San Diego Union and Daily Bee, 16 February 1913 — Page 44 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I t <xr MEDICI WATE \ Natures’ Cure for Constipation, Rheumatism, Dial Stomach, Liver and Kidney Trouble E L GRANTTO in Nature’s own system cleanser. It is a mild and pleasant laxative and a powerful diuretic, stimulating and encouraging the secretion of urine. It restores and maintains the digestive functions, flushes and cleanses the alimentary tract, Uver and kidneys. It removes wastes and poisons, rejuvenates and gives new tone to the entire system. Employed in cases of gout, rheumatism, diabetes, catarrhal conditions of the'alimentary and urinary tracts, it is most effective. We have testimonials not only from laymen but from wellknown practicing physicians which tell of recoveries through its use that are nothing short of wonderful. Into our springs Nature has put some of our doctors’ best remedies. The Story of A Mountain Spring TM MB ItrMraM connected With Ik* af Ik* mad tel - akl qulUlM *f tkl* i»nn( and lb* «r*j' la which 11 got It* name furnish a vary laieraatlag chaster la lha romaatlc history of Souther* California. Fisher's Ranch*. ar Bl Granite Rancho, a* II has baaa «*JW «lara lha acaurrsneo wa ar* a boat to ratal*. «»•« *a araa of a aara# la Ik* superb *»all*y of El Cajaa i pronounced Bl Oataoaai. last si lha last of * rasa* of (Iraall* —atelaa Tk* El Cajwa b a a—*l extraordinary vallay. It la MM tar and near aa aaa of tka !*..•! praline aad laaarlaas garden aycta la all tbla magic coaairjr of Southern CaUforaia. Tho opting—locala4 above tha raack amaag tha mu* boaldara thraa hundred and atxty faat a bora Ik* dak Dtego rlvar and about *t» haadrod (aal a kora aaa level eommaada a alow at aallay aad mountain —ldsd surpassed. aad oaa M rkartalas aa I* make It tka oblaoila* polat for scor— of slgbteaalng parti** each month. I la Its Kr t ios •• _ medial* aurroundlags ... fruit aad ornamental traa* at aaarly aaary ■paeta* known to a —ml-tr* plea I climate—but lo go ok with tka at ary. ABMEO MMU 4PPUM dame aaar* aao. akortly attar lha ranch ram* lata panaoaataa of Mr. W. M. debar, lb* owaar was SI work oaa day among hie trull Ire**, whoa k* discovered aa India* walking up tka path toward ids —Hag , Mew, while all Ikla raaloa had formerly book tka baa— at Indiana. Ikay war* —ldem a—a at title lime, asd I bar* for* it waa with —r— rurloaliy that Mr. debar watched thia ana as h* w—r 1 1 y trudged upward toward th Arrmkd’ at tk* add* *f tka granite-walled pool, ho threw him—lt dawn sad drank deadly •f the cool waters. Than, —ring h* waa observed. bs arm*, aad ■Hatching him— lf to bla full height, aad with arms attended toward the spring add Ita rocky iourc*. cried Bl Oranlio Madlcln* Water— Madina* Water’ Tk* —and of tho asm* «rou—d mamorlealu tho mind of lh* wondering Itetenor It arouaod curl—Hy and apaaulatte*. Coaid thia b* on* of ths tamon* medlctk* springs about which old —tttera bad told him? Waa It Intthli that kora, on hta awn ranch, waa a mineral —ring that had beak tha traaaur* of tha Indian trlbas In yuara gen* by? Ho maat dad SpL batw—a tka owaar and tka aid krara, la which, persuasion tha fora that this old liidlan many mires for anoth tho water which h* after a deal of ormer I—rned . jlsn hkd cone another diink of fh h* had uecd year* before, whan tbla spring asd Talley had been the rendea. you* af tha now sadly dspleted bead of Indiana CONFIRMED BT CHEMIST Kurt her Inv—tlgktloa and Inquiry among the old settler* of tha little vTtlkdS a mile distant strengthened his hsllsf that this w mm inarm * mineral spring who— waters had b— n eagerly —ught by Indiana far mnd n—r. Mr. n*h*r than resolved to have tha water* analysed. -We’ll a**.’’ be —ld. "If lh* Tklua sf the water* Is based upon facta of eclenoe and chemistry wall upon tradition an# Instinct.Whan tha —port came hack the noted chdhilet It was that science had indeed Kl Its stamp sf approval upon t waters. Sodium chloride, pots—lum carbonate and sulphate. magnesium and calcium —lie were found In generous quantities and favorable combination. The Inorganic —lie found In tha water totaled Ml parts to the million —a much higher proportion than I* required hv the eminent authority. W. W. Skinner, who. In the Government bulletin Ho. Itl. I’. R Itenartment of Agriculture, ola—lll water* containing to* carts mineral —lts to the million as being very highly minarall—d. HOW rtWR gPMKtO And noon the reputation of lh* water* came to the attention of Ska Diego physicians and savoral of them Investigated It, ** * “ and previrtu# of ■■■■■■Vsirltl* wee advertised, until many families I* San Diego were calling far the water that Mr. Fisher waa obliged to build a bottling plant and Install a business system for tha marketing nnd delivery af the water. Th* spontaneous development of t comraArclal trade of this water Is on# of th* most gratifying nnd convincing teettinonlale to It* value Without A, dollar spent In advertising It. th* demand In San Dlogo had grown until