Daily Alta California, Volume 4, Number 82, 24 March 1853 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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dopartntritiip STotiief. m COqnilMO« house 1.1 AISTBALI4.The undersisaed hare formed a copaxtaarthip under tha same and stvla of HCS3SY, BOND AN? HALS, For tha prostration of a C. maaiaaioa and flatisrtl Agency Business, at alelbou'ce. Port Philip. Tha stats of fifty thaimad d >l!»rs in cash has baa* eaatribat»d at the rapitaJ »i the a— i at Melbourne, o«c-hair by H-issey, Bond * Hale, of San Fnncitso. and oae-hslf by Joan 11 Fisher tad John R. Rleards, Jr.. who will cms-irate the residrat partners of the hoase at Melbourne. Tbis tarn will act be withdrawn daring the liabilities of th« firm, «n i will ba laeraaaed at ths buaiaess of th. house may warrant To* ir tn^nsilUity of Hn**ey, Bead * L'tl*. of Saa Franelseo, is pledged for the farther protect: of the liabilities cf the Mat bourna hcusa. The arm is strictly pledged by its articlaa to transact solely a ComxissiobT Bosinest The • aat* will hye tts benefit of the tenisaa and ezperi— ee of Mr. J. K. Ricards, "r., rerectiy of Balnntore, vis, tismtawr with Mr. John H. Fisher, took pastas* hi th* steam ;r New Orleans oa the 10th of this month. ' UU33EY, BOND A BALK. JOHNH.FI9HIR, ° f San Fnnessaa. JOHN H. FISHER, Re«eatly ia th* honse «fU.| *. B. „ ' . . JOHN R RICAROS, Jb. Mr. John R. Rleards. Jr., will leave for Aastrana an sr about the 18th last , n- til which time h- may be foaad at the enmt. Ing rooms of Husaey, Bond * Hale. 61 Hansom* st stSIS II STATE OF GAIiIFOBKIA, City and Caaatv W San Francisco, at : Thia is to oertiiy that th* aaJertignftl hay. formed a limited partnership, parmant to las »ra visioas of ttm stmtns. of to* fettle af California, passed April i:». I»3D, entitle. •• A a act to authorise tha fonnattaa af limited portaertßina," aader the Base and style nf CHARLES B. GRANT. - The name sf the gw>«ral partner it Chariot B. Gnat sad that of ths special partner ia Charles Schalteld, both of whom are rmideata of the city af Ban Fraaciaoo and State of California. Tbe amount of capital contributed to the eaoua-m ttnek by the said Charles 3chulaeld, special partner, Ufiva ty>»»asij dollars, in cash. The geceral nature ef tha basinets to b. transacted by the eopartnsrship it the buying, selling and working of rtnas The t'ma whea the said copartnership is to commence It tha tenth day of February, A. D. eighteen b'lodred tad fifty three, and th* aame Is It terminate th* tenth day *1 February, A. D., ai«hteen hundisd and fifty-four. Dated this tenth day at Fdbraary. ISS . CHARLES B. ORANT. ioli 24 CHARLES SCHOLFIEL9. OPA«T«ER«HIP ?rOTICB.-The snbse>th*rt have thla day formed a si partnership (In which ai' th* parties interested are (enersl partners,) for the purpose ml , impcrting and dnsliagoa their own acecactia Foreign and Bemestio Hardware aad Metals, toge her with sues other articles : as may be e.na-cted with said basines«. aa cosduotea' at ?aa i Frandsce and la the stark?!* ol toe facias. uad«r tka style and firm of JOSEPH M. BUOWM CO , aad w-.'.l be looatr* ia San Fraacisco, <"alii"arßi» Tha partiaa rampoaing said (ma are Joseph Tarratt, of We'verhiatptoa. X nidsit cf *~»t Brl'sh: Richard Patr'ek, of ta* city of Mew Tork : and Joseph M. Brown late of Ledbary, K!»idom of Groat Br tain. The terra of caM c* partners Ip is farSva years from this date. The capita! stock eoarnbuteci tewirdi said eo-pa>t-nervhlp Is oca hacs>ed trtoisand dollars. The Iras will be refrHaested en the,Pact9e by Joseph M. Rrowa, San r'raaHseo ; on ths Atlantic by Richard Patrick, New Tnrk City ; aad la Ear >pc by Joseph Tarratt, Wulverhampt Hng'and (Eigocs^ JOSEPH TAKR\TT. KICIARI PATRICK, J93£PI M. BROWK. DattH in New Y*rk, this Ist any of January. 