Sausalito News, Volume XLVIII, Number 20, 18 May 1934 — SOCIAL NOTES [ARTICLE]



—Dr. R. Johnston Reeratsma gave an address last Friday at the ban Rafael Masonic club. —One of the ousianding affairs of the spring was a lovely Bon % oyage luncheon tendered Mrs. Lucille M. Rullis by Mrs. Eugene Zeitler at the latter’s home, 39 Bulkley avenue on Thursday last. Mrs. Bullis Is sailing on the "Europa” leaving Sunday. A highly attractive and useful book was presented Mrs. BuiIts by the ladies present. Those lunching with Mrs. Bullis. besides the ■ hostess was Mesdames W • A. ! Rhodes, William Smith, J. F. Harris. A. A. Arntzen, Leigh Barber, B. T. Reemtsma. George Boles. E. R. Anilell, I. T. Low, D. A. Mc-Pherson. |j. Pederson. Josephine Saville, Don Jackson. A. B. Skare and Miss Evelyn Andell. —Mr. and Mrs. W G Dnmergue will give a party for their daughter. Eugenie at their home Saturday evening, May 19. Dancing and games will be enjoyed by the following young j people; Misses Barbara Elliott. Jean and Elinor Owen. Joan Ashly. Ann Ohlemulz. Virginia Guzman B. deJung, Barbara Wosser, Ann rrquhart. Sue McAdams, Marguerite McLens, Pauline Cornelson. Emily Pasquinucci, Marie Louise Rogers, Eugenie Dontergue; Messrs. Donald Beckett, B. Williams. M. Silverthorn, W. deJung, Len Barker, John Ward. George Williams. Larry Partridge, Jack Elliott, Donald Dillon, Bobby Hallln. H. Loremond. H. Bradley. Richard Perry. Neal McLewis, Charles Santos and N. Quadros. —Last week, on Wednesday, our genial supervisor. Mr. Frederick Thompson was delightfull host at a dinner party at the Sea Spray Inn. —Mr. William Berg entertained at a large dinner party at his home on the hill last Saturday evening. Mr. Franklin J. Foster is sailing today for England to be gone some months. Owing to a bad fall he bad recently, ths doctor thought it advisable that he take with him a nurse so Mrs Lucillt Bullis will make the trip. -With all the girls announcing their engagements, we are now listening for the “Showers" to splash. Very recently Miss Beatrice Williams announced her engagement and last week Miss Charlotte Gunn, one of the lovely daughters of Mr. and Mrs Charles Gunn, announced hers. Friday the 11th, was her birthday so she celebrated the occasion by calling a tea party and breaking the news to her young friends. Early in

*:he summer Miss Gunn is to wed Mr. j Erich Kruger of Dresden, Germany. I After the wedding the young couple will probably move to San Fkancisco. i Miss Gunn has always been a leader | of the younger social set here so she will be greately missed. —Mr. and Mrs. John Marmelstein 1 were among the guests entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Allred Sayers last 1 Sunday evening at dinner. —Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mailliard had a delightful outing last week-end. They journeyed by motor to the old Ward Mailliard ranch, which is now the Garcia Gun Club, and spent the time fishing. I —Mrs. Edwin A. Clay entertained with a delightful breakfast in her j charming patio lately. Breakfast was served at eleven and soon after the noon hour the guests played bridge. Those present were Mesdames L. J. Gates. Tom Earl. Walter C. Beatie. Roderick McLeod and Mrs. Harriet Bardwell. —Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sayers with Mr. and Mrs. Sam haurens of Beverly Hills, motored to Inverness last week on Wednesday, remaining over night at the Inverness Lodge. It was a capital outing. One of the most interesting trips I've heard of was that taken by Mr. and Mrs. James Wyatt some weeks ago. First they went to Palm Springs, from there, to Death Valley where they stayed at the Furnace Inn. —The bridge and tea to be given next Friday afternoon, the 25tb by Mrs. Allingham Dunsmuir bids fair to be a tremendous financial and social success. A very handsome door prize is offered for tiie bridge players. Tea will be served at four. If you don’t play bridge, drop in for tea which is only twenty-five cent Home made cake may be bought. The proceeds from this party go to take care o: our animals of Marin county. —lnvitations were received here from Mr. and Mrs. Eustace deGray Birch at Ikirchester, England, for the wedding of their daughter. Miss Ida Margaret Birch to Mr. Ernest Ryan Benson which took place on May the sth. —Cards have been received from Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pierson in New York which destination they have reached after a leisurely motor trip east. On theeir way. they visited friends in Birmingham. Alabama, and in New Jersey.

—The Choral Society of Marin county under the able leadership of Director Hurtgen gave its first concert Tuesday evening in Angelico Hall of the Dominican Convent at San Rafael. There w’ere 175 voices in the chorus. It was a great treat to the vast audience. —It was last Saturday that Mrs. Willis Howe had an accident which might have proven much more serious. She was reaching for some flowers above her fence, lost her balance, and fell over the fence into her neighbor’s yard and down the hilt. Mrs. Howe now carries her arm in a sling and though a bit stiff she expects to be normal within a few days. —Mr. John Oates gave his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Gates a happy surprise last Saturday when he motored up from Los Angeles and spent the week-end with them. —The many friends of Mr. Maynard Shipley are rejoicing to hear that he is able to be out now and then and is really, somewhat improved in health. — Mr. and Mrs. Ned Hilton and their little son are all back in Sanalito once more at their residence on West street. — Mrs. William M. Sims spent several days of last week in Sacramento. —One of THE events of the week was the lovely dinner parly given by Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Williams last evening in compliment to Miss Beatrice Steele Williams and Mr. Leon Gustave Larsen, About twenty guests were present. Mi. and Mrs. Waller C. Reatie have rented their home on Josephine street for the next three months, the new occupants will take possession the first of June. Mr. and Mrs. Fleatie will spend the time up in Napa Valley.