Daily Alta California, Volume XI, Number 212, 2 August 1859 — BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Per Alta Line-Corner Merchant and Montgomery. [SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ALTA CALIFORNIA.] [ARTICLE]


Suruunti) »«n-M BUUiUMIwB UUiUMIw Sm'"«'o»« tmr Itcruekto County—Arrl- . val »*H«r«e« Crcelcjr at iHnanttPmhlle Receptlon—Hls Prog ratasne-- , CoUred PlcsUe— Digger • War la • the North. SACRAMENTO, Aug. 1. The Lecompton Democratic Convention met at the Forrest The»tre at 2 o'cTodr to day, and nominated W. Shattuck for President of the" Board of Supervisors, and, after three balloting, for Sheriff, adjourned until t o'clock to-morrow morning. • Horace Ureeley, e«corted by [the Committee of Reception, who met him at Folsom, arrired on the can about fire o'clock, and was weloomed to the hospitalities of the city by Dr. Nieholj, President of the Board of Supervisors, to which Mr. Greeley replied in one of hit characteristic speeches. He will address the people it Her. Mr. Benton's Church thii evening. A fall house i< expected. Mr. Greeley will leave in the morning for Grass Valley and the North. • He intends to visit the Big Trees; CoL Fremont and the Tohamite Falls next in order. ■ ■ . Notwithstanding the weather wai much warmer to-day than usual, the colored population indulged in i grand picnic across the American river to-day, in honor of the anivenary of the West India Emancipation. We have news of another extensive Digger outbreak in Tehama and Colusa counties, and strong symptoms of another protracted Twdian war in the North. Latham at Hcvada. - Kktada, August 1. The Administration meeting this evening called to hear Latham was attended by about 1,500 persona, Mr. Tjtium, v nply to Mr. Broderick's charge of having purloined a letter from Mr. Tilford's room, declared the charge false and malirioiu, and read Mr. Tilford'i Utter denying Mr. Broderick's statements. In reply to the charge that Mr. Latham had attempted to bribe the Supreme Court, he replied that it was false, and read an affidavit from J. K. Beard, and letters from V. Geiger, J. K. McConnell and Solomon Heydenfaldt The enthusiayn knew no bounds. — — . . Fir But* Lise. Firemen* Election at Stewktoa. Stockton, Aug Ist— 9 P. M. At the firemen's election, held to-night, John W. Hart was elected Chief Engiaeer ; D. J. Oullahan First Assistant, and C. F. Wurster Second Assistant. _ ' Tt tbi Citum's or Sax Vbaxcisco :— About one year since, a company was organized for the purpose of connecting this State with the East, by a line of electric telegraph, eta the Central or Salt Lake route. Success bas attended the enterprise so far, and in a few weeks hence, San Francisco will be connected with lines of telegraph extending four hundred miles eastward. The company now ask assistance of you, in order to still push the work forward. A few weeks more, and our material and means will be exhausted. Shall we then drop the wire where it is, and abandon the enterprise, or will you render that assistance so much desired at this time ? The company are very desirous of at once extending the line to Camp Floyd, by which means communication can be held from the East not to exceed ten days. It is not my desire in this communication, to go into a lengthy detail of the plans of the company, or the advantages this trans-conti-nental line will be to this State, but shall call and solicit that aid so much needed to consumate the work, at the same time", give all the information desired with pleasure. F. A. Bee, President S. F.and Overland Telegraph. August Ist, 1859. Marine. — The following ships arrived in our port yesterday : The Anwi Lawrence, Capt Nickerssn, 140 days from New York, and Ocean Exprtut, Capt. Willis, 140 days from New York, consigned to Crosby & Dibble*. The Aurtiem Eagle, Capt MacKinney, 187 days from New York, rio Rio, and Tiar, Capt. Jenkins, 151 days from New Orleans, to W. T. Coleman & Co. The Orpkeut, Capt Howe, 114 days from New York, to J- B. New ton i. Co. The May Flvntr, Capt Chatneld, 153 dayi from Boston, to T. 11. 1 J. S. Bacon, and Flying Eagle, Capt Bates, 153 days from New York, to lie Witt, Kittle A Co.