San Francisco Call, Volume 95, Number 33, 2 January 1904 — HOLD REUNION IN NEBRASKA [ARTICLE]


Gold and" Silver I)emoc?ats Meet, at the Banquet Table .at Omaha and. Discuss Issued


Congressman Xe>vlanjds Asserts /That the Party Pi^htWilL Be in the South and the West

OMAHA, Xe V Jan. • " l^Neajiy . 500 Democrats of Nebraska to-nlRht. celebrated the eightieth ahrtiversary. of Andrew Jackson's victory. over the Britishat JCew Orleans, and 'rncidoritally tlie thirteenth annual banquet, 'of th« Jack T '; sonian Club of Nebraska. 1 Th& : speakers 'included , Senator". Francis. Q." S>wlands of Nevada, Congressman David 1 de-Xr-mond . o€ . '• Mfssouri and Cpnirresstrian Hitchcock- of Nebraska.. . : - .' .' .

. The occasion Was of ppecial sigriifi--the Nebraslpi .be"cause.of a reimioii of the' fictions ..t-hit have formerly been ; 4sV9> vn . * s "E?ld andsilver" Derri.ocr4ts-. ""„ '¦".: .. - 1 ' ¦/'¦'. ;v.:i\...

ConBressmari Gilbert: M... ;Hitchcock. !of Nebraska took . f cf his; therne, . "The I/a^gard Law. -* v . "|ie spoke in part >s fpi'ovsY. ¦'"•'¦'.;.'• :-.'¦-*: . ¦:."••"'• '•.'¦ : ;'. : ''>{¦'?. '"¦'¦'¦'¦¦

. :"As !orig as- fort j- ;years ago" there began to-be irealizatfdri. in 'this.cpuri;-. try ; of ,ihe necessity: of : and" there has eirlce :peen a •.'sr.owi'ng ;d<?manrd- fpr'CJpv.crnraent rtfirulation" and control iof agr predated /wealth : shown V in •' nibriop--. blitfs.: TJTb^se.^^ot^U^^hiye .grown liivr^lfe..^f/'thff : 7H^^^i')bi>i^^cal^ parties. :: commeirciai :and : . inoustrial bodies and ¦ evipn .tongrress itsejf; : if America :i had 's6?gh"t' Aq > instead of restrain ing this xnonQpoly; idea It' could have: hardly "srowh. f afet?r.: :t>e* npunced liy ihe law,; tA'e monopoly; has -.';¦_ *¦:/;¦ y. ;; • :¦ :• *"¦. -':¦

': : Senator' Francis <3, : Newlarnds' spok* «>f '•peniocra'cy iti iSOAi"/. "He ; y^al/I iiv rVartV. : '.¦;..•¦;';::¦;':;¦¦¦;•'.¦.'¦¦/;'¦;, ;\""/>.:: : .;. ; -.. ¦};¦;¦':¦ '¦¦'¦

"'•¦After :' tvyo. difast-rflus.-, "<ariTpaigris' perttocracy, stiirstrdiig -in th^' South; -was' no w. in ; power .'i r£ kxri f jr : iv?i> >>f the Northern- ¦States^ji-bntana - and Ne\;ada^ah4'tha(:'S*orth!ern: :^^D^ had' neyeri.. "sim-e ¦ the' pi v*U' : War,;, .been s V -n limpr k;a! 1 y^ Avea fc. in t b.e Senate a n d J&tf ; no vC.. ¦ /Tt»e* : conreEt.-'o'f . ISOt was 'tp- : ;be: in ; ih<* .' .country, S«iith . -arid West/arid-the'.cahdidateiv-Tb«i?sue«;and >he' org-afiizatl-pn' rh«st be- selected : with ',i; "view .to' vjctpfy-.'there'." ¦'- '¦'¦ \[ '- : . ¦ '.-. '. | -;

; '¦¦: Newrands, '' Jhat . the ; : Dempcracjt i?ould not -Iwia'it' until :.the.hurl.y^buKly ipf cpjive^tion'tJ'me-' to: £ raTfie Ms. . deciara-¦¦Hoh-of. issues.'.- •'..¦¦.• ' - . • x'.'---'-'.'. : ': .' •*'"•¦' •"'