Daily Alta California, Volume 11, Number 255, 14 September 1859 — CITY ITEMS [ARTICLE]


The Bradlertest-Terry Dael-Mr. Brokerlek Shot. The anticipated dael between David Terry, Judge of the Supreme Court, and the Hon. David C. Broderick, which was prevented by the action of the Police on Monday lest, cam* sat yesterday morning. TBS nmn. ■-' At a quarter part six o'clock, yesterday moraine, the prmeipala, attawded by their aeeonds, eurreons and n-isad* numbering in all about s»»«nty-6T. peraoes, mat In a small valley about one mils and a half from the south «ad of the lake, beyond the Uka House, and about ten miles from the city! The ground selected afforded only a small leve 1 space saSksrat far the distance agreed apan. &.£. ■ the sscoms. ' Mr. Terry's seconds were Calkasu Benhasa. la*, aad Tbomas H.J-. Ceo. of this city, accompanied byl£ tvMte. of&Kktosrgtat. Asylum, and 8«al. H. Brooke H-'-O McKibbin, and <**. OOUIU.B, farmer Sheriff of Siskiycm : he w-alao •ceompanied byUOßidaa Uaakall, Kas- and several other frauds. puunuin. At half past six clock precisely, the ground was aMas. unrfeff; Mpaeaabei^ tba ui«anc. agreed "P"^" 1 cboioa of poamon apoa tba neld waawon byMr.tUoderka. mx» or tax run. . ~ Mr Calboea Binhsm oasis f jrward at twenty minutes beture ama o'liock, and called tbe principals to tbeir poitlinai He tan read tae rule. of tba njbt, whicb •<•!*. IBM Mr. Br.a«rick-. aaopad. U«s.O>U«a (who bad won tb. ritbt to (><« tba word; abonld call out, -UeaUeano, ara «oe ready F" and then distiactlT repeat tie wyrua— -Fiii— ooe-iwo; 1 and barwaea the words •• lit" and -two"" tbe partis, abould abuot. ibi rarou. The pistoU were then produced, and aftw beiag loaded by am Armorer, and carafoUy examined by Uie s«-oi.d., were given into the bands of the principals. They were .bunt .Icutißch barrels, with DHiaaar aiaad ball aul bau-«prii,. meters. They belong to Mr. Terry, and al- < L.-.o.linoi..tri«lj spaakiac. whalancallad - duelling pfcwiV'' yet the, bad bee. previooaly ua»l lor that purK««. It". aaid tbat Mr. Broderick bad never aeen tbe ««±posa brtura, --* was entirely uraoqtiaiOled with tbe nan, which wen so delicateij act that toe alicbteat taaca caused tbetr discharge. m saoonxa. The pistobi having been placed in the bands ot tbe prini.i|>aAi»'iirral Coulton stepped forward and called tba word: -Are you ready, pnflesaeia?" Terry answered prvaptly, •• lam ready," and fixed bis eye upon his ani»iani*t\ Mr. Bndenck took a firmer hold of his weapon udaaewered "ready," at tbe same time he partly turned t'rua bit vertical position and expoaed a fuller view si bit psraoa t« tbe mark of bis opposwi.t. Mr. Broderick bad u» bat erawa partly over bis eyes, and eeeaaed lob. scan alaf. a Ua. the ground between kimaeir and bis autagoaiat—Terry, us tbe coetrary, stood perfectly motionless, •ad eyed bis eppoaeait calmly ; at tbat moment the words -Imal oe*l EaT wen given. Mr. Broderick partly rauad bat arm, whoa hi. pastul went off prematurely ; tbe ball entered tbe (round a short distance in advance of l'errj '• feet : not more than two seconds elapsed between [he absu. Mr. Terry rawed t>ia weapon deliberately, covored lai breast if an mil- --'---■' The ball took enVctin Mr uroderick'a right breast, about an inch and a half above tea nippie. tumux On receiving bis opponent's abM, Mr. Broderici gave a alight ahudJer and wbealed partly aroen.l ; be than attm^pa^t i^ ruhl liiaisilt by a strong effort of physical f.