Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 18, Number 62, 2 November 1883 — Page 3

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THE DAILY RECORD-UNION. FBIDAT HOVEHBEB 2, 1883 OAILT V.HTHIR BFJPOKT. v.nrriD States Siosal Omen, } r,ACRA»«STO, November 1, 1883— 8:02 p.m. ) " Ts g> 3 Bamm. Ther. g.3 §• | Place of eb- M I S BUS £.2 % " ovation. | ?! {si el I i ■"* SI |i§S ■<* g : L LJjllle LL L Diympla.... 30.14 +.09 42 — 5 S. .20 Clear Portland.... 30.17 +.09 47 0 S. .lOCl'dy FortCanby j Roseburg... 30. +.12 44 — 3 E. C .... Thr'g Mendodno.. 30.16 +.05 58 + 6 N.W. 21 .... Clear Red Bluff... 30.10— .03 56+1 S Clear Sacramento. 30.09 -.01 591+1 S.E. ....Clear B. Francisco. 30. 12; +.01 54 —BW. 16 .... Clear Los Anglos. 30. 14+. 01 63 + S N.W Clear Ban Diego... 30.12 +.04 6SJ+ 5 N.W Clear . Maximum temperature, 71.0 ; mi: imum, 45.9. River, 7.11 feet — fall of 1 inch in 24 hours. • JAMES A. BARWICK, Serjeant, Signal Corps, C. S. A.

ADVERTISEMENT MENTION. Metropolitan Theater to-night — Comique Company. Children's Temperance Union. Attention, Hu-sars— Jleet to-night. C.'lone! Goulding't, lectors. Mrs. McUlaslian— Electric healer. Garland range for sale cheap. T. G. A. T. Co., 617 J street. Auctions Bell & Co., SOl X street— To-morrow. IMI « Co.— Heal estate, Monday next. Bttßlnoas Advertlaernnvs. Wcinstock & Lubin — Flannels, ailks and hats. Bed House— New attractions. Bell & Co.— Auctioneers, SOl X street.



On Monday evening laot the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnston, who reside about fourteen miles below Sacramento, near Richland, waa celebrated at their home by a very large circle cf relatives and friends, and a highly-pleasant occasion enjoyed. The respected couple whose fiftieth wedding anniversary waa thus remembered were married in Canada October "'■>, 1833, when Mr. Johnston was 29 and Mrs. Johnston 18 years of age. Mr. Johnston came to California in 1852, and his wife the following year. They have had and reared ten children, come of whom — three sons and four daughters — ire still living ; of the^e, Thomas W. J'hnston, Lester Johnston, Mrs. N. M. Greely and Mrs. "Vie" Oldham. There are at present twenty-two grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.

Among the guests present v?re noticed : Ex-Senator Johnston and wife, Mr. and Mr?. Sol. Kucyon and daughter, Miss Sadie Runyon, of Courtland ; Mr. and Mrs. H. Weinstock, Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Clayton, Sacramento ; Mr. and Mrs. Ewing, Ricbiand ; James Whitcomb, Mr. and Mrs. B. Bate?, Courtland ; Mr. and Mrs. Dew, Franklin ; Mr. and Mrs. Hollister, Dr. Williams and wife, Richland ; Mr. and Mrs. Fay, Mra. Gammon, Rev. Mr. Belknap and Mrs. Baldwir. Mra. Parr. Mrs. Andric, San Jose; Miss Bunt, Misses Edna Williams, Belle JohnFton, May Gammon, Miss Johnston, Misses Maud Parr, Blanche Hollister, Alta Greely, Belle Warnocit, Miss Orph, Oscar Greely, Edward Parr, Walter Warnock, Jessie Dew, Samuel Warnock, Rex. Oldham, Thos. Johnston, Jr., Lester Johnston, Jr., and Archer Warnock.

A laige i.uuiber of beautiful and valuable gift! were presented to the honored couple, the presentation address being delivered in a very felicitiuus manner by Senator Johnston, The guests were entertained with extended hospitality. A so-called remarriage ceremony was conducted by Rev. Mr. Belknap, and at the close of which a most bouutiful supper was spread by the host and hostess. The festivities in reality Uid not close uutil the following evening, when a social gathering of young people to the number of about forty couple made merry, and renewed scenes and pleasures of fifty years ago.

Police Court.— Yesterday, in the Police Court, the case of John Filand, for misdemeanor, was continued until November 2-*. Charles Herman, for drunkennes?, pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to five days in the City Jail. John Haloway pleaded guilty to a similar offense, and was tentenced to the City Jail for three days. A. Keith, upon a like charge, was dismissed. George Whitesides, arresled in a similar groggy condition, failed to appear, and his deposit was forfeited. Charles Wood*. William Sprout and Frank Smith, a triplicate of vagrants, demanded a jury trial, and their cases were continued until November 2d. George Fox, a very fly young man, who has been dodging the 'lice cfticers for some time, was treed Wednesday evening on Third street, near X, under very suspicious circumstances, and the officer*, considering; him their legitimate prey, conveyed their catch to the station house. On searching him the trophies of the chase were found to be a ' concealed weapon and a small outfit of burglar toolx, consisting of skeleton keys and a pair of nippers _ for inserting into a keyhole from the outside and turning the lawful key around until it cm be pushed tut, and a false one used oa ths lock. Ilia Honor, looked at the fixture?, and cmeideriri; the fact that Mr. Fox had only been out of the State Prison a very short time, came to the conclusion that he was getting in a business stock far too fast for the good of the community, and that he was too cunning an animal to be lit run at large, so the sentence was 150 days in the County Jail. Another Rape Fiend.— evening Sheriff George McQnade, of Tuolumne county, arrived at the city prison, having in charge Indian Joe, en route to Folsom. The prisoner was convicted of the crime of rape at the October term of the Superior Court of TuoltiTTibe county, and sentenced by Judge J. F. Ilooney to the State Prison for thirty years. This cane i-< as horrible in its detail* as those which recently occurred in San Fnus* cieeo, and the Toohy way of disposing of this wretch meets with the entire approval of the community in which the crime was committed. The prisoner is an intelligent Indian, 26 years old, speaks j;<>od English, having lived with white people all his life. Listening to his polit« utterances and • his protestations of incocence, one i* lest in wondering how snch a person could assault an a.-c-.l woman and beat her into a Hying condition. Urn guilt was fully established, and now he ha« (tone to meet Kylie. Discharged from Prison. — Abont four months since Charles Johnson &cd Frank Morrow, who kept an " intelligence office " on X street, between Front and Second, were arrested for forgery. They were examined in the Police Court and held to answer to the Superior Court. Their bond— sso0 — they were unable to Rive ; consequently have remained in j.H since thi ir arrest. The District Attorney stated to the Court yesterday that he did not think he could convict them of the crime, as all the evidence against them was simply circumstantial. They are the two young men who negotiated a draft at the California State Back for $821, with the name of C. K. Seal indorsed thereon. Mr. Seal i» a wealthy Ores n cattle man, aod his signature on tea referred to way » forgery. "Our I ooss."— Colonel Goulding's lecture last evening oa " Oar Saloons " was an able effort, He gave the regular trade receipts lot the manufacture of different drink*, and the chemical analysis of Nabob and other first-class whiskie*, showing that all alcoholic beverage; are, without exception, adulterated with injurious drag* lie aba asserted that the saloon business could not lie called respectable even by those engaged in it. Mrs. Richardson sang leveral times. A collection was taken of $10 for the benefit of the Orphan's Home at Valicjo. He will lecture a<ain tonight at V o'clock at the same place, Sixth street Presbyterian church. The Tan Cases.— Too 'tan cases came up for hearing in Justice Tubba' Court at 2 p. m. yesterday. Henry Edgerton, counsel for defendant, asked that the casts be continued until Friday next. Charles T. Jone*, who prosecuted the last lan cases before Judge Armstrong, appears in this case, associated with Mr. EJgertoc, as attorney for the defense. Postponed. — The review, drees parade and ball cf the First Artillery Kegiment, Fourth Brigade, which was set for this evening, will not take place until next Wednesday, November 7th, on account Of Major-General Turcbull being unable to be present. The tickets sold will be g> od for that date. Good news for fat men. Extra sizes knit scarlet undershirts and drawt-rr, extra low price, $1 25 each. Come and sea them. lied House. ■ _ - " * Chinchilla oWtan, fancy plash linings, extra long, $7. The bsst value ev»r shown at lied House. *.',,;


