Daily Alta California, Volume 19, Number 6425, 18 October 1867 — STATE ELECTION RETURNS. [ARTICLE]



Contra Costa

Mabtinkz, October 17th.—Currey's majority in Contra Costa is about 125; Swett'a about the same. Sheppard, Union nominee, is elected County Judge. Nevada. Nkvada, October 17th.—Nevada County, as far a? heard from, gives Currey 1,718; Sprague, 1,399; Swett, 1,78;;; Fitzgerald, 1..T25. A. C. Niles, (Union,) is elected County Judge. Other precinoU to hear from will inoreaso the Union majority 75 to 100. Napa. Napa October 17th.—Napa County gives 25 majority for Currey. Marln. Tomalks, Oct'iber 17th. —Carrey, 81; Sprague, 28Swett, 111; Fitzgerald, 18. San Kafaki,, October 17th.—Six precincts give Currey 21 majority and Swett 52 majority, with four precincts to hear from, which in the first election gave Gorhatn 80 majority. Los Angelea. Los Anoki.ks, Ootober 17th.—This county has gone Democratic the entire ticket by about 400 majority. Official returns not yet in. Simla Cruz. San Juan South, October 17th.—The vote of Santa Cruz County, as far as heard from (three pro cincts wanting), gives Currey 582, Sprague 410, Swett. 608 Fitzgerald 379. The three precincts named will poll 200 votes, and increase the Union majority. Fresno. Nkw Fdru, Ootober 17th.—The returns give Currey 20, Sprague 1, Swett 19, Fitzgerald 2. County Judge-Winchell, 21. District Judge—Bradford, 5. Yuba. Marysvili.e, October 17th.—Complete but unofficial returns give Sprague a majority of 15. Between Fitzgerald and Swett the vote will be still closer. BlUs (Democrat) has about 15 majority for County Judge, over Goodwin (Republican.) Sutler. Sprague's majority will be between 40 and 50, and Fitzgerald's between 50 and 60. Keyser (Dem.) is elected County Judge over Kurlburt (Rep.) by 36 majority. Han Joaquin. Stockton, October 17th.—The returns of the election come in very slowly. Thirteen preoinots, including three wards in the city, give Currey 336, and Swett 332 majority. The same iirecincts at the September eleotion gave Jones, for Lieutenant Governor, 317 majority, his majority in the oounty being 174. The average Union majority in the county will be about 200. Calaveras. San Andres, October 17th.—Returns from seventeen precinct* give Curry 75 majority; Swett, 150 majority; Republican County Judge, 160 majority. There are six precincts to hear from, which will not change these majorities. Amador. Jackson, Ootober 17th.—The full returns of Amador County show the following result: Currey, 870; Sprague, 91U; Swett, 879; Fitzgerald, 907; J. Foot Turner (Union) ejected County Judge by 499 majority. Nononta. Pktaluma, Ootober 17th.—The following are the returns of this county, so far aa known: Pktaluma.—Currey, 334; Sprague, 275; Swett, 34(1; Fitzgerald. 265. llkaldsburo.—Currey, 159; Sprague, 261; Swett, 16U; Fitzgerald. 260. Santa Rosa.—Currey, 134; Sprague, 484; Swett, 133; Fitzgerald, 477. Vallkjo.—Currey, —; Sprague, 80; Swett, —; Fitzgerald, —. Russian Riveb.—Currey, 54; Sprague, 144; Swett, 54; Fitzgerald, 140. Bodkoa.—Currey, 59; Sprague, 193; Swett. 61; Fitzgerald. 189. Skkastopol —Curroy, 119; Sprague, 118; Swett, 121; Fitzgerald. 118. Kt. Hklkna.—Currey, 5; Sprague, 26; Swett, 5; Fitz«eralii,26. Totals: Currey, 764; Sprague. 1,581; Swett, 874; Fitzgerald, 1,478.