1*33 inhll-lat DIMwOLtTTIO!" OF i:OP.IP.T.IER«niPThs Iras af 3 W. HELTON at CO. is this i*y .:!s> solved by Bout aoatcnt The ala'rt of the l'ia will fee settled by Mr. S. W. Shalioa, wka is alone aatkariaad tn as. th. name af the firm, a. W. BHXLTON. . J. C. MARsTHi*. March 1, ISA ata»lai The onderslgved havlaz .-cawed ths eatirs ttneh tt 9. W. Sheltoa A. C*.. w:li coatinna th. Hardware auaia«a< rx the old staid. No. ICC Eatery •tract, whare can always be fnaad a fall ttsorcrantaf balidiag -rials, amen' tools. Me., Me . and where he will always a* happy ta tee the rriaads and i Birssaiiis el the late ana. HS3RY A. C. EVSLETH. Htrrh I,l B*l. sthl I*BOI.UTIO^ OP COPABTNEBSUir*. — Theeopartn>rsh<p hrret-toni ex'ttlag betweeat:a us-dersiga-d, under ths aim* of lisas At Strnver, is this day dis solved b i mutual eonseat Wm. Haa«. Jr., by his attornej la fact, Radolf Fen- Btatßß, is charged with tee liquidation of Mist fine, aod he al, cc is authorised to ret far that purpose tad to sign the name ef s*Ji arm ia liquidation. Jl-sTU* STRCVER. WM. HAAS, Ja. By bis Attorney In '*c\ RL'DOLPfI FECERSTEni. Han Praadse* March 1Tth.1»33. mhJO-7 DISSOLUTION OFCOPAIXT NBBSUIt*.— Thn copai tn«T»hlp heretofore exis'inj b'tweea JAMES STUART tad JAM Ea GARDNER, tzadia 3 aadar its arm of STUART A GARDNER, as Ship Chandlers, at the eora-r ol Commerflxl and Battery iff ft., ta th- city ef San Franrtaao, has this day expired by lire !t»:ion. Mr. J. B. *>TMV, of the Inn t f Searle * Wynn, Is an' tori *d to collect the ontat sadist; ao.cuatt and grant recalpta for th* lame. JAMBS BTU4RT. JAMES GARDaBR. •kti Francisco. March BOth. IKS. mhi2O-19 \TOTI«: K.— Thi bu»ineaa hitherto carried on in thla city X^l by STUART * GAROKE3, as ship Caandl-r*, will be cost'aned from this date by thtt susaorlher, en hit own account mhSO-H JAMES STUART. COPABTXKBSIIIP M>TlL'i:. — Tin undertl(B«sl havo this day snterrd into a s*rtnersfc i p aader the ttyla tad arm of LOLUR. MacLEA At CO., for tae protrvatloo of a Otaaral Cotomlssion Flour, Qraia, and Provuioa »atinets. C. P. LOLOK, KENNETH isUoLBA M Fraat tt, Nstweea Clay and Waahlßirton. Ran Franelscn. Htrb 4. i»">3. juhj-lra COPABT^EB9UIP -Tbsunii.,rtLjn signed have uk"« MR. W. B AGARD Ia partnership since th? Ist day of January last, aad will eoa> tinn- business in this city under the sum style and arm of DUPOT, FwLLIUsVt * CO. San Francisco. Feb. Hi, 1*33. S. 23-lia DISMOLUTION.— ropartaaT»h!p her*to(bra •»■ Ojf Utiaz uader BBeasßaVl of GRIrFIM, hROWS M STORE, is tLU day dissolved by mutual eoaser.t The suUtsading boil. nets of the tin to be settled by Arthur J. Brawn, woo is alone authorized to tijn toe utrno of the Ira In Uquidatioa. E. W. GRIFFIN, A. J. BROWN. E. L. STO Baa Francisce, March Iltb. ISJ3. mhll -IOs*AU.TNJCfiBaItI> uadertigned hava this J day formed a copartnership under the firm ■aat* of Brown a. Stone. ARTHUR J. BROWS. EDWIN 8. STONE. «am »aneiscn. Marra M «53. mh 19 I7«1T BECEIYED-Bt Fr-nrh ship Ameriqae, from Borarani. aad i ,r salo by the anoVraigßad — SOS had • claret wtne; 15U> cases clarsH w n -': 300 cues elarnt wit a. In half bottles* 300 east a saateraawine; 300 eases saaterM win*, ia kalf kettles lifts hhdt santsme wine; la I bit sautame wise; 300 bhlt cognac; 90 b •!« cognac, Otard, »trptry st Co (pale brandy* SCO k-->gt batter: . 