*ve, buttbaball bad enured a vital (/art, and Mr. Brodarick strength gave way and be Ml. Tax aosKi inn in rail. Immediately upon the fall of Mr. Brodarick, his seconds aad surgeon approached and rendered ever) aid in their power. Dr. Hammond, the aurgeou of Mr. Terry, volun learad his srrviosa. to aauat Dr. Loekr, in aidiac Mr. Broderick. which he did. There was but little blood is -ued Trom the -ound, and bare ware entertained that the .uternal buuorrbare waa very great, and would |jroTe CataL j a tew misuteTaVter Mr. Broderiek ML Mr. fienbam inluired of Mr McKilLin the ooaditiou of his principal, and upon racel.iiig aiuwer that Broderick was unable ti stand up, tbacombat could not ba renewed, and Mr. Terry „ h Ii hi n. S ana fnends left tba Held, aecompankd by all tbe aptctatora except (our or n« of BroderKk's inuaediaSa friends. nrx axanrrai To tee art When tbs crowd had departed a consultation was held aa to what abould ba done lor Mr. Broasiick. adn it was finally decided to remove him to the bout* of Mr. i*» .a.. Uukell, near tba Lagosn, oa tbe Presidio road. A eistUaM »- procured from an adjacent house, and a mesaeiger diapatcaed to the city for an expr.'e. wagon, »bo returned with Mr. White's team; Mr. Broderick BBS placed upon the main* in tba wagon, in as ea>v a poaiu.» •apue>iUe,aild dri»n rapidly to tbe houar of Mr. liar 1011, when be ameed at a quarter belure nine dock. she xxOTTurBM* in rax crrr. I Within half an hour after tbe duel took place, tbe u.wi arrived id tne city that Mr. Broderick wan killed. The excitement caused by the report soay be easier imagined tun di».-r.i-i d. Men hurried to and fro with anxious iujuihea. as to the truth of the sad tidings. Crotaagathered on the streets, to discuss tbe matter, and many a man who had been politically Basra to MiCßrodarkk and was unacquainted »ith him as a man, was grieved at tbe news of his fall, and aaoka of it with regret. Prom tbe direction which tbe ball bad taken, tbe surgeons despaired of his recovery and oeemra tbe wound as awrtaL eud-this report was drcuiated throughout the city. During the whole afternoon the aame intense exciuinset prevailed. Montgomery street was crowded with sanrl :. ineaireraaa to Uie condition of Mr Bruderick. ■ear] i *> uiiautos some contradictory and uafuundud report vs> announced upon tne various tmlUt'b boards, and every new arrival from Mr. HaakalTe house was anxiuu»iy looked lor. At two o'clock lbs newt cams that Mr. Broderick wat dead. The report proved to bs incorrect, but the gl.iom which settled upon the laces of both friends and torn when the news nmt came. Ml a touching story of the almost universal feeling of interest which the people I. !t m Mr. Braderick s fate. la a few minuter anotntr reptart casee, aayiag that he was not dead, but partly insensible from lbs aßii Is ot chloroform. The aame intense excitement continued until evening indeed, it formrd tar sole topic of none, realign throughout the entire day. About eight clock last evening the bullet was extracted by the attending saqeeoae It was found under the base at the left arm. At half-past nine o'clock Mr. Brodirick eras very comfortable, and comparatively free from pain, sod his physicians conailerrd taat all immediate danger bad jiaaard, and that the chances of recovery a, re very strongly in lit' favor. That he will recover, is the aaaoerawaai of the community at large, lac member* of which, whether political friends or lot*. entertain the view thataeats beea made the victim of a cons:«racy, having the destruction of bis In* in view, aa the first necessary Bteppinc-etoo* toward tbe accompliahmeet of th. pouueal damres of the plotters engaged in it. Hi* recovery. whicL Dow appears to be probable, would. indeed, win like a safraealutta ibterventloa of a Divine Frortdenca, to thwart this uaboly scheme. since writing tv- above wa are iafomied by a reliable erntttuian, that Mr. Broderick expressed himself as havlag ao feeling of enmity, nor canse of quarrel against Mr. terry,; and that l'tbeiatler persisted in urging him to the asm he eheaM not attests take his life, but If possible, wound aim in the legs. Tb» may account for Mr. Broearlck drawing his bat ever bis eyas before be nred, id order to prevent the raa<a of his sight above tbe legs of his "psoaeat, aad it auay alao account fur the fact of his pistol having been dsscbargad before it was raised to a Una with the body of hie antagonist.