Invitations a few days since were sent to quite a cumber of prominent citizen?, asking them to be at the Fifth-street engine-house, at 8 p. M., yesterday. At that hour the room in which the Commissioners met was filled with a large number of Sacramento gentlemen and a few from San Francisco. Fire Commissioner S. J. Jackson called the meeting to order, and requested W. G. Scott to state the object of the meeting. The Utter gentleman stepped to the front, and said, "Mr. President and members of the Fire Department: With your permission and approval, I will proceed to discharge a very pleasant duty. It has been said that 'Brevity is the soul of wit '—I shall be brief . _ Then, again, another old but true saying is that ' Actions speak louder than words ' — I shall act." Mr. "Scott then produced the following letter to the Chief Engineer, which was printed in blue ink on tinted paper and surrounded by an elegant metallic frame : SACRAMKXTO.'.CaL. October 27, 1883. C. Sullivan, Chief Engineer Sacramento Paid Fire Department— Sir : The members of the force under your command are henceforth to wear uniforms, which completes the organization of a metropolitan system ana marks a new era in the history of the tire s.-rvice of Sacramento. In honor, therefore, of the occasion, and as a token of appreciation of faithful i rtidal conduct, ami as a. symbol of personal esteem, we herewith present to you a gold badge of office, and ask that you accept the game. [Signed.] Baker 4: Hamilton, J. W. Wilson, Weinstock & Lubin, Waterhouse & Lester, Capitol Furniture Company, Hunting-ton, Hopkins & Co., Booth Co., C. McCreary .v Co., H. G. Smith & Co., National Bank of D. O. Mills & Co, California State Bank Company, H. M. Bernard, John Breuner, Holbrook, Merrill & Stetson, T. M. L-ndley, Sacramento Lumber Company, N. L. Drew & Co., F. S. Smith, T. J. Pennish.MatthewCooke & Bon, W. P. Coleman, Wm. Land, 11. A. Weaver, J. A. Todd, Whittier, Fuller & Cj., W. G. Scott. After reading the above he laid upon the table the badge referred to in the resolutions, and in a neat speech of about five minutes tendered the same to the Chief on the behalf of the donors. Mr. Sullivan was completely taken by surprise, was overcome with emotion, and for several moments stood looking at the beautiful badge without speaking a word. Finally he looked up and said, " Well, Scott,' it's a daisy." Speeches were made by S. J. Jackeoi>, J. W. Wilson, J. T. GriffitU, W. R. Jones, Fred Kirn, C. Sullivan, W. G. Scott, W. T. Y. Schenck, Eugene Hunt and others. A letter of regrets from H. K. McLennar, Chief of the Fire Department of Chief, was read. llussell White, Superintendent c f the Fire Patrol of San Francisco, sent the following letter, which was also read : San Francisco, October 31st. Mr. — Dear Sir : Your kindness was shown this afternoon in the shape of a note containing an invitation to be present at the headquarters of Sacramento Fire Department for the purpose of witnessing the presenting of a badge to my friend Sullivan, Chief of the Depirtment. I will say that I am very sorry that I cannot be with you, not only because my time vill not permit, but 1 could not stand and see my old friend ornamented as ho will be on the night in question. I have done active fire duty for the past twenty years, and think I can tell a fireman when I see him. On my first introduction to the present Chief of the Sacramento, Fire Department I found him to contain all the qualifications, in my judgment, for a good fireman. At fires he has a cool head, good judgment, and as far as fire duty is concerned he is all right Why not keep him bo ? Give him plenty of fires, and like an old horse he wilt do his duty ; but when you place on his breast that beautiful, sightly signet, you will not only unfit him for business, but will be the means of hia death. Ho you think for a moment that he could walk the streets of Sacramento without showing that disposition of his, viz., " All you girls look at me." Now girls are all right, but when husbands go gunning after Chief Engineers, things change. If it must be so, let it come, and we as friends will have to suffer. Give him, in his hour of pride, my best wishes. Tell him to use some discretion and he will come out of it all right. Again I will say 1 am sorry I could not be with yon all, but such is the case. Truly you •.• RCSSELL WHITE, Superintendent Fire Patrol. The badge is cf solid gold, in the sh«.pe of a shield, four inches in length, and was manufactured by George 0. Sbreve & Co,, of San Francisco. The top represents a phoenix — an eaele rising from the thine:*. Immediately underneath i< a crown, the points of which contains rive stones, one sapphire, two rubies and two emeralds. Beneath the crown is a shield, in the center of which is a steam tire engine, fully manned ami equipped, with horses rushing to a fire at full speed. In the background is the State Capitol building. Above the dome is net a beautiful diamond, which represents the sun with its brightly Bcintillating rays. The shield is surrounded by a ruined border. The inscription on 'ha face of th: badge i?, "Chief Engineer Fire Department, Sacramento, Cala." On the reverse side of the badge, "To C. Sullivan, by Citizens of Sacramento, Oct. 27th, 1883." It is soli.l, substantial, of pure gold, ranging from sixteen to twenty-two carets in fineness, and cost $250.