900 ca-es preserved frnita in tins: 100 eases preserved traits tn brandy; 30 esHea mtecaroal; SO eases veimtoel!!; him din* oil; 13 c»<es mathrooms; 73 cum sardlnei; 8 rises traSes; 15 eases green D*1B; Also, 35 eases colza lamp oU, - - - BELLO J FRZRES At BE«CAI% tnh'J mctaytt. "aa^a, ni'MC I'lVtfai-l^O CUy street, Ii si lisas iß9^Bj| Montgomery and Kearny, . aa Francisco. Ifs|»<2 Tbe iubscr!ber rr ipactfully informs bis frtendi as 1 ♦Sir* the public that he hat fer tale the best assortment of MUSICAL WBTRL'MEXT3 Ta be found in California, from the hast Baropaaa sat) American manufactories, crmprlsi=g t Pianos, French Organ Melodies; Double reed -"erapMaet ; Fraach Cora-is, wi'a rotary valves} Harps, Spanish Gultare, VloUas, Clarlorets, Flageolets, Flutes; Accordcrat. Wind Insliiiaitats of an kinds; Strings, Pees and every description of musical avis*. Italian Operas, complete by the first composers; Instruction books tor all ißstrumeats; Professors and Amateurs wUhiag superior Instruments wCI flndlsome rare old Italian Violins. Pianos tuned at short notice, In the test manner. Instruments of all kinds repaired ia superior style by a nest skilful mechanlcWa. BALVATOa ROSA, ISO Clay it, fa!B-3m Baa FraaeUoo. GK.m;i>'E U.4TA1.4 CIO.IRS-Ex Bt>aaie7s Tennessee and Isthmu >.— tn<icrt<gseel hfgt V-ave to inform his numerous eu»tom«rt azd the puniie generally that he has just received a largn and well selected assortment of senu'ee H.vana « Uirs. a ntlstirg of Rt-gsj ia*. Imperials, Lordm*. Traea^eot, Kntrea--«os, Reioas, Preasados, CU.'cdi adoa, Caaadore», Ac , Ac.; the brands of which are too numerous to - uses on her a I Th'tnkint; his for the liberal patrootg^ extended to . him, ha Iff is eoofldnit that m cSl'rinj inch tapatior Clun and at to m derail a price, he will always deserve it. Clgaritue, Flor del Pasro »cd Gartf a. To arriva by the next steamer, another large aJditira to kit already extintlve stock. LCI3 MONTE". Importer and whist sail dealer fat nulne Uav. Cigars. mala 13* 109 ri, «t r«t. o . >r tUrT , DMV WOODS.. k. UtNo».«buj«, h«vtac opcaelhis New Store wlia a full •**ortment of Fancy and Stop** Dry Goods, r eeired per lat* arrivals, cSsrs the rune at very low prices, consistinz of— Faary prints fancy cashmeres aad dm larnet; Brown and bleached sheetings, aH widths; Brown drtl's. keavy b'anaets aad flannels; Irish linen, damaak »id B*tttjßßajß| Red. grey and bhie heavy San el over shirts; Denim ovenlla and paa'alooaa; Hickory, eolorrd cotton and L. B. shirts; Silk and co'.toa foulard handkerchiefs; Hosiery, thread spool eoifn. *c. . ._ , F. HEHDEESO*. mniiS-lm 68 «serair>nro. but Battery and Front sts. HAY ssVAssUCMt boot si *es: njai ttovea. MeCormUk't Reapers, 3 In it wet Tutile's hoes; Ama>' shovels, i anoint; mills: Peach stones, apple seeds. watxrmoloa seed; Carpet baa*; bacaakta giuvos and mittrsa. P. aches; ttrawberriss pineapples: jedes, at*. Ob consignment and for sal* by rorr A BEALS, mhC7 Corner Clay sad B*tts»ry ••*. Ml SIC HATH CHABII — music, the very Ist— l. far th* piano and roitar. Alto tuperb ro!t%r«, viola, Ac : mis * paper. vial ted gattar strings, music instructors frost tha bast authors. Just received at WAstan A SOX'S ■erticalsaral Rooms, mhl» cor. c< Pine mi Barterr itt. WAIiSH'l 'CAI* AWDI.KITEKJPAJpSb; 11 catea whi>« asd bhn ruled. For sale by DtrWTPT A HAHRISOII, »* ■i-i-l.i.r-T.it COaMT^-A lot of fresh Me* :aa ?crm, UUe.y rec i«wl first!- -7 __ BOLTON, BABSOU * CO , °" a ■ fcl M-rc'wit st. H A VAN A CIOABBITOH^-By the ih asaad or hundred. La Fbr del Ptsst. tad Oarclaa. For «*!« hr mhao , CDDLIfP * 00.