Healdsburg Tribune, Enterprise and Scimitar, Volume 9, Number 1, 24 March 1892 — Sea weli-O rate r Nuptials. [ARTICLE]

Sea weli-O rate r Nuptials.

Emmet Sea well and Miss Ida Grater of Santa Rosa were united in marriage on Sunday, the 20th inst., at the home ot the bride’s mother. The rooms were beautifully decorated with ferns, lillies and w hite lilacs. The bride was attired in cream surah and lace with orange blossoms, while the groom, one of Santa Rosa’s most popular young lawyers, looked ns happy as a big sun flower. The bridesmaid, Miss Lon Sea well, wore a handsome cream and lace suit, and Rollo Leppo, the groomsman, was all smiles at the kisses be received. The presents were numerous and handsome, and the dinner was hometbing that will not be forgotten. There were between sevenlyflve and one hundred invited guests Those who attended from Healdsbnrg were: W. S. Dudley and wife, J. W. Seawell and family, George Seawell and family. The happy eonple left on the 5 o’clock train for San Francisco, where they will spend their honey moon, and on their return will settle in Santa Rosa. We join in in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Seawell much happiness in their journey through life.