Daily Alta California, Volume 36, Number 12374, 3 March 1884 — PERSONALS. [ARTICLE]


Mr. Samuel Mackey, of New South Walea, has a farm of 5,000,000 acres. General A. R. Lawton, Quartermaster-General of the Confederate Army, is now a Georgia lawyer. Lady Churchill, daughter of Leonard W. Jerome, is the latest appearance in photograph among the professional beauties on sale in the London shops. The Canadians hare begun to pick flaws in" Lord Lin»Jowne, their new Governor-GeneraL The first thing that they have found out is that he is not dignified enough. " Sunday Under Three Heads," a rare little tract ©£ Dickens', is being reproduced in fac-simile in London. A copy of the original edition cannot be bought for less than $50. "Sealed unto Him" is the title of a Mormon story — " founded on facts " which Mr. Joaquin Miller is about to publish. The hero is a Mormon Elder, a fanatical leader of the Danites, and the etory is a tragical one. , There is a prospect of a duel between the editor of a Paris paper and a son of Meissonier, the painter, because the paper criticised . the great artist's portrait of Mrs. Mackay, whicia she burned because she did not like it. Mrs. Gresham is a blonde. She does not care xnach for fashionable society. She is a very attractive woman, and to people she knows very well she talks easily and naturally; outwardly, however, she is cold and sarcastic. We regret to learn that Hon. A. C. Niles, formerly a Justice of the State Supreme Court, is seriously ill at Nevada City. He is at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Niles Searles. We learn that there are but slight hopes of his recovery. Mrs. Teller is a brunette, like her husband. She has lived in Washington many years, but does not •eea to get very well acquainted with society aHairs. She always impresses you as being charmingly innocent, as if it were her first winter s experience. Congressman Horr, of Michigan, who is regard3d as one of the wittiest speakers in Congress, is hhort, fat and jolly. He prepares his speeches carefully in writing and then tears ap the manuecnpt. But nnf ortunately he does not forget to deliver the speech. , A Chinese scholar in London declared the other dky that Mr. Tennyson, , when he wrote "Locksley Ball," could not have been aware of the exact nature of a Chinese cycle. A Chinese, or Cathaycycle, consists and has consisted for many centuries of sixty years. When Tennyson, however, exclaimed : Better fifty years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay," he was not saying much for Europe. Some letters of Horace Walpole, just published for the first .time, give strange pictures of the London of his day. A favorite morning diversion ■was to pass under the heads of newly-hung criminals at Temple Bar, where people made a trade of letting epy-gl&esee at a halfpenny a look. Another fh>hionable amusement was seeing prisoners flogged . at Bridewell Hospital, where men and •women, e tripped to,' the waist, were brought one by one to the whipping post.