheme of the exhihtt palaces. Mew Totfc city alee haa an toaridaai ■—a» at the »iamsHiuk. The MMfcsl vet tinaasMaaai east IMP** ««*— .;.;,, „ ■ >- r >

One of the Rarities at the World' Greatest Exposition

THIS scene is the Interior 01 one 01 the queer houses In Tehuantepec Village, which is one of the novel attractions on "The Zone," the 3,000' foot amusement street of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco. The rug displayed here Is valued at $5O per inch and Is a great rarity. The many wonderful concessions of this carnival district hold many a hearty good time in store for both young- and old who visit thaExposition. Queer kinds of villages, new kinds of rides thrilling In the extreme and amazing sightseeing features are among the attractions offered. Ba» •ura to visit the graat Exposition.

i Detail of the Court of the Universe

ILLUSTRATION shows a fountain the Panama-Pacific International cession of star crowned figures sut nade is most effective, especially ■ore to see the great Exposition.