A. S. Grcenlaw, Treasurer of Sacramento county, makes the following report for the mouth of October : Cash on hand October let $31, Cl RECEIPTS. State Fund $€72 00 General Fund 2,284 17 Road Fund 178 50 Swamp and Overflowed Land Fund €64 04 334,847 32 DISBURSEMENTS. '■'/.. State Fund $5,799 19 General Fund 4,75* 95 Uospital Fund 3,771 59 School Fund. 1,910 97 KoadFund. ISS 05 19,451 75 Balance on hand October 31st 315,385 57 APPORTIONED AS FOLLOWS : State Fund $672 00 General Fund 1,772 37 Hospital Fund... 1 706 45 School Fund 8,658 50 Road Fund 1,793 39 Sinking and Intere-t Fund 2 32 Bonds of ■ . _ Fund 506 Bonds of C. P. Railroad Fund 105 08 Hospital Sinking and Interest Fund 3 16 Court house and Jail Fund 4 58 Swamp and Overflowed Land Fund C 72 80 Total ■ «15,:i»5 57 Metropolitan Theater. — The Theattr Comique Company will appear in the Metropolitan Theater this evening, and will give a matinee performance to-morrow afternoon. They promise a bill of elegance and refinement. Bobby Gaylor, the famous comedian, will appear in several parts, which gives him an excellent opportunity to show off his versatility. He never fails to keep the audience convulsed with laughter from the time he comes on the stage until he disappears behind the scenes. Admission 50 and 25 cents. The box office will be opened this morning. Vismso Odd Fellows. — At noon yesterday W. Wi Morrow, Grand Master, and Walter I!. L>yoD, Grand Secretary of the I. 0. O. F , came up f r.iui the Bay to pay an official visit to the Lodges of the Ordtr in this city. They were accompanied by W. H. Baron), Part Grand Master, C. W. \V>ston, \V\ F. Norcross, J. K. Bebton, W. A. Koowles and others. They were met at the depot on their arrival by a committee and conveyed to their hotels in carriages. After their official vi.-it last evening a banquet was held. Carrier's Report.— mail carriers make the fallowing report for the month of October: Registered packages delivered. 201; letters, 37.281 ; postal cards, 6,325; toeal letter.', 2.676; lix;*! postal?, 2.607; pipers and packages, 297,022. Collected— Letter', 29.588; posral cards, C.242; pipers, etc., 2 430. Trie nan en i f the »even carrier* are ('•. W. Todd, F. l>ustman, George K. Aarac, I. W. 1 ..ham, John AUma, Ed. H. nivett, D. W. O. Smith. Acction To-morrow.— Bell k Co., auctioneers, have removed from J street to the Clunie Building, on the northeast corner of Eighth and X street*. They will sell at auc'.ion, commencing at 10:30 A. M. to-mor-row, a large 1- it of furniture, bedding, blankets, parlor and cook stoves, baggies, carts and some elegant music books. BOSOM Death.— Albert Bragg, a gentleman well-known in this city, died at 10:30 r. x. yesterday. He resided for some years at Eureka, in Hnmboldt county. He ha« a brother, H. W. Bragg, and a son, G. W. Bragg, raiding in this city. He was sUk only about a week, and died of pneumonia. His wife and family reside in Eurek*. Real Estate at Auction. — Bell & Co., auctioneers, will sell at public auction, on the premises, at 10:30 A M. next Mrnday, the south one-half of lots 5 and 6 in the block bounded by Fourteenth and Fifteenth, P and Q street* ; size, 80x160 feet. Sale positive and without reserve. A sew arrival of $1 50 and $1 70 white blankets. Thia stock U limited and caanot j always bo had a', these prices. Go for them, at RedUoate. • ■ (i i- NTS' four-ply linen collars, itanHirg or turn-down, nobby styles, 10 ce&U each, at Red House. * Sives-oukce red and blue fUnnel, 50 cent* per yard, at lied House. Nose batter for ur.derwear. -•';•*: \r-' • Fob furniture covering, hanging*, etc., our new cretonnes utter a very fine stock to select from. RidHrnae. • ■ Black silk ottonraa ribbon, 2J inches wide, 7 cents per yard, at Red House. - *


Last night about S o'clock, as City Attorney Anderson waa passing the corner of J and Second streets, he was approached by a man known as Frank Sauaders and a woman named Remijia Peralta, who said an accident had occurred on the river back at the foot of O street, in which a young Mexican by the name of Jesus Kjchelle had been killed. The woman had a Smith & Wesson five-cham-bered revolver, with which she said the shooting was done. Mr. Anderson took possession of the weapon and took the woman to the station-house, then proceeded to the fatal spot. On hia way he overtook officer Ash and a reporter, and the trio soon found the dead Iran, He was lying on his back be tween two piles of lumber, near the railroad track, quite dead, the piatul ball having struck him high in the breast. Word having been sent to the Coroner, a wagon soon arrived and the remains were taken to the morgue. At the police station, through the interpreter, James Barren, the woman told the following story : " My name is Eetnijia Feralta; a native of San Jose, California ; am 21 years old. The name of the dead man is Jesus Rochelle. He was born in Sonora, Mexico, and is about 2."> years of age. I first knew him in Santa Clara county, but was never intimate with him. We met in Sacramento about four months ago, and since that time we have been living together. He has been working as a 'longshoreman in the lumber yards along the city front. He was good to me, aod we never had any throuble, though he has, when drunk, threatened to harm me, but he never did so. We livd in the house of Mrs. Sarapia Azevedo, near the corcer of Front acd O Btreets. This evening, about 7 o'clock, he started to go up town, and wan under th* ii.ti ueiA-a of liquor. I knew he had his pistol with him, and tearing that he might: do himself or some others an iojury, I tried to get possession of the weapon. He refused to give it to me, and was so careless in haucF ling it that I went out cf the house through the back door, and creeied Front street towards the river, and tried to hide in the lumber yard. He followed me, and I again attempted to take the pistol from him. He held to it, a»>d in the tcctHs it was discharged. He staggered back against a pile of lumber and cried, ' You have shot me, or I have shot myself,' and fell to the ground, I thought he was only trying to fool me, and I asked him if he was hurt. He made no answer, and I then ran acrops the street to the house. The people living there were standing on the sidewalk, having heard the shot. I gjt a candle and came back to where Kochelle wan lying, and tried to get him up. I st\v a spot of bio d od his neck, and knew that he was hit. He did not move or gpeak. I placed my face down against his, and hia cheek was very cold. Then I was convinced that he was shot dead. A young man named Agapito Yzuera followed me cut to where the body lay, and assisted me in my efforts to lift Kocaelle from the grrund. Then I picked up the pistol, and, with Frank Saunderu, came up town to find the City Attorney." This is all that U known of the fatal affair.


