Daily Alta California, Volume 11, Number 264, 23 September 1859 — The Lul Straw. [ARTICLE]

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The Lul Straw.

Tbt iubjoiDed card It emoted from the Sacra. arara I'mioh of yesterday :

Manas. Burma). : In a^ard puWi.liM'in tbrßuUffin ■■ ■ ..t.Td«y frmii my friend, Chart*** 1 A. ! i uiiiii»*r. in reply i t.i- Ksms kO.ii Francimo. 1 Aad the following : ■ vVlki [.- 6 iiat.ir diealfHtrttobrmy doty, n> has been shown. ■.. h,«) bisdving tujonctioii by a dk.rlo«ur» of certain o i- i t-Txtitai ■mtimentn." Acting under the same impair* • hu-h have iiwlmT-»l Mr. fansfr to make public remariu ■( the 4«ad Sr-nsUhr in rilti ia to the Ttmrt and Ita editor, i deem if but Just to aiake public a portion of a cueverm ■i»n which to. k place ••n tbe day >< *4«xr'iut. between th l««d Senator and mywlf. Oa tl>at d«y I waa cim-t*ntl> with him from Bwawl I*' 1 - ■''■ l-wk in the nynniic until tin •*■"■- ■track twrlva at mi Jniptit. Wbea 1 reachnl hir .Mil in tlieiu.>rnit.|:t>e M aii.v> me, **Tou nhonld have com. ■ wsctwar. G. K. Kick, IV s>artaere/J. W. Simmtim v 'V sialhiifna of (V BiOlrtin, hat j*»yt her*. Hi aa. %a 4 tkrrr-qmxrlm a/ aa kear amrrruium leilk mr, it. rktckkt it „1.711.%^ Utmtkt (Fitch) knneOmi th, *t-it*mmU matt in (V AiOetia on Me m;i*< prrri>x* t> •V elrtUtm. <*ere ties, and wr*l in ageitut au with, am' *d« Mm While, of tW swßßft, a«e! attacked S,-omttM ami ■hat to fret AwumUnm hadaUacktd him (Bmdrricky Mr Broderick ranted thia 1., al least MX genllrairn. » nil. I nat in 111. room, and remembering his but word*. * i die— protect my honor,- I make tbu> bet public.

St. George ll.it>.. Sept XL 18».

Our readers will bear with tie while we cay a few words more in relation to the editor of the Hull' tin. although there v really scarcely anything left ol the man to talk about, to effectually ha« be become - ased op" by the recent exposures which we bare made of his duplicity.

Tbe statement contained in the card of Mr. Boruck, seta forth fact* illustrative of the manner in which the Bullet!* is conducted under the control of its present editor, and, of coarse, remores tbe last solitary chain that was left for it upon which to hang the shadow of respectability, or render it worthy of the slightest degree of public confidence.

Here is a statement properly vouched for, in which it is shown that one partner in the conreru hu acknowledged that he knew that tbe other hud been guilt > <>f publishing faisehmtds and slanders apainst Mr. Broderick wtii. living, simply t<> cna hie the latter to "get even," a.- the exprv«M<>n £ t~. with Mr. White of thu Xrr*. This carries it* own commentary with it. It i? monstrons.

Hare is. indeed, a public moralist, to be proud or. Here ii a fit conservator and inculcator of *onn<i morals, and a sincere delenuVr of the right. Faugh ! The fact is, the present editor of the B*U*ih baring resided -». long in Washington, larruundcd by the contaminating influence* of Congressional corruption, each as win and others doubtless brought to bear upon him, it is not ami-prising that he has fallen into such disgraceful habit;-. In this way alone can this disreputable conduct be accounted for.