Los Angeles Herald, Volume XL, Number 51, 31 December 1913 — F. 0. Engstrum Co. Earliest to Deliver Concrete by Gravity [ARTICLE]

F. 0. Engstrum Co. Earliest to Deliver Concrete by Gravity

The above named company enjoys in enviable record of a quarter of a century of construction work of jvery description, and is one of the argest contracting Arms in Callforila. Many of the skyscrapers in Southern California stand as endur,ng monuments of their skill. The icadquarters of the company ore on East Fifth street, extending from Seaton to Colyton streets. In connection with their main business of erecting large office buildings, warehouses, etc., F. O. Engstrum Company operate one of the largest planing mills in the city, are wholesale dealers in lumber, brick, cement, electrical and plumbing supplies and plate glass. Although making a specialty of reinforced concrete construction, the company has erected many steel frame and brick or stone buildings. They are pioneers in the use of the gravity system of delivering concrete. This system, which is known as the O-Y. Includes hoisting the. freshly mixed concrete to an elevation sufficient to permit of Its being delivered by flexible chutes to the desired point. By means of the gravity G-Y system, the erection of scaffolding Is dispensed with and much valuable time saved. The officers of the F. O. Engstrum Company are: F. O. Engstrum, president; F. E. Engstrum, vice president; H. TV. Bryson, manager, and William McKay, mill superintendent. Among the many contracts of the past year, the following are nearing completion: New electric power house and plant for the Southern California Edison company at Bong Beach, the Metropolitan building at Broadway and Fifth street, the New Hotel Rosslyn at Main and Fifth streets and the Little Theater building at Figueroa and Pico streets, Los Angeles, and a new office building at San Diego.