The temperature of the river is 38°. A new stone crossing has been put in on X street, opposite Mechanics' Store, between Fourth and Fifth streets. Major W. S. Leake has been commissioned Major and iDppector of Ritla Practice eu the staff of 8.-igadier-General Carey. Yesterday Mebiuß & Co. bought thirteen car loads, or 750 bales, uf choice hops, and \V. R. Strong GOO Eacks of peanrts. On the police slate last night were the names of John Taylor, Wong Young Oa and 1 .y Mir, all arrested for petit larceny. John Ficken, a native of Germany, was yesterday taken to the County Hospital. He is hopelesely paralyzed in his lower limbs, and an object of pity, A bag of school books, in which b the name of May Taylor, wan f .und liy Leonard KellofFg) and can be had by calling at hin store, 819 J street. The Eureka Baseball Club of this ci'y and the Athletics of G.-ao Valley will t.luy a series of three games for $250, the first game to ba played at Grass Valley next Sunday. Constable Jones knd his posse, employed by the Fish ComuiisMoners, are doing excellent work. During the past week they have arrested several Italians and a Urge number of Chinamen for violation cf the fish laws. Arizona Jack, Alabama Joe, and Slippery Dick, three noted characters, well known to the police force, yesterday were given six hours in which to leave town. The last that was Been of them they were heided toward Stockton. Where is the man that "got away with the Back:" was a question frequently heard aaktd on the street yesterday. He cannot be found, neither can an individual be discovered who will acknowledge that he was present at the "slugging match." In Department One cf the Sup;rior Court, yesterday, the following business was transacted : Frank Masterson, convicted of stealing a hor«e, was seL,ieiiced to imprisonment at Fol-oin for three years and a half ; John Johnson, convicted of burglary, was sent to the same institution for two years and a half. Judging from the weather reports yesterday, it is the opinion of the meteorological reporter of this paper that a storm of email precipitation is on its way to northern acd ceutrbl California. Cl ju :y weather, if not rain, may be expected by t >-morrow (3d). At the present writing (10:i!0 P. M.) cl" vis of the cerro stratum order have made their appearance on the horizon in the northern portion of the heavens. The weather at Bp. m. last ni,;ht waa f^r Olympia clear, with .20 tf an inch of ruin ; Portland, cloudy, with ,10 of an inch ; X i*eburr, threatening, with southerly wibds as far south as Sacramento. The temperature, wind and weather at 12 M. yesterday, as received by Sergeant Barwick, was f r Olympia, ~>o , southwest and clou ly; Portland, 53', east and light raiu; Fort Canby, 4'J ; , west and cloudy ; Bofebofy, 55°, west and cloudy ; Mendocino, 58*, northwest and clear ; Red Bluff, 68°, north and dear ; Sacramento, (i"i°, north and clear ; San Fraucisco, 66°. northwest and clear ; Los Angelec, .SO", south and f*ir ; San Diego, 75', west and clear ; Sait Lake, B7°, west and fair ; Cheyenne, 58°, southwest and clear ; Denver, >• '. , southeast and fair; North Platte, 66°, southeast and fair ; Omaha, 55°, south and clear.


James Leonard and Edward Northern are in the city. Edward Goldsmith, if San Francisco, is in the city. Miss Leona Jackson, of this eit>, is visiting in Vallcjo. State Superintendent Welckcr has returned from Auburn. I State Prison director Ilcndricks was in the city yesterday. J. W. Grecnlaw and 11. M. Laßue came up from the Bay last evening. Mrs. G. Griffiths, of Penryn, has returned from a visit to San Francisco. President Allen, of the State Normal School, is rusticating at Auburn. William Buchan, Postmaster at Pilot Hill, El Dorado county, is in the city. Intensely swell people now have champagne served (mm rough glass pitchers. M, Moneheimer and wife, of New York, are speadiog a few days in Sacramento. W. T. Xorcross, editor of th« -V< v- Age, is in the city ; also W. 11. Barnes, of the Call. Mrs. Henry Brinkmann of Nevada City, is vis-it. ing her sister, Mrs Fred Grohs, at Auburn. Adjutant-General Cosby has gone to San Francisco to attend the reunion of the Second Brigade. 11. <:. Williams and family, of Oroville, pissed through the city ytsur day, en route to San Francisco. Miss Kate Patterson, of Baltimore, a granddaughter of Betsey Bonaparte, is engaged to marry Pierre la Montagu. Mis. Eli is Weller, of Coloma, and Mrs. Annie Mark ham, of Plicervil!e, are visiting Georgetown, tbe guiKts of Mrs. I. P. Jackson. Archbishop A.• many passed through the city yesterday en route to meet his coadjutor, Bishop hiordan, who is en route from Chicago. Julge Hunt, who has been holding Court for Judge W. A. Armstrong for the past two weeks, leaves for bis San Francisco home to day. James W. Hanford, engineer on the Sacramento and i'iaeerville Railroad, has returned from the Gut, where he was a delegate to the Locomotive Engineers' Convention. In the city yesterday: L E. Armlntrton, C. L. Robinson and wife, C. 11. Dunton, Chap, GUdea, M. Klsontierg, San Francisco; W. G. Brown, Nicolaus ; Win. Ash, Colusa county Rev. Carroll M. Davis, rector of St. Paul's Church In this city, is expected home from th(> East this afternoon. He has been f. r several weeks past attending the General Convention of the Episcopal church in Philadelphia. A reception will be given him this evening at his residence, HI X street. . ■ - Arrivals at the 'Men Eagle Hotel yesterday: A. .1 Graham. Truckee; Miss M. l>elaniy, C. U. Little, Eureka ; W. R. Cole, Gait ; J. V. Choun, St. Leui», Mo • M. M. Milton, Sutler Creek ; Miss Lawson, Mum Kelly, Woodland : W. T. Hill, Chicago; C. C. Kmt» and wife. Auburn ; Mrs. N. D. Arnot, Jr., Markleeville ; L. Coblentz, Plymouth; Frank H. Farr.r, Merced ; B. F. Lai';.* rd, Stockton ; J. M. Fowler, l/»li ; W. W. Allen, W. E. l«iih, Oakland ■ T. .1. Bigger, Kansas City : D. R. Kisby, .1. Wilson, Mr-". D. M. Kenfieid, 8 W. Alum, J. Crofton. E. D. Farnsworth, C. D. Line, J. S. Wheeler, W. M. OiubiTtson W. Manning, San Francisco. The brightest, clearest, cheapest Mid belt beer in the market is Kredericksbnre Export Beer. Car lead just received by G. W. Che*ley, sole agent. '- * Tramp, tramp. tramp, the boys are goinjz to the opportunity sale of gents' furnishing goods at Red House. * *


The Shiinwald-Hyams cases hare baen diembsed. The alleged Chinese poll-tax frauds are discredited. John Kentfield, a pioneer, died in this city Wedoeeday. Thna far 12 000 Chinamen have procured return certificate!) from China. The first cargo of co»I from the Wellington mine since the strike came into this harbor Wednesday. Consul Bee thinks that about 1,000 Mongolians will go to China on the steamer City of Tokio, the next vessel that sails. The postal carrier service of San Francisco is to be increased by the appointment of eight more letter carriers on November 15th. At the annual meeting of the Dairymen's Association 'Wednesday it was stated that oleomargarine is being made and sold in this State contrary to law. Miss Sarsh Althea Hill, who claims to be Mrs. SharoD, has brought suit in the Superior Court agiiost the Senator for divorce, a division of alleged community property and alimony. It is feared that the South Sea trading schooner Valvoa, Captain Alexander Kustel, which sailed from Apia, Navigator lslands, June 4th, has been lost, for nothing has been heard from her since she sailed. The coinage at the San Francisco Mint for 0.-tober consisted of 128,000 double eagles, valued at §2,560,000, and 400,000 standard dollars. For the same month last year the cmnaee was 82,300,000 in double eagles and $000,000 in standard dollars. The Buit of Thomw Flaherty against the Nevada Bank has been dismissed on stipulation. The Ection was broueht to recover §10,000 damages for the luss of his wifa, who was killed ia the elevator iv the Nevada block about eight months ago. The California Coursing Club met Wednesday evening. It was decided to have the drawing of dogs on Saturday eveuing next. The club and guests will leave on Wednesday, November 7th, for Merced, where the gold cup will ba contested for on the following day. The bullion deposits at the San Francisco Mint during the month of October were sa follows: Fine gold, 39, 4t>7 ounces ; crude gold, 12!1,331 ounces ; ciude silver, 204,430 ounces. Of the stiver, 59,5.">1 ounces weie deporiced in exchange for tine silver, and the remainder was puichased for coinage into standard dollars. The settlement of the preliminary proceedirgs in the matter of the estate or the late Nicholas Skerrett, murdered in August last by Wright Lert,y, was before Judge Ccffey again Wednesday, and postponed until the U:hof November, The postponement was tceasioned by the fact that another brother has turned up in Australia, who desires to be repre-euted in Court. James A, Laven, the License Collector, has turned iulo the city treasury ?4S 025 55 for October, showing a gain of $S,-">7'J 05 over the receipts for the cDiieaponding u.oulri ot ISB2. This, with the surplus receive! and paid into the treasury for the past fuur months, shows an increase in the municipal licecse of $19,---188 90 over and above the amount collected for the corresponding period of la.<t year.