Pouex Cecil.— calendar in the Police Court, yesterday, contained tbe names ef six drunks, three miademßanon, one ca«e of malicious injury to plop.it;. two a**aolts and battery, and one case of swindling, in addition to < t Caaes which bad been continued from the calendar of Monday Ah Hun, a Chinaman, » charged with malicious mischief in injuring the property of another. When the case was onllHd, yeetei day, ■ John" failed to appear, and his bail of $10 was forfeited. J. H. Blumen-l-n $ was charged with auiademean&r in using outrageous aad abusive lan sage towards a lady who keeps a bueru■ai. -ad lodging hawse on Mealgouery street. lie grew angry becauee bis little chad visited the children of the buardinF-house keeper on Sunday, and vented his anger in the meat iaeece.- 1 language. Be was ordered to appear far sentence O. W. Winters was charged with being drunk and noisy and disturbing the peace. lie was convicted and ordered to appear for sentence Charles Brown was charged with misdemeanor. Ho complainant appeared and defendant waa discharged George Schroaesr, charged with assault and battery— case eomproaniaed by consent of tbe Court M. L. Oraff was charged on complaint of D. Meadck. with swindling. It appeared tbat a auautity of fruit had been conaignei to thatwtiailiiit which had not been aatisfac accounted tor. There was nethiag ia the ram, bowem, to justify Court in holding the defendant to answer! an<! Ihe case was diamieaed Jean Baptists Bachvola. (or c. ir.n.,ttu« a mssdimsanor. i. anag his pistol off In a wood yard, oa Vallejo SUM. on Sunday last, was onered M appear fiasatence- Christian Waonraacher, a well know tbiet and idler, was convicted of petit larceny, and fin- d f luti or ordered lo be arm V the City Prison, to labor on tbe pakair works for one hundred days T. Marriott, for aiiadeaneaaar la s«ssm|ilag to vote at the lateeUcam, not l,a>li.g the Beceaaary quaiificatioa- of an elector, was sent to tbe Court of seaaioM W. A. PteUTer was charged with grand larceny. The ease baa already been mentioned Yesterday morning tbs prosecuting Attorney tbataey.7r ) ,ros«. / iv be entered. a> the difficulty bad been settled by the parties. A ml. pros was accordlagly granted Jobs I. beans, charged with illegal voting. The caaewu called up (or decision. The Court dccid-d. after taking a careful view oi the eae* that tha aafaaaaat bad net skuem that fraudulent intent which wa- meant by the statute, aad therefore ordered thai th. eaaa It diacbarged Adolf* Everhardt This case was ™** **> Ix argument, on application to set aei* thforieiinraofkail. tsamuel P^tt, Ee^, appeared for da<nj<laiit, and after a long argument and prodnctien "f wit a aaiis and autboritiea. the Court ranted the apnlieatioa, aad the entry of forfeiture was vacated. Htm tmmß: Gtisau Scnoot— We observe that at the •testing of the Board of Education, on Moodty evening last, Uk Committee to whom bad been •stored a eommanicaciou from Mr. Pelvjß, principal of tbs above school, making certain reqneai on behalf of hi. school, reported favorably tbereoa, stating that the lallltn.l. ex.,. tious of Mr Pelton. during tbe past year, ia building up •ndrendertng creditable as tba Dewnment, tbe . Ik. 4 IS" "I^TTL,!? 111 ' ta " "> "" ■vor.ble and liberal amen of the Board of Bdacatiou. The Ilyde street Scbeul was ttieresura raised to the first (Grammar) grade. £■' TZ~f*°° "" M » reJereac, to th * Mi " ion Ecbool, T C. Leonard, priacipal. Timcoarm — The weather although not unusually cold yesterday, was vary windy, aad dust was whirled in eddies through the streets, making K. altogether, one of s*.^°* * iSS~Si SS~S M ** mI * ••-*"1" 1 Th. Inclemency "' be weather did not prevent the ladle. f/oaa piuaji nadssg bowever, .-■.■■■. . ecu -.- IM , # a, ot,; ail ordinaryoccaalans. Tbs tberavMeter stood atlao, ai 't A- M. : «° at noun, aad at « KM, uo. ' "•' Bur rsxaasco, Sept. 1 .. ISS3. ■* tTO A«* =— In tommy's issue of tbe Ala California you made a sHght mistake with regard to Miss A. White's ■aatrector In the Mosaic rdifioa, as, so far as I know, the Jt»v. Mr. Henry aras tbe only person who instructed slits ***''■»*»**•• »s4l as la all th. other aeoaamryre quieuea. iou an alao is error as to Miss While's arm religion, as aba was brought up in the Protoetant faith. ■rspectfull*, Cum U. Bach. Miijc * ' bnmMS(X-l grand saint* will be trad >°-fay.of 21 imi. at sunrise, at noon, and at suaseL In honor of the Independent, of Mexico. suasst,»

