Los Angeles Herald, Volume XLIV, Number 198, 20 June 1919 — MW MAY HEAO OETECTIVE FORCE [ARTICLE]


Reports about the city hall today Indicated that former Sergeant I>. L, McClary, who was dismissed Oct, 1, 1917, on what he charged were "framed-up” allegations made by Sergeant William Hackett, might become captain of detectives when Capt. tleorge K. Home becomes chief of poilce. Hackett is facing trial in connection with the graft investigation, McClary at present is chief of the private detective force employed by a local bank. McClary, prior to being dropped from the department, was on the rooming house squad engaged in enforcing the rcdlight abatement act. He was credited with being an exceptionally good officer and ho always held that the charges brought against him by Sergeant Hackett had been "framed." He was alleged by Hackett to have been foun.l in the room of a woman of the underworld, and his defense was that he was in the room by appointment to secure certain Information for police use.