Freight passing Of den siuee last report : For — Huntington & Hopkins, 1 tokens nails, 100 bars iron, 510 pieces iron pipe ; Billingsley & Co.. 100 bundles wash boards, 3 cases medicated paper, 49 bundles manila ; A. Coolot, 4 cases play cards ; J. 15. Henderson, 3 cases hardware ; Capital Packing Company, 20 cases can goods; Jones & Given?, 247 reels "f barb wire ; A. A. Van Voorhies & Co., 3 boxes hardware ; Weinstock & Lubiii, Ics goods ; L. Elkus & Co., 5 bales comforts; Kirk, Geary & Co., 40 boxes patent medicines; Hall, Luhis &Co 50 crates presents, 2 cases citron ; G. W. Fox, 1 box oilcloth, 2 bundles enameled cloth; Adams, McNeil) & Co., 3 bundles tobacco ; 11. Fisher & Co., 1 box candy; Gus. Lavenson, 1 case shoes', Thomas Schwamb, 1 case frames ; Continental Oil Company, 1 tank oil ; J. R. Watson, 3 boxes machinery ; E. tit. Russell, ISO kegs while lead. For Redding— Henry & Carter, 1 sewing machine For Visalia — J. L. & C. At-ay, 1 barrel plaster. For Lockcford— Rogers, 2 barrels whisky. For Elk Grove— J Bitsett, 2 barrels whisky ;J. Everson, '{ barrels whisky. For I'jvUvillc— E. W. iirown, 1 barrel hinges, 1 box hinges. For Shingle Springs— Samuel Hale, 1 case clothlag. For Marysville— U. Wick, 3 cattle, 1 pic; Wurhtman & H., 32 box«s goods, 25 bars steel, 14 pack ges l,'O">dß ; Ilallctt d Levy, 12 bundles goods. Fcr Weavervilie— J. L Scbolt, 1 case cards. For Little Shasta — Mi-iirath, 1 casa clothinz. For Chico— C. 11. Wood & Co., 1 case goods. Kor ' rovilie— T. G. Gray, 0 boxes hardware. For Stockton— James Marvin, 2 boxes crayons, 3 rolls carpet ; Burns & 'Lockwood, 4 hogsheads earth-ware; \Vil!i Langride, 2 cases ph'jes; Geo. F. Nye, 1 pump; Austin Bros., 17 boxes goods, 3 bundles goods, 29 vices.


Filkii Wednesday, October 81, 1383 April 17, l?S-2-Sweetsi.T & Alsipto Isaiah Rendall — E. Jof lot 4, G and I', Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, city ; «i,OOO. August 21— Mary A. Tyler »t al. to Sophia Sharp — The 2-12 of the estate of John W. Sharp, deceased, Sacramento county ; grant. August -Sophia Sharp to Mary A. Tyler et al. —The undivided J of 2-12 of the " Sharp Ranch," situate at Walnut (Jr.. vr, Sacramento county ; grant. May 1, 1876— N. Chri&tophel »nd wife to J. Rassette— Fraction of sec. 30, T. 7 N., R 5 E., Sacramento county; grunt. December 18, Ic7!l — Abraham Woorlanl to Joseph Itassettc— Fraction of sec. 36, T. 7 N., R. 5 X., Sacramento county ; grant. October 30— Joseph Bassette to E. Peckett — Land in sec. 36, T. 7 N., R. 5 E., Sacramento county ; grant. October 25— J. E. T. Pike to George W. Young— The N. } of W. } and N. ) of S. i lot 1, L and M, Fourth and Fifth streets, city ; grant. October 30 —Bernard and wi'e to Frank I'i'zino and Pasqualina Balegalupe — J lot 5, L and M, Second and 'I bird streets, city ; $3,000. October 31— Edward R. Hamilton and W. P. Colemao to John Hanlon— W. J see 20 and E. iofN. E. } and E. 1 of S. K. J sec 19, T. 8 N., K. 7 X.. Sacramento county, 4-0 acres. October 31— W T Wilson to Adaline AldermanLot 8, 1 and J, Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh streets, city ; grant. October 31— L. W. Blinn and wife to O. S. Lovedale -Lot 1, 0 and P, Sixteenth and Seventeenth street*, city ; reconveyance. . . October 31— Edward 11. Hamilton and W. P. Coleman to Lewis W. Blinn— Lot 1, O and P, Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, city ; reconveyance.


TIIUI.BDAV, November 1, 1883. Department On— Hunt, Judge. I'ioj Ie vs. L. J. Dierssen, oMainin? goods under false pretenses— Continued till November 6th. People vs. Frank Maeterson, grand larceny—Defendant nentenced to three years and six month* at Folaom Prison. People vs. John Johnson, burtrWry— Defendant sentenced to two year* and six months at Folsom. People vs. Char es Moran, burglary— On trial. DRrARTMR.NT TWO — F.VItL.VNH, Judge. Jeremiah Potter vs. James Woodburn — Decree in favor of plaiutru*. Ralph Ellis vs. A. WhiUker— Demurrer sustained ; plaintiff allowed twenty days to ai end. John Reynolds vs. L. M. Lincoln— Plaintiff ordered to submit findings, and then judgment .vi 1 1 be entered for plaintiff.

