San Francisco Call, Volume 108, Number 116, 24 September 1910 — STONE RESIDENCE IS v DAMAGED BY FIRE [ARTICLE]


Flames Menace the Beautiful

Stonehurst Home

OAKLAND, Sept. 23.— Fire in the roof threatened the destruction of the beautiful home of Egbert B. Stone of the E. B. & A. L. Stone company, in East Fourteenth street at Stonehurst, early this evening. Before the flames had eaten far through the shingles, Miss Helen Stone discovered the fire.

A bucket and hose brigade was organized among the house servants, and the roof reached by means of ladders from the porch.

Passing carmen notified the Elmhurst carbarn, and 20 conductors and motormen responded. With their assistance, the fire was quickly extinguished. The loss is estimated at about $150.

The fire is supposed to have been started from sparks arising from a log fire in the dining room.