Daily Alta California, Volume 13, Number 4223, 10 September 1861 — Settler Vote of [Santa] Clara County. San Jose, Sept. 6, 1861. [ARTICLE]

Settler Vote of [Santa] Clara County. San Jose, Sept. 6, 1861.

Eds. Alta. — The following paragraph, referring to the Settlers' vote of this county, I cut from the columns of your paper of the 5th inst. "In Santa Clara county the contest is close between Stanford and McConnell. Last year Lincoln had 1,463, Douglas 881, Breckinridge 723, and 111. The result, this year, shows that the Settlers, many of whom voted for Lincoln last year, have generally gone for McConnell." The Settlers here feel that great injustice has been done them by publishing a statement so wholly unfounded in truth and in fact. The Settler vote of Santa Clara county was cast for Leland Stanford. And it is so understood here, and every man in this county who has any [acquaintance] with them as a class knows them to be Unionloving citizens, and under no consideration could they be induced to vote for any man or set of men tainted with secession or disunion sentiments. The overwhelming Republican majority in this county ought to [satisfy] doubting minds as to where their vote was cast. R. B. Hall. The 17. 8. Stall at Fault. Meant*! S'pt- «i ' s *lEds. Alta : The eject of thil letter ii to inform you we hare not received a copy of the Alia for the last week, and previous to this, during the summer, very frequently we would not get more than four copies per week— and then would get two or three copies at • time. Can not you see to this ? We miai your paper very much. Shbry A Psrby. [The Daily Alto ii mailed regularly to the address of " Sperry & Perry, Murphy's, Cal." The fault Is in the U. S. mail.— Eds. Alta.] County Orrici&g » Sa» Matio.— The candidates of the People's Party, made np of Republicans and Democrats, for the county offices of San Mateo county, were all elected. The following is a list : Attorney, Charles N*. Fox ; Clerk, B. G. Lathrop; Sheriff, Silas H. Bowman ; Tax Collector, Win. A. Clark ; Assessor, Solomon H. Snyder; Treasurer, Burns John; Surveyor, A. S. Easton ; Coroner, L. S. Stambaugh; Public Administrator, Charles Livingston. County Officers in Marin.— The Douglas and Breckinridge parties fused in Marin against the Republicans; and elected all the County officers, as follows: Sheriff, Doub; Judge, Frink; Clerk, Taylor; Attorney, Harralson; Treasurer, Dixon ; Surveyor, Easkoot; Assessor, Grinter; School Superintendent, Miller; Public Administrator, Stafford; Coroner, Clark. The Republicans elected Mr. Gordon, their candidate for the Assembly. A Good Rejoinder.— A worthy Lancashire elergrmsn was ronsed from bis sleep at five o'clock in the morning by loud talking at the side of a fish pond in hit grounds. His reverence put his night-capped head out of the window, and taw three men standing by the side of his pond. "What are you doing there?" asked he. " Fishing," said they. • • - •' But you are trespassing on my land ; you must go away." ■ . " "Go to bed again," wag the rejoinder; "your master was not in the habit of sendiog away poor fishermen." The good clergymen could, of course, only turn in again. ■ — Chaptbb or Accidbsts— On Wednesday of this week, Mr. Thos. Dougherty, of Saiaun Valley, was thrown from his horse and instantly killed. lie was on bii way to rote at the DenTerton precinct when hit horse ttombled and fell. This is the fifth accidental death in this Valley In as many months. B. Davidsoa, Chas. Burgess, Thos. Dongherty, Richard Welch and Richard- Tyre ; the three first thrown by horses, the fifth struck by a threshing machine, and the fourth drowned.— Stlano ffiraU, Ith iiut, Cor/HTT SiAT'or'SAK Vatbo.— The following votes were cast for the permanent location of the conn ty teat , or .. San Mateo County: Redwood City, 65« ; San Mateo Villa, 364 : Sin Mateo, 11 ; Belmont, 1.