MARRIED. Sacramento, Octooer 27— By J. C. Tubbs, Justice of the Peace, Thomas J. McCurmick to Clara Moore Jones, both ot Sacramento. Near Sacramento, November 1— Rev. T. S. Dunn, Hod C. Jones, of Yuba City, to Hattie E. Sprajrue, of Sacramento. Grass Valley, October 27— Robert Ford to Caroline Dally. Gra>s Valley, October John R. Ridf e to Nellie F. Moore. Oroville, October 27— Philip O'Hair to Mary Ini.Taham. BORN. Woodland, October .'Sl— Wife of Judge E. R. Bush, a SOD. DIED. Sacramento, November I— Alexander Mclntcsh, a native of Scotland, 64 years. [Funeral notice hereafter.] Sacramento, November I—Anna,1 — Anna, wile of Louis Francis, S3 years and 7 months. (Stockton papers please copy.) [Funeral notice hereafter.] Nevada City, October 27— ArUgas Lyons, Cl yearsMortality Report, For two weeks ending October SI, ISBS, made by Win. Laufkotter, Superintendent of the City Cemetery, utlice at the Chapel, City Cemetery : October Alford Barlow, 15 yean ; California. Infant of J. and M. Dwinell, 4 hours; California. Margaret Ham, 75 years ; Ireland. October 17— tr^ncL* E. Brown, 49 years ; West Virginia, October 1 8— Apnes Briinpi, 8 days; California. October 19— Chan Sun Din, 62 ytars ; Chlnv Freddie Wentworth, 8 months and 19 days ; California 1 October 21— Nellie A. Meister, 4 years and 9 days: California. Rusina Ilvman, 63 years; Poland. October 22— Ah Slag, 55 years ; China. Laura J. Taylor. 4 years, 7 months and 19 days ; California. October '21 — John Lasckley, 61 years ; Switzerland. October 26— Jane P. Graham, 72 years, 10 months and M days: Maryland October «» - Wilhelraina Fonttncau, 25 ears, ' 4 months and 17 days ; California. Henry O. JohnEon, 66 years, 6 months and 13 days ; North Carolina. =*'.«• .-.-.... . October 29 -Infant of L. and A. Francis ; Califori:i>. K'lxabeth Guile, 59 jears and 8 months; Switserlan*. H. w. Strathmeier, 2 months and 14 days; New York. ; October SO— Laura Foots, 79 years, S months and 13 dayi»; Vermont : Besides the above there were brought here for interment the following :' October Jacob Hammond, 64 years ; Canada. - : October 23— Ullie May Terrio, 12 years, 2 months and IS days ; California. .:■.:: October 25 — Unknown man. Ida Ihgoboom, 1 year and 7 months; California. Agnes Hagobonm, 6 years and & months •.■California. George Welch, 36 ve*ii» : Ireland. James HcCht.-hy, {9 yeirs and 4 months ; Ireland. Samuel Tcrrio, 13 years, 6 month < and 1 day ; California. -■ - October 29— Joseph Goodman, 11 months and -1 ■ day* ; - California : James ■ ki'i-y, ': 39 . years, 11 - months and 11 days; New Jersey. . . 'f,

CHANGED EVEBY DAY FOR THE MEOHANIOS' STORE. French Plaid Flannels, • Fleece back and new style patterns. Suitable for Ladies' and Children's Dresses and Wrappers. Silk Items. Black and Colored Rhadzimirs, $i 90. Brocades to match above, $1 75. New Shades in French Dress Silks, $1 25. Brocades to match above, 95 cents. Black Ottomans, 75 cents, $1 25, $1 65, etc. Black All-silk Brocades, $1 10. All-silk Colored Brocades, in all shades, $1 25. Full line of Bonnet's Dress Silks. Extra value in Trimming Satins, 50 cents. Silk Plushes, in seven colors, $1 75 to $2 75. Black Dress Silks, 65 cents upwards. MEN'S HAT DEPART. JT C\ HAT! — Garnet color; for young and X. \J • middle-aged men, $1. Canvas Hats FO ce R n£ UNTERS ' 75 A Broad-brimmed, LowHP Tl d HPoVQTI [ crowned, Heavily Corded, i llu I\J AdJLI 1 Calfskin Colored Hat, $1 50, $2, $5. T O r>O m in! Light-colored, Satin-faced Hat IjCll dlillt! I for evening wear, $ 1 50. Bevel-edge ™ Ko ™ N ' Cri SITIO ! CORDUROY HAT, $1 50. IMITATION CAMEL HAIR HAT for rough usage, $2 to $2 50. XT * XT' *I In Black and Blue ; something stylish I\l jSA I f o r yo un g men » $ 2 - Theßapnstaple! N Hari3t iff T) nA I Maroon-colored, Soft Hat; low JjUi HuU ! crown, for young men, $5. WEINSTOCK&LUBIN 400, 402, 404, 406, 408 X St., Sacramento. 1 _

HIOIII. i:\tit .v-(i.kak EASTERN SALT PORK, JUST RECEIVED, 315 CENTS PER POUND. choicest Fetaluma Pickle Roll Batter ONLY 60 CENTS P£R ROLL. "Winslo w's Corn (is--.; racking), Just received, only 15c. PER CAN; SI 75 PER DOZEN. NEW EASTBEH BONELESS CODFISH Just Received— Very Vine. Or Everything at BEDROCK PRICES FOR CASH. Send for our New Price List. Special attention paid to country orders. H. H. PAULK, CASH GROCER. No. 814 X Street, Sacramento. - 81-3p6m ■!'•:-'■■■: Boots and Shoes. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF LADIES' A«D MISSES' GENUINE IMPORTED French Bionze Shres and Slippers, OTTS I>JL'V£j9i-SOBi'S, SMiiillifii'l Corner I'lfili anil J streets. nl-3ptt - niTU DCniri C who wish reliable 111 I I r tlirLt informatisn on the exVI I I 1 »-»#• a.w p enseandpro t of era fruit farms near home, can get it in detail from actual experience at Nap*, Woodland, Newcastle, Colfix and ether points, by consulting "California for Growers," now on sale at bookstores. Illustrations and colored sectional maps showing all tmit localities of the Sttte Price, $1. o!9-3ptf PAPERHANGING, DECORATING AND TINTING DONE IN ALL the Litest and Varied Styles of this Branch of Art. At this season of the year rk will be done promptly, and at LOW RATES. Country orders solicited. WHITHER, FULLER & CO., N05.1030 and 102! - <-<-.. M., Sacramento. 013 3ptt COUNTRY PROPERTY RANCHES, FAEMS — FOR — Fruit, Grain or Vineyards! IF TOr Will TO BEY OH SEIX, . — APPLY OR writk to—W. p. COLEMAN. REAL ESTATE SALESROOM. Wo. MS J Btrtet. Sacramento. ' W. A. STEPHENSON (Successor to O. D. ALUIOND), 806 J (STREET BAtRA.ME.VTO. < Al.. A GENT FOR WHITE, NEW HOME ANT) J\ Duplex Crown Sewing Machines, which does bom Chain and Lock-stitch ; and dealer in sewing Machine Supplies of all kinds. Also, Zephyrs and Fancy Goods of all kinds. Agent for Universal Paper Patterns. Also, Agent tut the Gibbs' Turkish Rug Patterns. - ■•■■■■■ als-3pCm EBNER BROS., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN WISES AND LIQEOEa. lie and 118 X st. , bet. Front and Second, Sacramento. AGTKrs FOR TUB GKLRRRATKD , »■-.■ •■.•;■- rOH.UF.BY AND ' •KI.VO I lI4>IPi«.\F. - JeS5-lplm