800 geoss, Baecin, Cum, On. Ctotas, rre^-Sms m Kawaiu, OuootT * Co^-Serta hundred cases boots, shoes sad brofaas. entire iavoices aalsotad far this market will se iflind to-day at aoctfcnfcy ahaara. Kewhall, Orf«| cry 1 O». The gooda are *x Flfi «jr Dragon, and win le f.«nd ef tk* mat dsataalae *ecriptioa. Tbfre will also ba bete a «e*dal sal. of awwly Imported carpeta, oi l^lotbs, paper baaidnca, dr.Ta.ods, «aibraM«riea, etc, Me ■ Both sales era worthy tbe attention of dealers.

fnnu. Sux •» Bom, Saoa., aorano. Bar Gomai rrt, st haiui, Taaus * Co.- A special aactioo sale of nrs hundred eaass boots, sheet, brugaas, gaiters. fins and heavy clothe* meriaoa, lancy geoJs, skirts, etc- is annouocml for this da, by Mwa. gmil.v, Terkas i 00. Tbe line is -aU assertet, am « a oertntioe .MM to lbs reaeral da. maao. Country as will « cit bsjara will nad the aa a eepadally auraetiva.

Oca* ■ '■•' *a»xt«ifj».— anoth-r column of the Alt* « ill be foooe ta. proMdinca of a .pectau muting bats oa Monday eralng by the Clear MaW Aaaodatioa, relativi. to a charge broaght agalast one of their members ofemplorief Obiaa or OooU. apenaiiam. "-- - r . x it «fa«rs. has bean formally expelled, and the society takaeoeasiea to ezsme. «••». a atreag opinion axalaat brlnxmi Asiatic labM In competition or on an equality warn mat of free bora white dtuene.

Fos»m-I! »t Aoctwm.— The sale held thai day of asw aad asroad hand furnltanat aactioa by Spear * Co. esabraesa all atticlrs aaxd m a iniasa espial. Penmi mil nai of baymc asefa! articiss csmb, wNI lad at this sals «wy article amd in seajas, hem», naasiatiag ta part of mahog. an; aae walnut aufas, ckaira. bureau. risa«l.a«. aurrora, b«l<liax. armoin, etc. etc. Sale at 11 o'clock.

-«!■, at Meases * sUmn L.<-Q»Ha a large sals af semak encoias and prorlrioa. wOi be add ts-oay kj Mwin Me Eo»r * Merrill Ismoj the principal eoasica" bmbu are 2000 mala n-rleaaad Pataa rica, Cbiaa rlea, UOO osas oockMls aad uuera,t*a,eaad>a,*ta. Thanh "■""rtatyofmin-haallsitoseioldoaaCTcaatof aa. uerwrlurs. BaaadreriisaiuL - . ■ ;„, .. „'-„...

**» »■» lunwunurnu "ruK«uei .»- Tie beat*, r i Mail, dux-meters, X : , of tbe Aral JbasraL recently sal ass 1 at see will be aotd u«iey M c-*d«u. sbirpii, omos, «. Setiery .tre«,i,y Msssn Weis«Ti*bt, like * Co.