more than I— gala month were being rtellvat th* time the first printed inailar waa prepared. Thle fact testified th* owner* In extendlag their rnsrkel and In broadening thair Held la tbla manner. Mn— that time—November 1, I*ll—th* demand has morn than doubled HTfril Ol l ttwen lit rpa.i drank It approved It —rib— It. And th* B) Oranlto mineral epr Visit Us At the Industrial Fair At our booth Na It Bl Oranlto Mlaarkl Water will be kept fresh and pur*—free to all comers during this weak. Th* water will also be on —la. and tho— who desire to teat it may have a bottle or csss —at horns. Illustrations of the Specific —-m—^—— »*mk———mwm^m—eoa^o—am-m— m——— Action of Various Minerals Found In El Granite the I It will bs saao from tha analysts of El Oranlto that It contains I t*o and one-half grains of sodium chloride. This Is what tbh government chemist has to my about sodium chloride: "tor * cample, a weak fhypotunlcl solution of sodium chloride rapidly glv— up water through the walla of th* alimentary canal, thereby supplying fluid to tho blood. As lh* —lutlon administered Is InRAV, Cl / « ftJ JU V* ’ a PimtANDCOLDf^jS fS A* LL SAN DIEGANS are invited to visit our b< Industrial Fair this week and drink El Gran Water—free to all. Sufferers especially shod us here and become thoroughly familiar with the fai ing this remarkable remedy. To sincere inquirers we complete information op the uses of El Oranito Mil and absolute proof of its many cures. Originals‘of from physicians and laymen who have been compl may be seen. A booklet telling what El Granite Mineral Wate you and how it will do it is free for the asking. Our location is Booth 90 at the Industrial Fair. This Testimonial Fi A Practicing Phy; Name On Applicatio San Diego, Cal., Feb. To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I came to about four months ago, having Diahe two months ago I commenced to use Mineral Springs Co. water and I am nc ly cured. I have practiced medicine t 1 years in Carbondale, Illinois. (Signed) Government Ex Recommend Dn The Mineral -Salts In El Granito CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 1 C. & Gallon of Ul Cu. Inches Contains— Grains Sodium f’hlorld* W*’ 2.418 Pota—lum Carbonate d.BlO Sodium Bicarbonate 14.114 Sodium Carbonate 7.390 Pota—lum MullflflWAtV.'; . .. .. . .188 Magnesium Sulphate-............ V... 1—1C.873 Aluminum Oxide.... \ . .’. .540 Calcium 0xide........... ......Vi... .302 Iron Oxide A... Trace Htllclum Oxide. ...A.. .927 Carbonic Acid (Free) V 2.318 Organic Matter...- . Trace Total :r. •.?... .* . I .51:328 Equipment of Modern Plant Th* enure* of th* spring has been enlarged until now It presents a beautiful granite-waited ing Water THE Idea formerly prevailed that drinking water, especially at meats, w— bad policy. A professor In the Medical school at th* University of Illinois ha* now, after a course of th* most —arching experiments extending over a period of —van years, announced that this belief Is not correct. H# holds that ths drinking of water exerts an entirely wholesome effect upon tbs system. Tn fact, th# U. 8. Government. In It# bulletin on “The Production of Mineral Water*.’’ gives He sanction to this theory In the following words: "The beneficial effect on th* human body of water It—lf, both hot and cold, used Internally or externally. la no eo generally recognixed as hardly to need exposition. Water la not only an *■- —ntlal Ingredient of the body, necessary for organic existence, but It Is also the unlver—l cleansing agent, la lh* chief vehicle for the transportation of food lo the tlsaue*. and Is a principal medium for removing waste ADVANTAGE OF MINERAL WATER Further than thle P. B. Hawk and his social** In th* Journal of th* American Chemletry Society, hav* concluded ""that drinking large water with meali trie *—ration ant tlvltlea, tnodlflsi tlons, and. In sh by many beneflcli ful results.’* As to mineral eral. tbs bulletin to has this te l can be entertain) waters have dlst effect because ot substances dies, for certain obi following th* Ini waters differ entl In deffre* .from following ths drli ly mineralised wi El Oranlto Is erallxed water, t 928 grains per I 887 parts per mil AS A TAIL Most water* ti mineralised have tael* which ms plea—nt as a bev which requires a drunk def—ls It creating an aver roost conecisnttoi overcome. El Oranlto, In ■ that It Is htghl has no unpl—n th* fortunate a phurous Ingrsdlei PRICES Phone orders to our office on Second Street w to any part of the city Gallon bottle* are (Sc, w! lie for tha return of the bottle. A >*— contatnli gallons —cb —is 88 50, with a refund of ll.Og for tl El Granito Water On Sale Else The following dealers are authorised agents for Vvater; B. L. Holden. 1112 Fifth street Ksllam Drug Co.. Fifth and B Daggett Pharmacy, Twelfth and H. Harry Bhumway, Druggist, 801 Logan avenue Bureton Drug Store. 1100 National avenue. Leith Drug Store. Sixteenth and K. The Marsh Drug Store, Seventh and F. ■ v It. H Kaxanjan. Druggist. Fifth and Upas.