THE FINE OWELLINC OF TOE LITE J. T. pike, NORTH SIDE OF 0 STREET, BET. EIGHTH & NINTH, — WILL XX — EENIED To a Good Tenant, at 945 per month. • It contains 10 rooms, and is in thoroughly good condition. A GOOD STABLE on the premises. Lot, 80x160. - . ■ • APPLY TO A.Leonard &Son INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, So. INS Fourth Street ..Sacramento. ■ - aul7-Bplin WIRE CLOTH GREEN AND DRAB. MADE BY THE CLINTON WIRE CLOTH CO. BEST IN THE MARKET. RUBBER HOSE! A Full stock Just Received. HOSE CARRIAGES, HOSE SPRINKLERS LAWN GOODS OF ALL KINDS, AT HUNTINGTON, HOPKINS & CO.. 220 to 220 X street, Sacramento, — AND— COB FROHT AKP MARKET STS.. SAH FRANCISCO WRITING PAPERS I MOROCCO, OPALINE, CELESTIAL, SEA SHELL, HAMMERED SILVER, CREAM, AMBKR PARCHMENT, SILVER GRAY, CADET BLUE, LAVENDER, TERRA COTTA, AZURE, CAFE, KILO (Quadrille). IMPERIAL PARCDMENT PAPZR3 (Linen), all welghta. ENVELOPES to match any of above. t3T The most varied assortment In the State, and (or sale from 15 cents to 50 cents per quire. H.S. Crocked Co., >OS. 208 and SIO J STREET. ■-■•-:'■ - ■■••■- jva-Sptf ■- NEW MUSIC JIST KLCEIVED. IS" Write on a Postal Card tor one of our Monthly Musical Catalogues- famished free. - toKißlm A OO WOOD CARVERS. FANCY CABINET, PATTERNS AND BRACKET work in a: 1 its branches by J. S. Parker, H'>6 X street, between Klxhlh and Ninth. This is the only place in Sacramento where desijrns in the above class of wood work is furnished and work done in the some establishment. Give us a call. ■-' • - ■ n26-4plm - -■■--..■•■ ■ - TUE . A-HEIUC AN ; '. IsA.TJ»TDRY. : SAWTELLE'S BOOK STORE, No! 524 OFFICE : SAWTELLKS BOOK STORE, SO. 624 J street. [au*-lp3m] S. B. CCOUCY, Prop.

MISOrTT.T.AIfEOOS. 3E 1 33Xa^E I 2E3SK-, "WOOD JS& CO. m LKirOR DEALEUS SOS. 1016 and 1018 BECOSD sTBF.ST, sici!.»Wl.ue. Kentucky Whisky, direct Bond BI.T1I1>I»1 WAIE*. BOCI BEEK, HE ZtXFAMIEL 4 ALIFORM CLABET. ■•-.-■■-■ ' -17 -f EVERYBODY CAN AFFORD A LIBRARY. IV E ABB OFFBKISG DICKENS' COMPLETE WORKS IN 15 VOLS., (ll>rtlMM. Mil I! 200 •TKAIIOX'*, FOB Fifteen Dollars Per Set! "TOT. A. & C ST. HOX7GHTOMT, SO. 615 J STKTET BtrBAWF\T». IJItTST JO-003355! 1 Gattmann & "Wilson, DEALERS IN FANCY AND DOMESTIC DRY GOCDS, wo. 601 JT str,jb.^t, SAOR-/* 3«X^TBr"JPO. ARE OFFERING SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS IN A CUOICS AND SELECT LINE OF Ladies' & Misses' Imported Cloaks OF THE VEBY LITEST Mills AM> lil'.su;\ t. ALBO— — J TRSHY CLOTH j a o ec f h i ALL AT PRICES which will make it an object for you to call and examine them. <>--'7-:' i nu J^j.3 Wilrlinnki-r. and Jewelers, \o. fI.M J at., bet. Fourth and Firth. tfefjg t&~ Dealers in WATCHES, JEWELRY AND DIAMONDS. Repairing: in all its branchea a a^cuStr under MR. FLOBERG. Agents for Kockford Watch Company. jvl3-3;-tt J. CL DAVIS, No. 411 X street, Sacramento, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN PARLOR, BED AND DINTNO-ROOM FURNITURE,*, and CARPETS. Latent Patterns of I .lnoleuiu and Oil Cloths. Also, a Ur^rK Assortment of •urlnln^. Shades 4'ornlrrit, fir. twl fS" I would request the public to call and examine my la:ire stock of eooda before pnrchaalnc '•*•- ' * > where, ma they will find it to their aav&ntage. > r: ''"?-■'*'" Country Ordera Hollrllrrt. anA ««ll<fartlon >.iii.f»i.i.til. jet IMPORTED 2SSSI PRAYER CATHOLIC b^^S. BOOKS ! GREAT BARGAINS IN FURNITURE TV. D. COMBTOCK HAS RETURNED FROM THE EAST, WHERE HE PERSONALLY SELECTED SOME N'KWgl and Fine Designs in II KMTIRF. entirely different from anything before brought to thiftAs coaat. Flfih mil X »lrffl«. Sacramento. ■<-■-•--- ]yM-BpH I 1 LATEST IMPORTATIONS! THE CAPITAL WOOLEN MILLS' TAILORING DEPARTMENT. 822 J ST.! HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE AND SELECT LINE OP SCOTCH, FHKSt-11. i.vr.i.i-'it ami «.i^:v.»> tweeds of tub latest dishes AN» PATTKB**. i3T Also, a full line of BEAVER and BROADCLOTHS. Call and examine their stock before nint elsewhere. au3o-3ii<;m ' j street. J , F. SLATER, Hatter ,1 KEA y oY 8S ' «»-Sp4m CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AT CHRIS. i:il« l> >■■>. No. lII.'S J sT , IIKTH V.V.\ H:\TIS V\l» til VtNTll. MY PERSONAL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO MY BUSINESS, AND I BUY FOR CASH, WHICH enabled me to soil at the very I <•«<•>. I figure*, and my good! are the choicest in the Sacramento Market. Everything in tile Provisinn line, Win Liquoro, Clsmn, Tobacco, etc., and a full line of fine CKOCKERYWARE kept on hand. Sample my ko ds, and he convinced. Goods delivered free anywhere within the city limits. |04-3p:f| , rnitlS t|Hl>» mJCSKLmm^km^ m «aOL> W^J aJC -M- iSSSP JPJ .^' / Drngpt and Apothecary, 'mffjsl . Corner J and Tenth Streets, Sacramento, Cal &.^^M'i^j?^

GOLDEN RULE bazar, MAM FACTIKKK OF GENTS' miHIM KOftDS, I>KV AMI FARCY COODM, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, STATIONERY, CLOTHixg, CRUBI. rr.unnr.Ki. clocks, jewelry, etc. «s~ GOODS SOLD AT BED-ROCK PRICES !TO N. Zemansky, Proprietor, 300 J St., cor. Third, Sacramento. .-':■ :':•-.'■ 811-lplm -_ ■■■■-...- ~~ ~ 7 " AMUSEMENTS. ~^ Oi/Sd^gA^^l METBOPOLITAN THEATER, y/wtiw friday EveN|Na . ° v - 2D.. Jyl3-3ptf Sulunlaj Matinee, .Vovemlier 3, 1883. Snlutilaj Matinee, \ovemlier 3, lH&li, WOODBV'RK & BARNES »* special request, (Successors to E. L. BHUnire & Co.). OTWO CBASD PERFORMi.MES ta , No. 417 X Street, bet. Fourth and Fifth, Sacramento. — BT Tim Importers and vTholeiuile Dealers ' THEATER COMIQUE COMPANY. IN THE FINEST BRANDIES, WINES AND UQUOBS. A Kill of Elecanee ann Ki-nnrn.rm. jyls-islm - — — ' A SPLENDID COMPANY. GROOERIKO I DSN'T FORCET TO SEE BOBBY CAYLOR. ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY PROMPTLY POPULAR PRICKS ! filled in lots to suit, wholesale and retail. POPULAR PRICES I Fancy Groceries, Provisions, Wines, Liquors, etc. Bl DWELL & COOK, Dress Circle cents 128 X Street... ••• — . . „ Sacr.mento " ! ""i^V.'.".-.""afSfl S™ WATERHOCSE & LESTER, nnH r^""m/i -r ■ Jn'i -ocro^or- ROLLER SKATING! AND C.RRUOB TBIMMISOB, CIACRAMENTOROLLERSKATINORIXK.OPEN AND CARKIAGB TBIHMIHQS, *»j cyery day &t , he miHon> of - sixt J %"os< 708 and 710 J street, Sacramento, and M streets. Jlornini; Session (for Ladies and Nos 16 to 22 Bealestr«t, San Francisco Children), from 10 to 12 ; Afternoon, from 2to 4:30 No. IKB Front ur»l tivl-tfl Ne»- York Kvening, 7to 10. Competent Teachers will be in attendance. No objectionable persons admitted; The Fioxeer Box Factory under sL ci I cen,s;i.aie.,free ; vu N of JHE 1 10 \EER I>OX rACTOR> Admission (gentf), 2.5 cents; ladies, free; us« of skates, '25 cents. Music Wednesdays and t-aiuniavs. BUII Ahead of all VompeUton. o-24 tf COOKS <& SON TO &ast park. . coekkr or maE STREET CARS WILL RUN TO EAST M. Park hereafter, on Sundays, every half hour. Front and M a treeU Sacramento. 023-im • . Iv2-4rtf ■ -- - x "~~ ~ = • Ttf 118 - WILSEY'S DAKCINQ SCHOOL -« Hp* i^C> IS#>9S^lfe^ - A '«- ■'•; l"'>ni< r Hall. Soiree every Satur- j*» , f', UdDVnll O day evening. Ladies' and Cents' Clas, Tues /l» - 7Z.J day evenings at 7:30 o'clock. Private lessons uiE» WOOd and Coal Yard 2 lven at residence, 810 Seventh street, between II and I. 03-»m IS NOW PREPARED TO FCRNISH THE BEST ==^===^=^=^; of Wood and Coal, at the lowest rates. Wood Mpn 5T ■> \A/li= rtlM A r-SM sold from the Car at Special Rates. IVIMO. E. M. WICUIVIANN, Office. No. 806 I street, Sacramento. (Successor to J. M. Wiedmann), ,■■'.'; t- -■'■:■: — %!^^ — Wholesale Candy Manufacturer, McCreary's ALL KINDS OF "UTS. rAiKfli Sole Proprietor of the CelebritedSUCAß OF LEMCN; EJIV\ *S|* En MM snv 1 also manufacture and am prepared to lur..i»li all HJf S» 8 »* Si" H m the Latest Varieties and Mvles of Fancy Candies If LJJLi J_i_ElJKr knownto " ieTraJ - Jh* ViWJ^IXJJfcW 4IBJSTQ^ET SACRAMfiNTO. ■ _ -■••%■., Branch nonse. 419 ti Street. sl-3i>4m TPT fiTl 1? f Sacrament© Planing Hill, ■IT JLL|%# %J JLV • W»rtwell. H..?rhh!w A Staler. ~™ ' * HANTJT&CTURBRB OF T?^ rvOORS, WINDOWS, WINDOW FRAMES, CUrmptTtv * no ravp ay ALL- -LF Blinds, Moldings, Finish Brackets. Scroll 4^ barret R p^d U .y. \ the on^ Ro^.Mill! Turning ; ,15.,,, *"?* Black Walnat 4SO barrel, per d«r. It is the only Ro.ler Mill. f&f^^tffA^ 4" eWelfl ' i north of San Francisco. We guarantee He- Bail. Cor. Fi ont and Q sts., Sacramento. fe22-4plm <>ear>'» Patent Roller Floor tv be tt.e to MV OLD PATRONS, Choicest Hour Made In thr Slate. All we aek IU "" "*■» PATRONS. is that yon buy a sack of 3 our Grocer and try it, T CTIIi OFFER MY VALUABLE SERVICES IF and you will be convinced that McCREARY d BhbT i you are so utfortnnate as to require them. 13 THE BEST. 8 " 4 P With a mind matnre-i and etrlched by studies of an _. advanced order, I can safely say that there is hardly »— awn! . «.|i i.m.i|»«ii ■T^ a disease in the cat?J.->jnio of human ills that I canu# .1 VAVS.Mllinu cot treat to a successful issue. . ™i«»T*ivßir LADIES-lam always ready to assist yon. My IM>IUUh).K, 7 p|wt knowledge has been increased by e»t.'usivc (Successor to A. J. Vermllya), No. 510 J St. experlenco. lam now able to treat you with the £3" Always on band a large assortment of certainty of success. No case peculiar to your dell* Metallic and Wooden Caskets, Burial Cases and cate organism is beyond my sure control. Coffins. Shrouds famished and Funeral Wreaths My Female Monthly Medicines are superior to any Preserved. Country orders win receive prompt o3er«d heretofore, and will be warranted ts have the attention en short notice and at the lowest rates. desired effect in all cases. jssas«sssto«a«ssssßS«s«SßßS»«Bar»sa»s»«sssssHßßßs«i«k Those of the public who need my services can <»• ~ . — : ; ■ —^ pend upon gentlemanly, honorable and scientific ■—«— jTT——»ra»i«T^. ...... .., j rn^ I , i .. M . treatment at reasonable rates. I address particularly thaw who have been InJ. FRANK CLARK. » i'"™* b 7 youthful Indiscretions, and those who Caaatv Varamrr m rr» .1 ■.«.!. i. ' nave contracted locil dlseoses. IV }i J f, OORTH STREET, BETWEEN ) Dy i etter , detailing the ryn-.pwn-.s oi the disease or «tiir^» n "T^"!^ 1 "A" d the moat cotnt>letf trouble, »nd rocelve mediclno by exprew. with full * erUlon ?. Goods on the e,»st. Coun Instructions. AU letters murt V directed to J. H. try orders, day or mcht, will receive prompt JOSHKLYK M. D., 241 Satttr street, San FrancisWI * I " IM^ W^ Core loarniuted In sll am*, or no pay require*. I—n-iSTtm—rTnnisss»1 — n-iSTtm—rTnnisss» mwimirj t 1 Consulktlons, personally or by letter, gntis. Send PPIT7 *. mil I CD for book. Comfortable »i>«rt«nena> for patient* at ~ *•■ ■ *• OS nnlUI-Clrf, , my , Indnnary (when d«iro<f), with experienced DNDESTA&EKS. nurses. ■■■■■;. — ••. ■ Consultation Parlors, 2!8 S'J'ter street, adjoining . OFnCB Dt ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLF.. the Your.g Men's Christian Awodatlon Building. Ninth and X street*. Complete stock ' Office hoars— From »i.H.toB?. *. <■ ~ ■ of CNDKbirARgJW OOODS eca«Untly oa . -1* Diploma fcanss tn my o.TJrr. hand. * Csry and country or -en pmmp<ly at- *- Purihu-e my Essay on PhyiioloKy and Marrfyre , lewlM to. day or r.iyhi. \\ r»Moi\iblervt«. Jyl For sale by all Dewsdealf rs. t; .;...: . '.££'. J • .^^■tissasssssssssjs— 111 111 ■ 1111 iii ■ him—. j 0 Z3-Istt .-";■ ' -'•-. ' J. H. JOUUIH. M. 0. .